Harrison Ford – back into the future



‘A narcotic spectacle of eerie and pitiless vastness’ – it could only be Blade Runner, now into a remake from the 1980s Ridley Scott/Harrison Ford sci-fi chiller. The original, now a highly acclaimed cult movie, underperformed at the box office; and the hope is that this new gargantuan, well-reviewed movie by director Denis Villeneuve, starring Ryan Gosling, will prove a commercial success, with a view to a franchise.

Harrison Ford reprises his earlier role in Blade Runner 2049, in a late appearance, making it the third of his defining roles he has revisited in the last decade – Indiana Jones, Han Solo and now Rick Deckard, the retired android hunter. His movies have made him the highest grossing actor ever.

Born 13 July 1942 11.41am Chicago, IL, he has a 10th house New Moon in Cancer, with Jupiter also in Cancer on his Midheaven, guaranteeing him a memorable and praiseworthy career. His Sun sits on the midpoint of his Jupiter and Pluto, giving him an additional boost. His Neptune conjunct his Ascendant from the 12th squares his MC and Mercury, so he’s well-endowed with the filmic touch.

He had a bad accident on the Star Wars set three years ago when his Solar Arc Saturn was approaching a conjunction to his Mars in Leo, and a couple of solo flying incidents thereafter. But he’s now clear of those; though his Solar Arc Uranus is moving close to his Mar, hitting it by 2020. He looks pressured through 2018/19 with tr Pluto opposing his New Moon; but is forging ahead confidently with his Jupiter doing its stuff in midpoints and solar arc.

Ryan Gosling, 12 Nov 1980 2.34pm London, Canada, has an intense Sun Uranus in Scorpio in the 8th; with a showbizzy Mars Neptune on his Sagittarius midheaven; and a Jupiter Saturn in Libra along with Venus in his 7th – so a serious charmer. He doesn’t look altogether enchanted over the release with tr Saturn conjunct his Venus, Mars and MC, though he’s moving into an exceptionally hard-working few years ahead and his confidence will get a boost in December.

Denis Villeneuve, the director, 3 October 1967, Canada, has a sensible New Moon in Libra opposition Saturn in self-reliant Aries; with a determined Mars in Sagittarius square Pluto Uranus in Virgo, so not scared to take risks and push for what he wants. He’s got mixed prospects with a few jolts between now and November from tr Saturn square his Pluto/Uranus midpoint, then Uranus; a high in December; will sail through 2018/19 with huge enthusiasm for new projects though some disappointments from mid year onwards with tr Neptune square his Mars.

One thought on “Harrison Ford – back into the future

  1. I enjoyed the dystopian original – even better was the director’s cut which removed the (somewhat distracting) voice-over. The abrupt ending in the director’s cut – escaping with Rachel from Deckard’s apartment – was more appropriate than the flying air car scene. The music was fantasic, of course. Wake up, time to die.

    I’m looking forward to the 2049 release.

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