Actress Jamie Lee Curtis, daughter of thespian parents once hailed as the love match of the decade, has won her first Oscar as Best Supporting Actress in the much lauded Everything Everywhere All at Once. In her thank you speech she remembered Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis fondly. Jamie Lee has had a long career littered with awards for film and TV work, prolific in the horror genre, though she never quite reached the super-star status of her parents.
Born 22 November 1958 8.37 am Los Angeles, her parents split when she was four and she grew up with her mother and a supportive stepfather, only catching up with Tony Curtis in her 20s. She spent time with him researching the family’s Hungarian ancestry; is politically active and has written several children’s books.
Jamie is a Sun Scorpio on the cusp of her hidden and creative 12th house conjunct Venus; with a Fire Grand Trine of Saturn Mercury in Sagittarius on her Ascendant trine an 8th house Uranus trine a 4th house Aries Moon. She is inspirational, opinionated and an odd mix of attention-seeking and private. Her determined Mars in Taurus sits in her performing 5th house in an adventurous opposition to Jupiter.
Tr Uranus is opposition her Jupiter exactly for this win bringing luck her way.
Her mother Janet Leigh, best known for Hitchcock’s Psycho had a long and distinguished career as well as a highly publicized marriage in the 1950s to Tony Curtis followed by a divorce ten years later. She was born 6 July 1927 2.15pm Merced, California, and had a 9th house Sun Pluto in Cancer square a 12th house Libra Moon. She also had a Fire Grand Trine of Mercury in Leo trine Jupiter Uranus in Aries trine Saturn in Sagittarius. Plus a showbizzy Mars, Neptune, Venus in Leo in her career 10th. In certain respects Jamie is like her with a strong-opinioned Pluto in the 9th, a Fire Grand Trine and Saturn in Sagittarius. Though mama was the more flamboyant of the two.
Tony Curtis, 3 June 1925 9am New York, was the son of immigrants and spoke Hungarian until the age of six. His mother was schizophrenic, as was his youngest brother. When Curtis was 8 he and another brother were put in an orphanage for a while because there was no money for food. That brother was killed four years later in a road accident. Curtis joined a neighborhood petty crime gang but was saved from a life of delinquency by being sent to a Boy Scout camp. He started acting at 16. He peaked in Some Like It Hot and Spartacus but his disastrous childhood led to six marriages, an alcohol and cocaine addiction which caused cirrhosis and eventually pulmonary lung problems from smoking. He did make it to 85 and caught up with Jamie when she was an adult. Though when he died he mentioned all five of his children in his will and left them nothing. It all went to his sixth wife. A damaged man.
He had a restless and friendly 11th house Gemini Sun and Venus in an unpredictable and erratic square to Uranus – added to Neptune conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint it would make him temperamentally unsuited to commitment. Even more troubling, he had a trapped, angry 12th house Mars Pluto in Cancer trine a 4th house Saturn in Scorpio so the trauma of his childhood would never be far from the surface.
Jamie Lee has followed her mother in having a long term stable marriage though she was alcoholic at one point. But she was clearly drawn to connecting with her father with his Venus falling conjunct her Descendant. And her 4th house Aries Moon sat in his 10th conjunct his MC. His Neptune was also conjunct her 8th house Uranus, perhaps sparking up the fascination with her forbears. Oddly Jamie’s Progressed Moon is exactly conjunct her father’s Neptune at the moment as she accepted her award – family resonances across the ether.
A Hollywood family drama.
She’s also rumoured to be intersex which is why she couldn’t bear children and was called Jamie.
Is this indicated in the chart?
So happy for her, especially when good roles for older women remain difficult to find in Hollywood. Also for Michelle Yeoh age 60.
I read both of Tony Curtis’s memoirs, just a beautiful man and so interesting.
I am genuinely pleased for her. Her comic acting skills are beyond parallel. Who can forget A Fish Called Wanda or Freaky Friday? I avoid anything in the horror genre so can say nothing about her work there. Hopefully, the ‘Oscar Curse’ will not blight her future career prospects as it has quite some notable performers in the past. I have never understood why they are all so keen to have one when for many it has led to them being left on the sidelines.
Across the ether indeed. I loved that bit.