Jill Biden has made it to the front cover of Vogue looking cheerful, energetic and capable with neither she nor Joe, as yet, giving any indication of the turbulence hinted at in the disruptive Inauguration chart.
She’s an odd mix with her husband, having a chatty, argumentative Sun Mars in Gemini on the focal point of a go-ahead Jupiter in Aries trine Pluto. She’s no submissive, arm-candy wife. Her Moon may be late Taurus/early Gemini.
Her Sun, maybe Moon, fall in his 7th house which is good for partnerships but her Sun Mars are conjunct his Saturn Uranus possibly her Moon as well, which will be scratchy if they are together for extended periods without the distraction of high-powered careers. Though her Moon may oppose his Sun Venus in Scorpio which will add an affectionate touch. Her Venus in Cancer is also conjunct his Jupiter which will smooth round rough edges. Her Saturn in hard-working Virgo sits in his 10th so she will keep him organised.
Their relationship chart has a confident and lucky composite Sun square Jupiter and a tied-together Saturn Pluto conjunction on the focal point of a look-on-the-bright-side mini-Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Neptune.
The Solar and Lunar Eclipses this year are impacting her Sun Mars in Gemini especially the upcoming December Sagittarius Eclipse as she makes the tricky transition into a goldfish bowl existence. There will be arguments, crises, significant turning points now and until mid 2022. Where she will start to be uncertain will be when tr Neptune opposes her Saturn from May 2022, on and off into early 2023; and she also has a calamitous Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Pluto, hitting exact late 2022/early 2023.
The strain on the Inauguration chart shows up around 2023 and 2024 with the Solar Arc Sun in a downbeat, stuck conjunction to Saturn early in 2023, followed by tr Pluto conjunct the Inauguration Sun from late March 2023 onwards, on and off till late 2024. Then Solar Arc Saturn closes the aggravated, accident-prone and explosive square to Mars and Uranus to exact in early and mid 2024.
Joe Biden’s personal chart also hints at a gathering storm through 2023/24. The Scorpio/Taurus Eclipses of 2022 will pose some challenges with a rolling disaster or two from tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint from April 2022 onwards for a year; and the pressures will mount in 2023 with confusion, indecision, vagueness with high hopes not producing results. With 2024 looking disaster strewn and again disappointing.
Kamala Harris will be under rising pressures with tr Pluto square her Libra Sun through 2022/23; with panicky-failures in 2022, a significant setback around the fall of 2023 and high uncertainty and anxiety through 2024.
The four years of the USA moving through its First Pluto Return will take its toll. The USA chart also shows 2024/25 as troublesome, accident-prone and worrisome years with the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the USA Mars and then square the USA Neptune.
See previous Post: 4 March 2020
I wish they could be a bit more middle of road, and accept the middle Americans want jobs, peaceful happy families. Protect the LGB but in a rational way, women and men who are heterosexual still need support to raise healthy kids.
Extremism from both sides can be hard to reconcile but then again compromise can be a bitter pill to swallow. There are no winners.
My astrology teacher did warn that entering a Pluto Return (which I believe will be exact for the United States in February 2022?) could mean challenging times ahead. She wasn’t kidding!
In some ways, the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius we had in December of last year was at least a breath of fresh air on the political side of things – even if it only provided temporary relief. All though, I have noticed a rise in far-left extremism with the “cancel culture,” “woke movement,” and some progressives pushing for revisionism in science. So, I do wonder if this can be attributed to the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius as well.
It does appear that the political (and social) pendulum has been oscillating between the far-left and the far-right lately….with little sign of either side letting up.
Perhaps when Pluto enters Aquarius by 2024 we’ll see things moving forward – but hopefully within reason.
Chris Romero
Jacksonville, Florida
CR: All though, I have noticed a rise in far-left extremism with the “cancel culture,” “woke movement,” and some progressives pushing for revisionism in science
That sounds like a talking point from Fox News.
@ Roderick,
Then I suggest you take a look at what other sources have to say….because it’s also one of the “talking points” of The Wall Street Journal, iconic feminist and academic Janice Raymond, and writer Coleman Hughes – all respectable and reputable sources. There are others I could list, but I’ll leave it there for now.
This seems health related. Harris taking on more responsibility as a result perhaps.
Sounds like nothing but misery for my country.
I’m so over it all. We have suffered enough with the crazy trumpers and the likes of the republicans going off the rails.
Why can’t we catch a break and get back to some decency?
These are troubling times. Slowly but surely the Trumpers are falling into the ditch on the road of life but it does take time. Pluto and t he out er planets are not fast movers. But y’all know that already. I suspect the founding fathers during the Revolutionary war also wanted a quick end to “bad times”.
@ JM Humphrey,
Tell me about it! I have dual-citizenship (Spain and U.S.) and I’ve been entertaining the thought of leaving the U.S. for sometime now. The far-right, QAnon conspiracy theorist Trump people AND the far-left “woke” and “guilt-ridden” people are all getting my nerves to no end.
President Biden (who I voted for) has been a blessing…..but he’s been like a band-aid trying to cover a massive wound. The political and social environment in this country is a hot mess.