The Georgia run-off elections on January 5th that could determine control of the Senate are falling foul of squabbles within the local republicans about whether there has been fraud or not. The fear is that kicking up a rumpus may deter Republican supporters coming out to vote if they swallow the Trump line about wholesale cheating since they might think there was no point.
R.Kelly Loeffler will face a challenge from D.Raphael Warnock, the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. R. David Perdue is running against D. Jon Ossoff, chief executive of a media production company.
None of the following has a time of birth so information is missing.
Kelly Loeffler, 27 November 1970, a Sun Neptune in Sagittarius, has exceptionally mixed stars. On the downside through January she has a frustratingly cornered tr Pluto square her Mars and a disastrous tr Uranus square her Mars/Saturn midpoint. But she also has a Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Jupiter and tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Pluto which would suggest success. So make of it what you will.
Raphael Warnock, 23 July 1969, is a Sun Leo in a lucky sextile to Jupiter Uranus in Libra. He’s looking marginally undermined with tr Neptune square his Venus in Gemini with more Neptune transits from late January. He’ll be in better fettle come 2024 with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter.
David Perdue, 10 December 1949, is another Sagittarius with a determined Mars Saturn in Virgo. He’s not got anything cheerful until next spring. Before then tr Neptune squares his Sun now and in January and continues on a downhill slide thereafter. Though he is on his Jupiter Return over this new Year.
Joe Ossoff, 16 February 1987, is a Sun Aquarius with a fiery Mars in Aries trine Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius. He has one minor Jupiterian up in January and is in better form from February onwards as tr Pluto sextiles his Jupiter. He’s young enough to come back another year.
Usual six and half a dozen from the astro. If I had to hazard a guess – and it would be a guess – I’d say Kelly Loeffler might make it and David Perdue might not. But on the info available it’s less than clear.
Georgia’s top election official to quarantine after wife tests positive for COVID-19
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), whose state is preparing for a hand tally of the presidential race, will voluntarily isolate himself after his wife tested positive for coronavirus.
When this question was posed, I briefly looked at Jan 5th 2021 astrology just to get the feeling of the day, and for me, it is very different from Election Days in early November. Sun will be in Capricorn, and this year, Moon in Libra, where it actually passes around midnight in Georgia. Mercury is conjunct Pluto in late Capricorn, Venus in late Sadgittarius. Saturn and Jupiter have passed to Aquarius, squaring Uranus in Taurus, but also trining Moon. Mars will pass from Aries to Taurus at the course of the day. There is only one retrograde planet in on the sky, Uranus. I think this is actually a very dynamic, forward looking chart in general, even if there is certainly tension between what has been and what’s coming.
I would not go and guess who will win and who will loose based on solely astrology. Interestingly, all the candidates except for Loeffler will have some classing “getting elected” Jupiter and/or Venus transits to their charts. But somehow, I’d say a split result is very unlikely. Either Democrats flip both seats or Republicans keep them both. It will come down to enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans. Which is why I also looked at Stacey Abrams’ chart as well, since it seems her organization has been vital in making Democrats competitive in Georgia, and you know what? She has 1′ Aquarius Venus square 26′ Aries Mars. This is just couple of days after her Mars Return. Saturn/Jupiter are on her Venus. If it was based on this alone, I’d say she will put up another good fight in Georgia before heading for greater things.
An addition: I didn’t even realize Ossoff has 27′ Aries Mars, so “tapping” into same energy as Abrams. Also, his Saturn/Uranus are close to her Sun.
Addition II: Abrams’ 1′ Aquarius Venus is part of a Yod with 1′ Sadge Mercury and 2′ Cancer Saturn. This is nice synastry with Warnock’s early Leo, early Libra (Ossoff’s Moon too, if he has a Nocturnal Chart) and early Sadgittarius.
Overall, I think Abrams has a very interesting chart. A possible Kite AND a definite Yod. She was born in the middle of Watergate, and just a couple of days after Gerald Ford was confirmed VP after Agnew got ousted for an unrelated scandal.
I am here in Georgia, and your read on Stacey is highly encouraging to say the least! Enjoying your commentary on other news items as well.
Chris, Biden’s Jupiter is at 25 Cancer. A Venus conjunction in January is an impossibility. Venus will be inconjunct Biden”s Jupiter on January 5, whcih is still favorable. Other aspects you mention are correct.
Thanks very much for doing this. You must have severe US election fatigue by now.
From a purely political standpoint, I think that Jon Ossoff has the better chance of winning. He has close relationships with GA’s black voters incl his mentor Congressmen John Lewis and Hank Johnson as well as with the Georgia State Black Caucus. Now that Dem voters have seen their effort in turning GA blue paid off, black voters especially will be very motivated to get rid of Perdue.
In terms of Astro.. your post Aug 2019 on Mitch McConnell “highly stressed December & badly sagging morale and plans collapsing late Jan 21 just after inauguration running on and off till late 2022”. I would imagine losing his majority seat would impact him. Lindsey Graham not doing great going toward either.
@ Andre,
You are correct…that was actually a typo on my part. I did mean to say “inconjunct” rather than “conjunct.” I’m glad you caught it. I did revise my original post earlier because I caught a few typos…but that one went by me.
I was typing from my smartphone and the auto-correct function has a mind of its own sometimes. LoL
Hi Marjorie,
Given that all these events will relate to a specific state, I wonder if it is worth drawing a chart for the state of Georgia.
It’s just that I can’t figure our which date to draw the chart for.
All info from Wikipedia.
The British colony of Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe on February 12, 1733
It was the 4th state to ratify the United States Constitution on January 2, 1788
The current constitution of the State of Georgia was created on 25 September 1981 and ratified on 2 November 1982.
The current constitution is the eleventh in its history (12th if you included the first Royal Charter), with new constitutions in 1776, 1777, 1790, 1798, 1861, 1865, 1868, 1877, 1945, 1976 and the current one in 1983. So quite fickle in its constitution and politics from the looks of it.
The current flag of Georgia was adopted on May 8, 2003, when it got rid of the Confederate flag from its state flag.
Is there any appropriate chart that would show all these events above and can we use that to look at what could happen on January 5th?
Marjorie, thanks so much for taking a look at this. If Democrats lose both seats, there is virtually no hope of moving any significant part of Biden’s agenda forward, though his presidency can at least normalize relationships with allies and get us back into the Paris Accord, etc. by executive order. Your comment about Kelly Loeffler’s Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Jupiter and tr Pluto square Jupiter/Pluto was interesting. I don’t know if this explanation flies, but she is worth over $100 million and survived, in fact, a scandal when she used insider information to shift her portfolio to profit from the Covid-19 crisis. It would benefit Biden if she were to lose the election but perhaps have a significant run-up in the stock market around the same time, which could be one possible explanation for her positive influences. While Americans are holding collective breath around these Senate races, another crisis popped up yesterday. Four major Pentagon figures were either fired or resigned under duress and were replaced by flunkies who are blindly loyal to Trump. One of these men actually has the power to direct all U.S. military movement. There are many whispers about the possibility that delusional extremist influences around Trump are actually fantasizing a coup. It’s scary over here. So much appreciate your posts at this fraught time.
@ Deborah,
I disagree with you about there being quote: “virtually no hope of moving any significant part of Biden’s agenda forward” if Democrats do not win one of these senate seats. You’re forgetting that even if the Republicans end up with 52 seats, they’ll still have 1 seat less than they did before the November 3rd election.
Even with 48 seats, Joe Biden could get legislation and a Supreme Court justice passed through (like if Stephen Breyer decided to retire) because he would only need 2 Republican defectors and Kamala Harris would be the tie breaker.
With 3 “moderate” Republicans (Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski) still in the U.S. Senate…this makes it difficult for Mitch McConnell to block everything. Mitt Romney has broke from his party a few times on a variety of issues…and Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have broken from the Republican Party on issues concerning healthcare and women’s reproductive rights.
Joe Biden has a strong history and a good working relationship with all 3 of these Republican senators. In fact, Biden even served in the U.S. Senate with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski in the late 1990s and early 2000s. All 3 of them even called Biden to congratulate him on winning the Presidency (something most of the other GOP senators have yet to do) and all 3 have expressed an interested in working with him.
While I don’t expect, Romney, Murkowski, and Collins to support all or even most of Biden’s legislative proposals, I do believe they’ll side with him on issues such as: healthcare, the environment, cabinet picks, and SCOTUS picks (should an opening come up).
It is not a case of peeling off three Senators in the Senate.
Firstly, the Senate Majority Leader decides what business the Senate will deal with and may be able to prevent something from even getting onto the Senate Business list. So Romney, Murkowski and Collins may not get a chance to vote on the matter as it will not even be up for debate.
Secondly, the party of the Senate Majority Leader gets a built-in majority on the Senate Committees and while who sits on which Committees is decided by an intricate structure of seniority that takes some of that power away from the Majority Leader, Senate Majority Leader assigns work to the Committees. And any business that he does not like, he could pass it to a committee without Romney, Murkowski or Collins and the Committee could kill or drastically alter that business.
So the Senate Majority Leader has a lot of powers that just having 2/3 Republican senators voting with the Democrats on an ad-hoc basis will not neutralise.
@ Unmystic Mom,
I really do not need a lecture on how the U.S. Senate process works. Everything you mentioned, I’m already aware of. For the record, even Mitch McConnell has a better relationship with Joe Biden than he did with Barack Obama (McConnell hated Obama). McConnell and Biden were able to work together in the Senate in the past…it’s absolutely possible they can do so again.
It’s not in my nature to live in a constant state of pessimism. I notice many of the people here do have a tendency to predict the worst outcomes every time a political reading has posted. Yet, these doomsday outcomes rarely manifest into the worst case scenarios that are often assumed.
@Chris, I listened to a completely unrelated podcast with leftist, “Justice Democrat” host and guest whose views usually steer to that direction too recorded just before the election, and one of the guest made exactly the same point. Biden isn’t as antagonising as Obama or Hillary, and they tracked this to coming into politics from “still very Conservative” Delaware in the late-1960’s. If Joe Biden had any Progressive ideas (and he has), he had to be patient and seek wide alliances to put them through. Astrologically, it’s his Scorpio stellium combined to Fixed Taurus Moon people somehow still fail to see due to Sadge Rising.
Hi Chris, it is scary right now. I am in Maryland. We have a good Governor, but I am 30 miles from the WH – too close. I appreciate your measured voice and reason however, so please keep posting. Just be patient with those of us who are worried, and instruct us as to what you think will really happen. DT still has the nuclear codes, and he is not going quietly. At the very least Biden will be able to clean up a mess, and maybe we can put some guard rails on our republic.
*** Revised Post ***
Thank you for writing about this. It’s interesting that you mentioned Kelly Loeffler having a better chance than David Perdue. The polling has consistently shown Loeffler in a better position…and I believe she received more votes than Perdue in the November 3rd election.
David Perdue appears to be the easier of the two Republican candidates to beat. Perdue did receive 100,000 more votes than Democrat Jon Ossoff in the November 3rd election. However, that race was still closer than the Loeffler vs Warnock one.
I don’t know if this really means much…but on January 5, 2021 (the day of the runoff elections in Georgia), Venus will be conjuncting Biden’s Jupiter. So, I would imagine he’ll be very happy that day given that this tends to be a lucky aspect. Also, Venus will trine Mars. These appear to positively aspect Biden’s Chiron and US Moon. Mars will also conjunct Biden’s Moon during that time which I would imagine could give him a boost of confidence and make him feel stronger and rejuvenated (Democrats winning at least one of those Senate seats could certainly cause such a feeling – because that means Biden would at least have 49 Democrats to work with in the Senate as opposed to 48).
Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing what happens in these runoff elections.
Chris Romero
Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.
Thank you for writing about this. It’s interesting that you mentioned Kelly Loeffler having a better chance than David Perdue. The polling has consistently shown Loeffler in a better position…and I believe she received more votes than Perdue in the November 3rd election.
David Perdue appears to be the easier of the two Republican candidates to beat. Perdue did receive 100,000 more votes than Democrat Jon Ossoff in the November 3rd election. However, that race was stiller closer than the Loeffler vs Warnock one.
I don’t know if these really means much…but on January 5, 2021 (the day of the runoff elections in Georgia), Venus will be conjuncting Biden’s Jupiter. So, I would imagine he’ll be very happy that day given that this tends to be a lucky aspect. Also, Venus will trine Mars. These appear to positively aspect Biden’s Chiron and US Moon. Mars will also conjunct Biden’s Moon during that time which I would imagine could give him a boost of confidence and make him feel stronger (Democrats winning at least one of those Senate seats could certainly cause such a feeling).
Chris Romero
Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.