Ghislaine Maxwell has lost key rulings ahead of her 29th November trial on charges of procuring underage girls to be sexually abused by Jeffrey Epstein. The judge ruled that prosecutors can refer to her accusers as “victims” and can have their identities kept anonymous.
On a list of potential expert witnesses for the defence is Elizabeth Loftus who testified at Harvey Weinstein trial that victims’ memories of sexual abuse are unreliable. But she failed to convince the jury that Annabella Sciorra’s memory of a 1990s rape by him was defective. Loftus appeared for the defence in the Ted Bundy case, trying to throw doubt on the only victim left alive who could identify him; as well as giving evidence in the OJ Simpson and Bill Cosby’s cases. Time’s Up has called Loftus’ ‘false memory’ work a ‘tool that has been used to try to discredit survivors of sexual assault for decades.’ False memory syndrome has not been ratified by the American Psychological Association and is labeled ‘controversial’ and is ‘not [an] accepted diagnostic term.’
Maxwell, 25 December 1961 3.20pm Maisons Lafitte, France, has tr Saturn poised to conjunct her Midheaven and her 10th house ‘lucky’ Jupiter as the trial opens. Saturn can begin a consolidated, hard-working peak period of several years – but it can oddly have the opposite effect of bring home chickens to roost as Saturn’s karmic kickback goes into operation. If you don’t work diligently and prepare well in the years before, hey presto you get landed with a harsh lesson. Jupiter in the 10th can be lucky but is also entitled and Saturn gives a sharp reality check when Jupiter has flown too high. Her 4th house Leo Moon is also taking a fair battering from tr Saturn in opposition and tr Uranus square until early 2022.
More significantly tr Pluto will conjunct her 9th house Saturn in Capricorn from March 2022 to late 2023 which will be a discouraging and depressing slog. In which she is not alone since Prince Andrew’s Venus Mars in late Capricorn also catch the tr Pluto conjunction in 2022/23; as does Virginia Guiffre, his accuser in the civil suit. None of them look remotely cheerful.
Loftus, 16 October 1944, is a Sun Libra with a complicated tangle of Uranus trine Neptune sextile Pluto, Saturn square Neptune and trine Mars in Scorpio; with Mars square Pluto. Influential, innovative, impatient, angry, super-determined. She looks blocked in December; in turmoil through January and worse from mid January onwards. Trapped and powerless through 2022/23.
She’s an odd match with Maxwell with Loftus Sun square Maxwell’S Saturn; and Loftus’ Saturn opposition Maxwell’s Mercury Sun. Plus a game-playing Pluto opposition Jupiter.
No one is any doubt that memory is fallible but I would have thought hauling Loftus in, given her track record of defending the indefensible could well backfire badly if she is called.
Andrew has some hearing on 4 January 2022 with his lawyers regarding the Maxwell trial. Oddly, I see both she and he have Mars/Venus conjunctions as their vocational indicators using the Sakoian & Acker method) I found a chart on Astro.com for her and thused that…..The west side of their chars are very similar having 8th house Suns/Mercury and Mars/Venus in the 7th? I find that odd, apologies if it has been mentioned previously, but now Pluto conjuncts his Mars/Venus by transit.
Some may consider Chiron as his vocational indicator as it rises in front of the Sun but personally I don’t interpret Chiron in the same role as a planet. Saturn sits exactly on his descendant now and his pr ascendant is conjunct the North Node….with transit Pluto smack on his Mars/Venus as well! he has no air planets at all – surprise – same as GM, surprisingly, who has only Jupiter in Air despite her ASC/MC air combination…..The composite chart on Astro.com shows they have a total of 6 planets in air (unbelievably) between the 1st and 5th houses….if you try it you should see how unusual it is….
It’s looking beyond difficult for him 4 January….he made a fool of himself again saying his accuser can’t sue on the grounds of jurisdiction!
Unfortunately there’s no accurate birth time which means none of us can predict with accuracy though the character is still pretty visible! Here with Aries rising, chart ruler is Mars (conjunct Venus) as her vocational indicator according to Sakoian & Acker – spot on! Six planets in earth, whatever the birth time gives clues – she is at least very physical but it could have been sports or competition of some kind….
The progressed Mars (chart ruler) is a bit past opposition to Moon/Nep, perhaps she was born a few hours earlier? but with Saturn’s advance to Jupiter and triggering that t-square, there is comeuppance very publicly…not a pretty sight. Pr Mars also will square the natal node shortly and Pluto will join Saturn by transit so there is no avoiding the consequences.
Perhaps more positivity would add a nice balance to the blogs. They tend to be written looking at the bad aspects and events in peoples lives.
A good example is the Jupiter Neptune aspect, opposition in particular, where it is always mentioned as ‘head in the clouds’ unrealistic, etc? What would be the positive take from it or what other aspect to it could make it more positive to work with? Head in the clouds always reads negative to me but what if that’s a major aspect for someone struggling to work with it? Just a thought
O dear, “head in the clouds” but ‘body incarcerated in prison’ ?? Not a positive indication in sight by the looks of it…..
“More significantly tr Pluto will conjunct her 9th house Saturn in Capricorn from March 2022 to late 2023 which will be a discouraging and depressing slog.”
Actually, it’s more like the foundations of her life being blown up. Not as gentle as a depressing slog.
Although thats not specifically the case of Pluto on Saturn, afterall Obama has it bang on and his life isnt falling apart.
Interest that Chislaine Maxwell has Mars on her Sun/Venus midpoint with Mars being on the cusp of the eight house; which is the house of sex. Neptune in the 6th in Scorpio could also blur the lines of sexual appetite. Venus/ Mercury midpoint is close to the Sun/Mars midpoint’ Interestingly with these mid-points and a Neptune in Scorpio sex and drugs could tie in with her work.
Should read interestingly Ghislaine……
If Ghislaine Maxwell is not sentenced to life behind bars there is no justice in this world.
And how anyone can defend Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein (I am adding Harvey Weinstein, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey and Donald Trump to the mix -there have been serious sexual abuse allegations about all of them for a long time that were hushed up) is beyond comprehension to me….