Joe Biden is having to swallow past criticism of Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Crown Prince, whom he had vowed to make a pariah for the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as he goes begging bowl in hand for cheaper oil for American consumers. Critics are outraged not only because Biden appears prepared to overlook the assassination of Khashoggi, MBS’s political opponent (which earned him the nickname ‘Mr Bonesaw’) but also MBS’s pursuit of the long-running, barbaric war in Yemen.
Realpolitik always involves unpleasant compromises and there’s not much of dramatic interest in this sorry state of affairs astrologically except for one oddity.
Biden has his ultra-determined and stubborn (and vengeful) Mars in Scorpio conjunct MBS’s South Node with both conjunct the Saudi Arabia’s Scorpio North Node. So there is a complicated dance of the fates going on.
I can’t think that MBS’s South Node conjunct the Saudi Arabia’s North Node makes him a progressive force for the country as he pulls it back to its autocratic worst, imprisoning and torturing relatives and opponents – shades of the back-stabbing Tudor monarchs of ye olde England. And into the middle of this trundles old Joe.
Relocating his chart to Riyadh puts JB’s Moon exactly on the Ascendant and Jupiter in the 4th close to his IC – so it is a country, despite his rhetoric, where he feels strangely comfortable. Not that he gets on with MBS, whose Mars, Mercury in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio clash badly with JB’s Scorpio Mercury, Sun, Venus. But there is a strange pull with MBS’s Venus in Leo square Pluto in tight aspect to Joe’s Taurus Moon. A complicated web of connection.
The Scorpio/Taurus Nodes are being triggered by this year’s Eclipses so all three – MBS, JB and Saudi Arabia are on alert for game-changing crises and arguments.
MBS’s Crown Prince chart 21 June 2017 6.19 am Riyadh, is labouring this year and next, with an unstable tr Pluto square Uranus and an uncertain, worrisome tr Neptune square Saturn, moving on to Neptune square the Sun by 2024/25. So his early aggressive ebullience will be muted somewhat.
I’m not all that familiar with Node crossovers but they seem to be cropping up more and more these days so worth exploring.
RE: Hunter Biden – Don’t blame Joe for his son’s sins. The son is an adult and solely responsible for his actions. Joe loves him regardless, but has never approved of Hunter’s behaviors.
Mentioned Hunter because it has always read like they use him to stick it to Joe on many occasions.
Hunter is an enormous liability for a top level politician and has been let off exceptionally lightly to date. It’s only fair to shine a spotlight on him as would happen with any other prominent family. It may be unfair at one level but it goes with the territory.
It has been rumoured that Democrats are urging Biden to not run for the 2024 election.. any thoughts Marjorie?
Not looking good for Biden at all, and now Hunter Biden explicit video found through the hacking of his Icloud account. Apparently of him arguing about the amount of coke he was getting for his money. Why would he have that on video saved in his account? Duh!!!
I guess in UK the party wouldn’t have to give him a choice and asked him to consider. They would do what they did with Boris.