Jackie Stallone, the mother of actor Sylvester Stallone, politely described as eccentric with a life to match, has died aged 98.
She was born 29 November 1921 at 2.52am Washington, DC with a lawyer father and was trained along with the rest of the family in gymnastics, weight lifting, and jogging by bodybuilding pioneer Charles Atlas who lived with them for a while. She became a circus trapeze artist in her teens, a hairdresser and a nightclub chorus girl; later opening a women-only gym, Barbella’s; and was a wrestling promoter in the 1980s with the TV series GLOW – the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. She did little for the reputation of astrology by becoming a celebrity psychic in the 1990s, writing books, appearing on TV and claiming to read ‘asses’ by interpreting people’s butts.
She had an energetic New Moon in Sagittarius in her financial 2nd house in a maverick square to Uranus in the performing 5th house. With an exuberant and super-determined Mars, Jupiter Saturn in Libra square Pluto. Plus an intense and upfront Venus Mercury in Scorpio. Not a lady who did anything by halves or cared if her behaviour raised eyebrows.
Charles Atlas, 30 October 1892 3am Acri, Italy, would have a strong impression on her with his Neptune Pluto in Gemini opposition her Sagittarius New Moon; and his Scorpio Sun in a free-spirited conjunction with Uranus connecting with her Scorpio planets.
[What’s intriguing is that Atlas only had one Earth sign in his chart – Venus in Virgo; and her bodybuilding son Sylvester only had one Earth – Mars in Virgo. Arnold Schwarzenegger, another over-muscled type again has only one – Moon in Capricorn. I always find that strange for some reason as if they ought to lean towards the earthy realm.]
Jackie was most proud and protective of Sylvester, one of her three children. Born 8 July 1946 7.20 pm New York, he has a Cancer Sun that sat on her Midheaven and his Jupiter in Libra was on her Ascendant. His Moon Jupiter is conjunct his Midheaven so she would have a significant effect on his career ambitions.
He has a tricky chart with his Sun in the 7th and a packed 8th house with Saturn, Mercury, Pluto and Venus there – so very intense, secretive, often feeling trapped, with a strong ancestral legacy – and a film-star’s ability to project an aura.
A five star, tin-plated whacko she may have been, but she did have an exuberantly bohemian life and a total disregard for sneers and criticism.
Hmmmmm, fascinating… Sylvester Stallone is very near GW Bush’s astrological twin.
Both men made famous by producing films of gratuitous violence. One fictional one real.
Perhaps she should have called herself an asstrologer.