Jerry & Rupert – you couldn’t make it up

The odd couple have made it into The Times engagement column. Unkindly, though aptly, dubbed the Beauty and the Beast, the blonde, leggy Jerry Hall, Mick Jagger’s ex, is to marry mogul Rupert Murdoch. They have hit it off recently and after a four month romance are heading up the altar sharpish by the sound of it.

Murdoch, 11 March 1931 11.55pm Melbourne, Australia, is a Sun Pisces, Moon Sagittarius, Venus in Aquarius with a fearsomely confident Jupiter Pluto in Cancer opposition Saturn square Uranus North Node in Aries. Jerry Hall, 2 July 1956, Texas, USA, is a Sun Cancer, Moon probably Aries, Venus in Gemini and a similarly confident Jupiter Pluto in Leo.

Despite their age gap of 25 years, they do have good cross-overs on their charts. Her Cancer Sun is exactly conjunct his 7th house Jupiter so they do suit each other.  Both have Venus in an Air sign and a Fire sign Moon so they will understand the other’s emotional approach.

Where it may get stickier is her Mars in Pisces conjunct his 4th house Sun Mercury IC – maybe arguments at home or some ruffled feathers in his family. Plus her freedom-loving Uranus is conjunct his excitable and possessive 8th house Mars – and that could cause fireworks. And, of course, his 4th house Uranus in Aries squares her Sun – which again suggests domestic/family upsets.

Their relationship chart has a ‘power-couple’ composite Jupiter Pluto conjunction on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to a Uranus trine Neptune. Together they will boost each other’s morale and possibly push each other over the top. There’s a sparky-attraction composite Sun Mars which may square the composite Moon – that will bring an initial attraction but could get argumentative. Plus a stabilising composite Saturn trine Venus.

Of the children, James seems least enamoured with his new stepmother-to-be with some aggravations coming through the next two years between them.

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