Christian Horner, Red Bull Formula One principal having just been cleared after an internal investigation into his behaviour towards a female colleague has been blindsided as a series of alleged messages were leaked. They were sent to 149 people involved in the sport. His wife, ex-Spice Girl Geri Halliwell is reportedly furious.
He was born 16 November 1973 and Geri 6 August 1972 2.30pm Watford, England. It is an odd match since she is a Sun, Mercury and Mars in Leo while he is a Sun and Mercury in Scorpio. Though his Leo Moon will help as will her Venus Moon in Cancer. His Saturn sitting on her Venus Moon will be a damper.
Their relationship chart has a possessive, passionate and controlling composite Sun Pluto opposition Venus and an irritable composite Mars Saturn conjunction which usually ends up with one partner gritting their teeth to make it work. There is an adventurous Jupiter square Uranus and the Venus, Sun, Pluto will make for a strong attraction. But it won’t all be plain sailing. Tr Neptune is just off the undermining square to the Saturn Mars conjunction and is aiming to square the Pluto Sun and Venus over the next two/three years so hints of disappointment abound.
He will be strong minded and stubborn with his Pluto square Saturn and trine Jupiter; with a high-adrenaline Mars opposition Uranus. But he is in charge in a super-speed sport so what can you expect?
No matter how long this drags out, it’s game over for Horner. The writing was on the wall when the story first broke.
Ok I think Geri does all the running in that relationship and I always have.
He has transiting Chiron and transiting north node sitting right on top of his natal north node at this time ..fall from grace
Leo here who has been happily married to her Scorpio man for 25 years. I have sun and moon in Leo, He has sun and moon in Scorpio. Is it perfect …no but we are definitely not cursed and no other forces that I am aware of are in charge.
As we all know other factors come in to play but it can and does work.
Just saying.
If you’re a Leo and you fall for a Scorpio, you know other forces will be in charge of the relationship. What a curse!
A very karmic relationship! I remember seeing Geri falling head over heels over this man. This relationship made her change a lot in a positive way. A Leo and a Scorpio don’t go well together. Scorpios are highly controlling and manipulative and this doesn’t suit well with egocentric Leos like Geri. If it’s karmic, there’s nothing to mourn. Lust.
Doesn’t the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction oppose his sun in April?
Yes I believe it will as that will be around 21 degrees Taurus. It will be interesting to see play out as his sun is conjunct his MC too.