Japan is facing the upheaval of a new prime minister in the midst of the pandemic crisis with the resignation for health reasons of Shinzo Abe, the country’s longest serving PM. His replacement will be voted in by mid September. The powerful chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga is the frontrunner.
Shinzo Abe, 21 September 1954, has suffered for many years from ulcerative colitis. He has a Virgo Sun sextile a lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer which in turn squares Neptune. He’s also got an obsessively conscientious Saturn Venus in Scorpio in a hard-edged trine to Mars North Node in Capricorn. He had a dead-halt blockage from Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Mars in recent months as well as tr Saturn opposition his Jupiter Uranus more recently sapping his enthusiasm. Plus a jolting tr Uranus opposition his Saturn. Not a good year for him.
The new prime minister will face a raft of challenges from coronavirus to a tanking economy.
Yoshihide Suga, 6 December 1948, has no indications on his chart (without a birth time) of an immediate triumph though it will be a daunting prospect ahead if he does get it. He’s an ambitious and influential Sun Mercury in Sagittarius trine Pluto, sextile Neptune – with perhaps a Half Grand Sextile from an Aquarius Moon opposition Pluto trine Neptune and sextile Sun. He’s also got a business-like and capable Earth Grand Trine of a go-ahead Mars Jupiter in Capricorn trine Saturn in workaholic Virgo trine a Taurus Node, with Jupiter opposition Uranus, making innovative Uranus the driving planet.
His life is certainly in the midst of an upheaval exactly now and once through a fairly disastrous few weeks over New Year, he’s into a more confident patch from late January onwards. Though it’ll be an uphill struggle at the same time for two years thereafter. He looks knocked sideways in 2022.
The Bank of Japan chart,10 October 1882, has – like most countries – got a run of obstacles to overcome with panics at the moment into 2021, setbacks and discouragement in 2022 and a general slog until Pluto changes sign, and even after, until Uranus changes sign in 2026.
The Japan country chart will equally bump along a rough road with tr Uranus square the Saturn and then Sun in 2022/23 into 2024. With 2022 being a singularly undermining year from tr Neptune conjunct the Mars as well.