“One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” Discuss individual instances without resorting to violence, intemperate language or stomping off in the huff. Why is it so difficult to admit that fanatical zealots, however unpleasant and destructive, might have a reason for their actions?
Trans activists are mutilating/brainwashing gullible children and undermining vulnerable women. Anti-trans activists are inflaming hatred and putting vulnerable transgenders at risk of attack. Why is there no middle ground? Have we lost the ability for complex thinking? There is only one truth and it is OURS.
This is a thinking-in-process ramble so bear with me – or skip to the next post.
If control of one rigid viewpoint is the issue it must involve Pluto? Maybe.
Psychologically speaking, complex thinking emerges as the child realises that neither parent is perfect which is a shattering blow as the idealized idol is toppled off his/her pedestal which accompanies an inner realization that I am both good and bad myself, can be nice and can be nasty all in the one personality. For some, a mature realization is not possible so they split – one parent (support system) stays shining white and the other is all negative. In parallel, the child (even in middle age) retains an overly positive self-image which admits to no shadow – I am great and you are NOT. Projection a la Trump is the coping mechanism. I.e. blame others for that of which I am most guilty. I’m all good so any bad (shadow) must belong to you. Life is always divisive, no shades of grey. Defending a fragile ego becomes a desperate and thus violent life and death struggle to stave off psychological implosion. No quarter can be given, no admission of any chinks in the argument to allow the opposing forces to gain the upper hand.
Part of the present inability to cope with nuance might be put down to a culture in regression, not just socially but psychologically, reverting to early immature patterns. But it has probably always been thus. Peasants have been notoriously prone to conspiracy theories throughout the ages. Mob rule flared up and dominated at various times.
In societal terms, one view imposed on everyone is fascist or totalitarian. Psychoanalysts have written about its mindset as did George Orwell with his chilling insights into truth twisting and totalitarian thinking.
From a previous post
‘Underlying the trans furore of recent years is a mind control battle over language – what is allowed to be said and what will be obliterated under an avalanche of hostility if it deviates from the proscribed party line.
Pure George Orwell. He says of the Ministry of Truth in 1984 “‘Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.” The influence of language on people’s ability to think is one of the book’s most enduring themes as it focuses on the techniques of totalitarianism.
The Trumpian phenomenon of distorting reality and brain-washing true believers into the dictator’s version of ‘the truth’ was where this trend of abusing language became most noticeable. What it led to was a similarly virulent battle-to-the-death between not just opinions but two opposing mindsets, where victory for one means psychic implosion for the other. Ditto the Brexit argument – a complete inability to tolerate the other view.
So much of the transgender firefight is an argument at cross purposes. No sane or sensible person is anything other than sympathetic to people with gender dysphoria, but what appears to be at issue is the use of language. Those who have been hounded out of jobs have made statements about biology which would hardly seem inflammatory except in the present climate.’
One thought struck me contemplating psychoanalytic writings on the fascist state of mind, which seems like a leap, but bear with me. Christopher Bollas, a London analyst writes that such a state of mind “entertains no doubt or uncertainty”. Distortion of the views of opponents to render them less intelligible and credible is the first move. They have to be discredited because no separation of view is possible from the accepted one.
Janine Chasseguet Smirgel, a French analyst, echoed this thought “he who does not think as the group does is excluded, harassed, killed or declared insane.” She extended her argument, linking perversion (as in group sexual abuse of children) to such a state of mind. It is not to hand but my recollection is she talks of the regressed state of mind of such abusive perverts to involve an inversion of reality. Adults become children and children adults; and the sexes are interchangeable – girls become boys or boys girls or there is no distinction.
In the fascist state of mind the past is destroyed with a future entirely of the narcissist’s own creation. Similarly the argument that the birth sex can be wiped out and that a future is possible of the individual’s own choice might be seen as a parallel – a narcissistic grandiose delusion. And given that it is a consequence of an absolutist mindset, it is difficult/well nigh impossible to budge. Which is not to say that those with genuine gender dysphoria are deluded – I am talking of the cultural mania for 47 genders etc. A narcissistic culture (the consequence of a self-obsessed psychology in the west since Freud etc) giving wing to its arrogance and detachment from reality.
What astrology might match such a mindset? In a previous discussion Uranus Neptune was mentioned as a possible factor in the present state of intractable arguments. In particular the 1990s generation, now in their thirties, who have Uranus Neptune conjunct in Capricorn. It is a feasible argument since Uranus Neptune was in place conjunct the North Node for the birth of the worldwideweb in 1991, which has undoubtedly played a part in the ramped up, howl-round debates on various subjects, allowing group-think to run rampant. Mermaids, the UK group aggressively promoting support for transgender children and Stonewall both emerged during the Uranus Neptune conjunction in the 1990s.
George Orwell himself had a wide Neptune opposition Uranus but also a rebellious Uranus opposition Pluto so arguably he might understand its risks more than most and rebel against them. The CIA’s Mind Control obsession in the 1950s/60s ran through Uranus square Neptune. Trump has his Uranus/Neptune midpoint conjunct his Pluto and the Brexit referendum has its Uranus/Neptune midpoint square the Sun.
Uranus combined with creative, spiritual Neptune has a positive side being inspirational in art, science and social thinking, with high ideals and soaring vision. What the combination can lack is common sense. With no Earth grounding and thus no limits, it can rise to magnificent achievements; or it can foster irrational fanatical thinking, so extreme that it misleads.
Fanatical repression is part of its story with the Spanish Inquisition set up in 1478 when Uranus Neptune were conjunct in Scorpio. During the most recent conjunction, fervent beliefs leading to fanaticism were clear in the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa (death threat) against Salman Rushdie, author of The Satanic Verses, in 1989. In 1993 and 1994 two extremist cults hit the headlines: the David Koresh fundamentalist cult at Waco in Texas was besieged by the FBI, and deaths ensued; and there were multiple suicides and murders among Solar Temple cult members in Switzerland and Canada, who believed they would be reincarnated on Sirius.
Ebertin has Uranus Neptune as visionary and creative on the positive side – but also confusion, wrong ideas, onesidedness, peculiar psychic states, lack of emotional balance.
Uranus Neptune was not around for the rise of fascism in the 1920s and 30s so the absolutism of the present mindset may be more to do with a highly strung mental balance which will cling to its opinions even in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.
Apologies for an extended ramble and jumble – Uranus Neptune fits. The psychology of a narcissistic culture fits. Chasseguet Smirgel’s notion of the inversion of sexes allied to perversion or a narcissistic grandiose attempt to become self-created won’t be popular – but there might be a smidgeon of an explanation in there for some of those who have leapt on the bandwagon. .
Reading Jane’s comments on Neptune in Pisces below previous post. It won’t have helped in its tendency to dissolve boundaries – and spawn surreal beliefs. It strikes me, to add a further messy thought – that fighting against a male female labelling to be free to ‘create’ one’s own gender has in contrary fashion led to an even greater proliferation of dogmatic labelling.
Below additional comments, added onto text for ease of finding later.
Add On: More on Uranus Neptune:
From Hugh: “In the period 1907-1909 Germany was shaken by a series of scandals involving cross dressing Prussian Generals and senior figures in the Kaiser’s government. This included the trials surrounding the Eulenberg-Harden affair and the bizarre death of General Dietrich Graf von Hülsen-Haeseler on 14 November 1908 who died of a heart attack while dancing in a pink tutu in front of Kaiser Wilhelm II and assembled guests. All this happened while Neptune in Cancer was forming an opposition to Uranus in Capricorn. The fall out from the scandals is thought by some historians to have impacted the way the German military was run and ultimately to have played a role in the run up to the outbreak of the First World War.”
From Jane: “Uranus-Neptune dynamics are interesting in all this. I looked up the famous, scandalous trial of “Fanny and Stella”, or Boulton and Park, who were arrested after a secret Met Police operation, as cross-dressing gay men. They were prosecuted for enticing others to commit sodomy, and the prosecution failed.
” As the trial of ‘the Young Men in Women’s Clothes’ unfolded, Fanny and Stella’s extraordinary lives as wives and daughters, actresses and whores were revealed to an incredulous public.
With a cast of peers, politicians and prostitutes, drag queens, doctors and detectives, Fanny and Stella is a Victorian peepshow, exposing the startling underbelly of nineteenth-century London.” (Fanny and Stella, the Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England by Neil McKenna).
Uranus in Cancer was square Neptune in Aries when the trial began, 9th May, 1871. Sun conjunct Pluto , trine Mars in Virgo suggests the event’s power over the general public at the time.
By the time of a trine between Uranus in Virgo and Neptune in Taurus, the Cross-Dressing Ball, at Temperance Hall, Manchester caused a huge scandal in the autumn of 1880 – with police raids, numerous arrests, but in the end the participants were simply bound over to keep the peace, rather than going to prison as some critics would have preferred.”
Reading Jane’s comments on Neptune in Pisces below previous post. It won’t have helped in its tendency to dissolve boundaries – and spawn surreal beliefs. It strikes me, to add a further messy thought – that fighting against a male female labelling to be free to ‘create’ one’s own gender has in contrary fashion led to an even greater proliferation of dogmatic labelling.
Jane: Wrestling with Neptune in Pisces here – yes, I’m nailing jelly to the wall! However, musing on what Hugh said about Mercury I thought of Dionysus – androgynous, shape shifting, and called ‘twice born’ because in the myths he is born from his mother, who was killed, and then Zeus, his father – sewn into his father’s thigh during gestation. An Eastern god (foreign to the Greeks) of theatre, wine, and ecstasy, he was brought up as female. His mythic female followers, the Maenads, tore men and animals to pieces in fabled frenzies of worship that symbolised the adult Dionysus’ own dismemberment and subsequent rebirth at Eleusis. Dionysus is one of the dying and resurrected gods in various myths. He was worshipped in the Middle East, and according to Tacitus was once god of Jerusalem.
There is an interesting (long and dense) article by Gary Crawford (garycrawford.net) on Dionysus and Pisces which cites a number of authors who have explored the Dionysus theme – including Joseph Campbell, Liz Greene, Richard Tarnas and others.
“The many layers of duality found in Pisces can also be found in Dionysus, as Liz Greene and others have noted how he embodies concepts such as redeemer/victim, savior/devourer, yin/yang, intuition/reason, sacred/profane, creative genius/madness, and passionate love/passionate anger. Yet instead of trying to rationalize this duality, separate the concepts into a bi-polar analysis, we can remember that Dionysus is whole and embodies these concepts integrated together within his holistic self, not separated. To Liz Greene, the idea that Dionysus embodies an “ecstatic unity with natural, undying life” and a “seeking of union with the divine” that paradoxically mixes “the holy with the vicious and sadistic,” can be explained through his connection to Pisces because in the sign of the fish “these two opposites live side by side” and “each generates the other,” much like the interplay between good and evil.”
“Jane, fascinating about Dionysus. The deity was portrayed by the Ancient artists as feminine, youthful, long-haired and beardless unlike the other Olympian Gods who, with the exception of Apollo are depicted as muscular with full beard. In Euripides’s ‘Bacchae’, the deity appears as a feminine stranger, a kind of priest as the straight-laced patriarch Pentheus, a stickler for law, order and logic interrogates the god who he sees as a dangerous threat to the state. Attempts to imprison the god are futile, since Dionysus is a god and has the power to shapeshift.
Pentheus’ outlook is particularly rigid, but at the same time, there is part of him that is intrigued and fascinated by these women who are able to abandon themselves through wine, ecstasy and mania. Dionysus devises a plan in orderthat Pentheus can climb a pine tree and spy on the Bacchae and persuades Pentheus to dress as a woman, with long skirts and a wig. In fact in the play, Pentheus is quite entranced and engrossed at his own transformation, even delighted. But henceforth, Pentheus is an unknowing sacrifice. While the Bacchantes are in a state of wine-induced mania, his own mother mistakes him for a young mountain lion and the women tear his body limb from limb, decapitate him and his mother brings his head back to the palace, while still hallucinating and under the influence of the god’s power.
The shapeshifting, the mania, the ecstasy, the taking of wine as ritual as well as the fluidity of gender and the abandonment of gender roles in this myth is essentially and undoubtedly Piscean and Neptunian. As you say, it’s worth re-reading Liz Greene’s chapter on Pisces in her ‘Astrology of Fate’. But it’s also interesting that a strictly patriarchal society such as Ancient Greece was fascinated by the female experience. In the myth of the prophet Tiresias for instance: he is on Mount Cylene when he comes across two serpents copulating. He strikes the snakes with his stick and in the process offended Hera (which, let’s face it wasn’t difficult – she was rather thin-skinned!) and she turned him into a woman. As a woman Tiresias became a priestess of Hera, married and had children, but after seven years of service, Hera changed Tiresias back into a man. Both the Greeks and the Romans embellished Tiresias’s time as a woman and Tiresias becomes a kind of liminal figure, a link between man and gods, male and female, blindness and sight, the earth and the underworld, the present and the future.”
The wondrous Suzanne Moore is having a blast off –
“The latest row is over who can swim in Hampstead Ladies’ Pond, which has been open to transgender women since 2019. Some campaigners want this rule changed so that only “biological women” can use the pond. Anecdotally, I have heard women complaining about seeing naked male genitalia in the changing room or sunbathing next to “people with erections.
There is a male pond at Hampstead and a mixed one so the solution seems fairly obvious: the mixed pond is gender neutral. Why is it so urgent for some of these people to be in women’s spaces anyway?
It is clear that much of the time – and this has even been said about prisons – trans women want to be in female environments to validate their sense of identity. Other women, then, serve as facilitators of trans identity. This validation is more important than any violation of women’s boundaries.
So a Women’s Pond? Forget it. We end up with two mixed sex ponds and a man’s pond and that, ladies, is what we must now call equality.
Happy International Women’s Week, guys.”
Born female, I struggled all my life over dreadful feelings about my breast size.
I went into puberty young, my breasts grew very large, early on and I suffered for it.
I was treated horribly by teenage boys and men who took advantage of me sexually.
I was given free plastic surgery in the military, so at age 20 the first thing I did was
to get myself a breast reduction. I subsequently in my lifetime sought more breast
reduction surgery, after having a child I also had liposuction, ‘tummy tuck’, facelift,
browlift and eyelid lift.
That being said, I will never judge anyone who earnestly seeks trans surgery and
transitioning in general. In my case, I was born with Leo Virgo rising, Uranus/Mercury/Pluto
conjunct in Virgo, and a very strong Aqua Saturn squaring Neptune and opposing Sun.
I look at trans people much the way I felt about my own particular body and how I felt
about my body.
Very interesting. With Pluto in Sagittarius we expected religion to be a positive force and there to be tolerance of all spiritual practices. We got extremism. With Pluto in Capricorn we expected Business to be moral and of benefit to all, we got people gaming the systems and the money ending up with billionaires. With Pluto in Aquarius we expect tolerance of individuality but what are we getting instead… IMO the predators that game the trans debate are undermining the help needed for those who are questioning their gender. Society can be understanding of those people eccentric to cultural norms. Just to throw in an extra spanner….I wonder if some young people are remembering ‘past lives’ and when the present isn’t being so positive they sink back (Neptune) into their rememberances.
Edgar Cayce had thoughts on that – that are in alignment with yours.
Thanks to Jane, Hugh and VF for additional comments which I have added onto the main text for ease of finding later.
What I’m thinking is that the planet is supposedly becoming less and less inhabitable. When I say supposedly I just mean that I have no expertise which would tell me otherwise. It is like being on a sinking liner. We are individually powerless. In these circumstances some people will, I imagine, behave rationally – whatever on earth that might be under the circumstances. Most will scream whatever comes to hand. It seems like screaming at each other is par for the course.
Your writing on the subject is great Marjorie. Very thought provoking. I’m sorry to add nothing astrological – just a picture of how it looks to me – so many people screaming as the ship goes down.
I’m one of the world’s optimists. This too will pass and believe me it has been a great deal worse. Don’t let the panic seep in.
I am a bit more of a “realist” – what more can you expect of a Capricorn with close aspects of all the outer planets plus Saturn and the Moon?! But I assure you that having been born in London near the end of 1944 I know that good things can follow bad. I’m not a panicker. 😉
“I’m all good so any bad (shadow) must belong to you. ”
Sounds typically christian. “I’m not perfect. I’m…FORGIVEN!”
Recently reconnected…briefly…with a French teacher (a Cancer). Thru the anger and rage of her recent divorce and loss of home, I managed to glean that her son has transitioned into a teenage girl. When I met him in 2014, he seemed like the typical active little boy. How in Ned did he convince Mom that he was better off as a teen girl?
Sumpin’ going on here, folks…
@Larry what a sad story, is the child identifying with the mother and externalizing the rejection from the father plus all the fallout from the breakup, losing home and anger, cancer being tested perhaps, it sounds to me, amateur that I am, the child is trying to cope as best as possible. Their charts would give a better picture.
Obtaining charts not a likely proposition. The ex-husband is from Quebec – very proud, rebellious, arrogantly vocal, and headstrong. Manager at Microsoft. Nathalie was born/raised in Paris. I recall a social event at which he threatened people who did not comply with his “in-home rules”. I quickly left. Ten yrs after, I made the brief re-connextion.
When I was pregnant with my son there were many women that were enthusiastic and encouraging. But once he was born, not so much.
Indeed, one even actually told me that she didn’t like boys. This might explain the strange phenomena of some women dressing their sons as girls.
Indeed my own mother went into severe depression after my second brother was born, because he wasn’t a girl. Which might go somewhere to explain some of his mental health problems. Though she never tried to make him into a girl. When it comes to children, adults have a lot to answer for.
Interesting observations and research Marjorie. Quentin Crisp was quoted as saying that if minorities tried to use force to change people’s minds, the population would become afraid and rebel. This seems to be what is happening with the hard sell here. Budweiser have lost billions in boycotting. The North Face has lost million due to boycotting. There is an Irish teacher from a private school who lost his job in the summer refusing to call a boy a girl because of his Catholic values. These were not respected against the whims of a child. He continued to go to work and has now been jailed indefinitely apparently under ‘trespass’ laws?? What is happening here? A middle class child in London has challenged a school[tongue in cheek but legally] that he only identifies as a dog and anyone that challenges him, he will sue. The latter is evidence of the young generation feeling they are being manipulated by a madness. The UK Gov is tricky to understand in extremes. We had the exact opposite Section 28 where teachers could be arrested or sacked for promoting homosexuality not that long ago by ‘The Family Party’, The Tories. Now they are arresting teachers is they question promoting homosexuality. This pattern makes it clear that a 180 turn will come soon when adults who have been sterilised and sex changed by school propaganda begin suing academies and UK Gov in the next 10 years. What is this madness? Even Rishi Sunak made a statement, “Women don’t have penises” – but this goes against the rainbow trans propaganda and threats of law suits and dismissal from employment if the UK public do not say that a boy is a girl and a girl is a boy? Where is all this going to end? It is madness. The Emperor’s New Clothes. But it diverts attention from the economy which is the real problem.
I had a friend called John (now passed away). John was an extraordinary mix of masculine and feminine. He was an excellent sportsman, loved to get together with “the boys” to watch sport and he also loved women’s fashion, sometimes wore items of women’s clothing and had an ambiguous sexuality. He was well-loved by men and women. He was a perfect candidate to be labelled non-binary and yet he was John and just calling him John seemed enough.
In an odd way there was a much greater acceptance of the varieties of human experience before – I’m not sure how we ended up in such a venomous mess.
There was an obituary years back of a high ranking Brit military type, much decorated after, I think WW1, who never went into battle without wearing full make up. That was just him and everyone seemed to have been OK with it.
Terrific post, Marjorie…. an exploration with lots of questions!
In my solar chart, as a Cancer Sun, I have Capricorn in my 7th. I certainly have had many interactions with Capricorn type people. My wonderful husband is one! And my father, an Aquarian with Mercury retrograde in Capricorn (same as husband!), and also his Mars and Saturn in Capricorn.
My father’s often repeated response when faced with an opposing view was?
“I may not always be right, but I’m NEVER wrong.”. !!!!!!!
End of conversation. He lived by this!
Sure enough, I see this Shadow Capricorn over and over in friends, peers and yes, even in my wonderful husband. At its best Capricorn is seeking a kind of pure alignment, a deep personal integrity. They MUST and WILL hold to what they know to be true! They flinch at any alternate view or advice… a reactive pushing away of Authority.
The root of this response is neither good nor bad… it’s necessary for that Capricorn journey.
However, with Pluto in Capricorn all this time, and having had it square Uranus, and adding all the other planetary influences… the Shadow of Capricorn might just be this extremism? Certainly add in the Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn for an even more intense 220 volt explosion of extreme views with zero middle ground.
Like all signs, Capricorn is amazing… and… the ripple of Pluto in Capricorn opened up the Harsh Authoritarian/Tyrant who knows exactly what is right… for them and for you!!
Uranus-Neptune dynamics are interesting in all this. I looked up the famous, scandalous trial of “Fanny and Stella”, or Boulton and Park, who were arrested after a secret Met Police operation, as cross-dressing gay men. They were prosecuted for enticing others to commit sodomy, and the prosecution failed.
” As the trial of ‘the Young Men in Women’s Clothes’ unfolded, Fanny and Stella’s extraordinary lives as wives and daughters, actresses and whores were revealed to an incredulous public.
With a cast of peers, politicians and prostitutes, drag queens, doctors and detectives, Fanny and Stella is a Victorian peepshow, exposing the startling underbelly of nineteenth-century London.” (Fanny and Stella, the Young Men Who Shocked Victorian England by Neil McKenna)
Uranus in Cancer was square Neptune in Aries when the trial began, 9th May, 1871. Sun conjunct Pluto , trine Mars in Virgo suggests the event’s power over the general public at the time.
By the time of a trine between Uranus in Virgo and Neptune in Taurus, the Cross-Dressing Ball, at Temperance Hall, Manchester caused a huge scandal in the autumn of 1880 – with police raids, numerous arrests, but in the end the participants were simply bound over to keep the peace, rather than going to prison as some critics would have preferred.
In the period 1907-1909 Germany was shaken by a series of scandals involving cross dressing Prussian Generals and senior figures in the Kaiser’s government. This included the trials surrounding the Eulenberg-Harden affair and the bizarre death of General Dietrich Graf von Hülsen-Haeseler on 14 November 1914 who died of a heart attack while dancing in a pink tutu in front of Kaiser Wilhelm II and assembled guests. All this happened while Neptune in Cancer was forming an opposition to Uranus in Capricorn. The fall out from the scandals is thought by some historians to have impacted the way the German military was run and ultimately to have played a role in the run upto the outbreak of the First World War.
Apologies. There is a typo. error. The date of the death of General Dietrich Graf von Hülsen-Haeseler was on 14 November 1908
Although body dysphoria tends to take centre stage in this topic, autogynephilia seems to be the elephant in the room.
Autogynephilia is a paraphilia that involves a male’s propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female.
from my browser summarizer:
It is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism. Autogynephilia encompasses sexual arousal with cross-dressing and cross-gender expression that does not involve women’s clothing. The concept of autogynephilia defines a typology of MtF transsexualism and offers a theory of motivation for one type of MtF transsexualism.
Absolutely. That is what is driving all this – adult male paraphilias. The trans children are a fig-leaf to cover for these men and distract from the sexual nature of the whole thing. Do read ‘Trans’ by Helen Joyce, which goes into the background of this movement.
Wendy, Thanks for the Helen Joyce recommendation. Just got it and read first three chapters. Is amazingly clear, concise and damning of the ‘movement.’
Will revert with another post when finished.
Brilliant piece Majorie, absolutely brilliant!
Pamela, with you on this one as I can’t decipher the complex reasons on the subject, let alone realise that whatever viewpoint people follow, is THE only right answer! I feel more like a jaded 15 yr old whose head has been the target of My Reality than living in a world where people acknowledge truth, which is out there, but also categorise and distort an honest opinion……..and be mocked, at least.
@Pamela–“keeping quiet” is wise advice.
Also, being surrounded by intolerance on all sides and from both extremes, I have been forced to examine my own beliefs and confront my previously unconscious prejudices–painful at times, but necessary. Practicing goodwill towards all while remaining tethered to reality seems to be the only way forward that has a chance of leading to positive outcomes. It sounds so simple, but in practice it can be quite hard–unless you’re a hermit, and probably even then.
When I was a CASA advocate, the kiddo I was assigned to was 8-9 years old and had suffered tremendous horrible abuse. It was very bad. This boy wanted to wear what one would consider “slutty” dresses, like his mom wore. He was placed in foster care with a very kind gay man who was kind of perfect for this child. What wasn’t perfect was the caseworker; obsessed with gender transition of this traumatized kid – at 9 years old! She (excuse me, they) are gender (?) fluid or neutral and so they (the caseworker) felt that it was important to explore gender transitioning in this very troubled male child. I believed this was the incorrect route to go with him, but I was overruled
….what a dreadfully cold conclusion They came to…..how did/can the boy survive the ‘help’ ? beyond belief….
There needs to be a closer scrutiny of the role of Pharmaceutical Companies in this debate.
The below lines are from this article – https://genspect.org/you-had-me-at-underdog-how-the-left-fell-for-big-pharma/
“Global Market Insights predicted that the transgender drugs and surgery market alone would be worth $1.5B by 2026.Founder of the app Solace, known as RKA, has made the claim: “Our estimates place the average cost of transition at $150,000 per person. Multiply that by an estimated population of 1.4 million transgender people, we’re taking about a market in excess of $200B. That is significant. That’s larger than the entire film industry.”
“Putting aside the clear financial driver, the idea that the authentic self can be freed by drugs and surgery is the embodiment of the capitalist ideal of the ‘self-made’ man (or indeed woman). And when one asks ‘who benefits?’ the answer is clearly not ordinary people, whether they identify as consumers or live as proletarians.”
There was a Uranus-Pluto square in 1933 when Hitler was elected. It happened again in the mid-2010s when Putin invaded Crimea and eastern Ukraine and Trump entered the White House. Both times Uranus was in Aries. That explains the rise of fascism. Neptune was certainly involved in the rise of distorted thinking in our time. The Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993 was square the near-planet Eris, the goddess of discord. The recent Pluto-Uranus square had Uranus conjunct Eris and Pluto again square. Eris is very slow-moving and will remain in late Aries for some time. Saturn will be conjunct Eris later this decade as it approaches its next square to Pluto. These are much more troubled times than most astrologers expected.
I find Professor Sam Vaknin’s piece about the hijacking of social justice movements by narcissists and the narcissism of victimhood very interesting. He says;
“Social justice movements are often infiltrated by psychopaths and narcissists who rise to the top and become the public face of the movement. These individuals seek attention, power, and narcissistic supply. The movements start with legitimate grievances, but often deteriorate into identity politics and grandiosity. Left-leaning movements tend to be more entitled and grandiose, while right-leaning movements are more conspiracy-minded and psychopathic. Narcissists and psychopaths flock to these movements and become leaders, ultimately taking over the movement.”
That’s very interesting.
I really like Sam Vaknin but didn’t know he’d written about social justice movements.
It does fit- I have a close relative whose behaviour is very narcissistic, and they (and their spouse) are deeply immersed in conspiracy theories (and are seeking to get into politics).
Wow – so true. And prob the same with cults and other fundamental groups that perhaps have a pure motive initially but get hijacked.
Wow. This is an amazing post. I read about detransitioners in their words at times. Some of them were gay, but ut was easier to become a “woman” than as a son to admit to being gay. Finally fessing up to the truth and detransitioning, but owning the truth and growing in maturity. Social contagion and group think with so many teenage girls becoming ” boys” Abigail Schrier oy “The Truth Fairy” writing at length. Around 13 or 14 years old girls go through onset of menses. We are hormonal and sensitive, and who on earth as a teenager wants to go through that? It is not all fluff and pink dresses and no one ever talks about this. You get used to it, grow into it, but I think girls need transition rituals to think about themselves differently. Poor boys get sqamped by testosterone which is its no small thing, and hard to deal. Teenage transition can be difficult. Ranting, raving, screaming will never take away the reality of XY, or XX, nor will pronouns. All this is causing diagnostic problems in ER. What about cancer? For my cancer I do not have the BRC1 gene thank god, but what about this? My cancer is Estrogen Receptor positive – back to the REALITY of sex and HORMONES and menses, and I have to keep close tabs on it. Men can dress how they want as can women. A lot of this is about vulnerable overly influenced psyches, ans social media and the internet has done us no favors.
I live un the states. Dont even get me started on Trump takeover and MAGA.
I think it’s Saturnian. Mass Media has erased the boundaries in our culture and many of my friends and family are afraid of the unknown, all of them raised in the no boundaries zone, and they are attracted to anyone who seems to be stronger than they are. An authority they can trust.
Is there a 30+/- cycle?
Agreed on Saturn. Kids go through their Saturn square at age 7, and Saturn opposition at age 14 and it is a big reality sandwhich that is not fluffy, pink roses glamour and maguc – Neptune. But Neptune can deceive.
My God man YOU went there ,back to the couch? Nope, not today!
Conservative/religious were very powerful as they controlled the hopes and fears of people with god. The rational liberals were a sane bunch but there can be no cohesion too much individualism. So they can’t have the power to change things. So they have chosen the path of the other extreme. Both extremes are ridiculous. But there is no 3rd option possible. So a liberal atheist like Ayaan Hirsi Ali has chosen to convert to Christianity from atheism. She obviously can’t go back to the regressiveness of Islam. She says liberal tolerant secular stemmed from the Judeo Christian values. Not totally conservative because she is too rational. We need a 3rd option of moderation. But people want power which can only be gained by extremes. I don’t know if the general public can escape the lunacy of both sides or do we have to take sides, something like the mark of the beast, to survive
Thank you Marjorie for a fascinating article.
I find myself keeping quiet more and more as the debates rage – it seems to be the safest place to be.
Yes. Stonewall’s chart is going to be challenged by transiting Pluto next year and for some years. Plenty of discussions will take place as to what it really represents. Neptune will also sextile its Mercury and Sun as well. Either it will become more hotheaded and spend most of its time avoiding frank discussion, or it will have to put some structure to how it portrays “any genderism choice”. Like Marjorie states, most of the world really cares about people who struggle with their sexual identity in any form. It is when abstract idealism meets form, is where many people would like to know what Stonewall represents.