George Osborne – the keys to No 10 receding


George Osborne, a not entirely popular UK Tory Cabinet Minister, is resigning his parliamentary seat (for now) to commit himself fully to his new and unlikely job of editing the London Evening Standard newspaper plus a few financial consultancies no doubt as well.

Born 23 May 1971, London, he’s a Gemini Sun conjunct Saturn in late Taurus opposition a high-finance Neptune Jupiter in Sagittarius; with a tough Saturn trine Pluto; and a wide Air Grand Trine of Saturn trine Uranus trine Mars in Aquarius – so an ideologue, a thinker, emotionally detached, sometimes given to flights of fantasy.

He’s not having a smooth ride ahead with tr Saturn square his Pluto till later this year; a few ups in 2018 courtesy of tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint though mired in confusion as well; and coming to a grinding halt by late 2019 as his Solar Arc Mars opposes his Pluto at the same time as tr Uranus makes an insecure square to his Mars. By 2021 tr Pluto is opposing his Saturn/Pluto which looks discouraging. He won’t hit his stride again until tr Pluto moves into Aquarius from 2024 onwards.

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