The fraught Aries Full Moon today is the preceding one to the Lunar Eclipse on 19th November. The Moon opposes Sun Mars and squares Pluto, so no surprises there is a challenging, frustrated, stuck mood this week.
Occasionally Lunar Eclipse events trigger on the Full Moon before or after – and given that this upcoming November Taurus Lunar Eclipse is conjunct the destructive Fixed Demon star Algol there is an understandable trepidation about what it might bring.
Looking back through all Eclipses in the 20th Century which were close to Algol what is surprising is that none had significant events on the day itself or even close to the date. And during the Eclipse-effect period there were some remarkable achievements as well as noteworthy calamities.
Queen Victoria died a few months before the 1901 Solar Eclipse conjunct Algol; President William McKinlay was assassinated a few months after; and Theodore Roosevelt died in 1919 a few months before an Algol Eclipse as well.
Pandemics and plagues appear to hang around, not surprisingly – Asian flu, Manchurian plague etc – but the Spanish flu ended on one such.
There were some horrors – the 1901 NY Stock Exchange panic; the 1919 formation of the Italian fascist party; the 1957 accidental dropping of a hydrogen bomb at Albuquerque; the Somalia military USA operation gone bad with 1000 Somalis and 18 US servicemen dead; the 2003 space shuttle Columbia disaster with 7 astronauts dead. And most Algol-ish of them all the Fred and Rosemary West child sexual abuse and murder trial in the UK in 1994 which left the country sick as a dog as the gruesome evidence emerged. The verdict was announced the day before the Algol Lunar Eclipse.
These Eclipses also saw the birth of powerfully dominating entities which would affect the culture. 1994 Amazon founded. 1976 Apple formed. 1957 Dr Seuss The Cat in the Hat launches to be the best-selling children’s book of all time. 1920 ACLU formed. 1919 League of Nations, United Artists, Save the Children Fund and the Grand Canyon National Park. 1901 JP Morgan accomplishes the first billion dollar deal. Not all positive but a hint of Algol’s creative side.
Clearly the Algol Eclipse will have the most powerful effect on charts which have planets in that degree or within a five degree orb. It’ll be worth watching France for one which has a Scorpio Mars Midheaven being rattled; and the same goes for Trump who has his Taurus Midheaven on Algol. The traditional view was that Algol was the planet of destruction, violence and mischief, had a tendency to lie and be less than honest in dealings with others.
The geographical locations which may be eclipse critical are Moscow/Russia with the Sun on the Midheaven opposition Moon Algol on the IC; as well as due south of there through Saudi Arabia, the UAE and eastern Africa.
Oddly enough, or maybe not, the Brexit June 2016 referendum chart had Mars in Scorpio opposition Algol; and David Frost the present UK negotiator has his Term chart 7th house Mars conjunct Algol as he sets about wrecking good feelings and destroying any hopes of diplomacy.
There is a side of Algol, planet of Medusa, that is hellbent on nihilistic destruction. But it was always said that it had another purpose which was to force us to face suffering and horror and not brush it aside.
In the ancient myth, Poseidon/Neptune raped Medusa, then exceptionally beautiful, on the floor of Athena’s temple in order to irritate his arch-enemy. Athena, in a fit of rage at the desecration, turned Medusa so ugly that no one could look directly at her without being turned to stone and she was banished away to the ends of the earth —- victim-blaming, maybe prompted by an underlying jealousy of her beauty.
In one version Medusa, even more horrifyingly, becomes paralysed so all that moves is her repellent snake-entwined head. Perseus manages to kill Medusa, beheading her by looking at her reflection in his shield and not directly at her. Out of her corpse springs Pegasus, the winged horse of creativity. Athena then wears Medusa’s head on her shield as a protection.
So there is a safeguarding side to Algol as well as a damaging one as well as a surge of imaginative power that emerges when the death-dealing capabilities are quelled. That only occurs when a strategy is found which allows the ugliness/horror to be faced without being destroyed by it.
Taking a step back from Medusa/Algol, the catalyst for the scenario is Neptune’s battle with Athena – the god of the oceans versus the goddess of the land. Though perhaps more aptly, the god of the watery unconscious (wherein all creativity lies) battling it out with the goddess of the conscious mind, the bringer of laws and social order. I’m not sure what is trying to be born out of the watery depths after an almighty struggle at the moment – but I travel hopefully.
Relevant Eclipses:
May 16 2003, Lunar 25 Scorpio
18 Nov 1994 Lunar 26 Taurus
3 November 1993 Solar 22 Scorpio
13 May 1976 Lunar 23 Scorpio
May 13 1957 Lunar 23 Scorpio
May 18 1920 Solar 27 Taurus
15 May 1919 Lunar 23 Scorpio
17 Nov 1910 Lunar 24 Taurus
18 May 1901 Solar 20 Taurus.
I’m writing this _after_ the lunar eclipse on Algol that was a degree from my north node in the 8th. As an astrologer I know that death does not wait for me this year, according to the charts, but was still very concerned when I had massive heart pain after a brisk walk last week and came straight home and rechecked my charts. Have I done this to myself by being so concerned about the Algol eclipse?
Concerning deformations, my son is an algol ascendant, he was born with clubbed feet. Wow.
Interesting, thank you Marjorie.
I have the Sun at 25 Scorpio and Moon at 21 Aquarius.
1993 is difficult to figure out because of the Saturn and Pluto major hits to my Sun and Moon at the time (and the cap conjunction right on my MC) – so among all that, the eclipse almost looks low key.
2003 was quite a good year for me after the rough few years preceding.
Medusa has a few themes
– objectification
– the gaze ( whether the male gaze, or general judgement/scrutiny)
– mirrors
– detachment
Historically, writers on the subject of Medusa tended to do so in a very androcentric way, i.e. Freud – and Freud being Freud saw themes in the myth such as fear of castration, penis envy and of course he would associate the “turning to stone” with the male erection. A slightly more feminist lens renders the Medusa image a little differently. And I think that is an important part of the myth – to detach oneself and see things from another view, to reflect. Perseus, armed to the teeth and with lots of supernatural help from Athena and Hermes, still only “defeats” Medusa when he looks in the mirror (shield) given to him by Athena.
I say “defeat” as Medusa remains powerful after decapitation, despite Perseus thinking that removing her from her body would defeat her. Athena recognises this and uses her head/gaze on her shield. Medusa is originally objectified for her beauty, but is “ugly” when returning the objectifying gaze (turning people to stone). The only way around this seems to be self reflection, detachment and seeing another point of view. It is said that after Medusa was cursed, her body was paralysed but for the snakes that replaced her hair. Snakes are a symbol of wisdom and acted independently of her body, representing independent thought, with a view from different angles. It is a uniquely female, creative, relational, analytical, intellectual power that is separate from the body.
For many years it was assumed that Medusa was cursed by Athena, because she was made “ugly”. But perhaps the real “curse” was to those who objectified Medusa and are now forced to confront and be objective about themselves.
This is brilliant! So insightful. Thank you Tara. May I share it with my daughter? Particularly this: “Snakes are a symbol of wisdom and acted independently of her body, representing independent thought, with a view from different angles. It is a uniquely female, creative, relational, analytical, intellectual power that is separate from the body.” This is just how she is, always well informed, always with a different, empathic, point of view. She recently bought a round mirror with two green snakes entwined around it to form the frame and I wondered why, but now I understand!
Thank you, Tara — such an interesting comment; ‘But perhaps the real “curse” was to those who objectified Medusa and are now forced to confront and be objective about themselves.’
Thank you Tara, and everyone else’s thought provoking comments too. It’s prompted me to think of the Pythia, legendary priestesses of prophecy through many centuries at the Oracle of Delphi, sacred to Apollo. This was the House of Snakes, founded on the myth of the enormous Python, child of Gaia, or Mother Earth. The Python represented wisdom, amongst other things. It’s decaying corpse was said to give off fumes that inspired the Pythia’s prophecies, when she sat over a fissure in the temple. Apollo’s caduceus has the twin serpents intertwined, symbol of medicine to this day. And then there’s the Minoan figurine of a woman or priestess grasping a snake in each hand that was found at Knossos on Crete.
The tension between the “rational” light of day – Apollo, Sun god, and the underground magic of the Pythia is similar to Perseus and Athena representing “rationality”, versus the Medusa, potent even after her death.
Finally (!), there’s a great photo of Olivia Dean, Amazon Music’s Breathrough Artist of 2021, today in the Sunday Times Style mag. Her hair has been woven into slender plaits, which are arranged in sinuous, snakey curves above her head, and adorned with flowers. It’s like a reinvention of Medusa’s snake locks. Beautiful.
Next month’s eclipse will be all over my chart. Right on my tightest square aspect.
2003 and 1994 both notable.
Oh well, life’s quiet at the moment. Maybe I’ll get through unscathed …
To add another comment: the life of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo with Algol conj. the MH pretty much expressed the energy of this fixed star. She had polio as a child which led to a deformity of her foot. At age 18 she was at medical school when a near fatal bus crash ended her studies. It was during her long recovery from devastating injuries that she started to paint. Further health issues, multiple miscarriages and botched operations on her spine made her increasingly immobile, adding to her physical, mental and emotional torment which she so vividly depicted in her arresting if not confronting paintings. Quite apart from her complex relationship with her (jealous?) husband Diego Rivera. Eventually she became essentially paralysed, bolted into a corset and tied to a chair that was intended to make it possible for her to paint. Her growing desperation and need for pain medication leading to addiction which further to a presumed overdose resulted in her untimely death. Without the bus crash she would probably not have become the renowned artist (and feminist icon) that she now is.
Donald Trump also has Algol on his MH but clearly it has played out quite differently in his life, although I do not doubt that he is in some considerable pain which drives him to be the way he is.
That’s very interesting, SuHu. I hadn’t looked at others with Algol prominent in their natal charts. Frida K is a perfect example, with all the passionate creativity, sexuality, and the immense challenges she faced.
If D Trump’s time of birth is correct, then this coming eclipse will highlight something or other (under a rock?) in his life in the coming weeks, or perhaps afterwards? Or perhaps something gets “frozen” by the Medusa’s gaze – the eclipse squares his natal Mars. Not sure how much of an effect that might have. I do think the opposition to Algol from Scorpio seems to have an effect, but a square may be less obvious.
Regarding Trump, I think it’s interesting that Liz Cheney is using her position on the committee investigating the January 6th insurrection to skewer Trump. Trump’s MC conjuncts Algol, but Cheney’s North Node is conjunct Trump’s MC so the eclipse is very much tied up with both individual’s astrology.
Definitely one to watch! So Cheney’s South Node in Scorpio is on DT’s IC. Which does sound rather karmic. Also, the Scorpio lunar eclipse next May will trigger that, and oppose Algol. Also so interesting about the Nodes, which do seem to crop up so often as sensitive points or portals.
My daughter has sun conjunct Algol in 5th. She has been asked several times to be a model for hair colourists and salons, even appearing in the national press as ‘her’ stylist reaches the final of industry competitions. She has the same thick straight hair as I do but she somehow really gets noticed. I am always amazed at the creations she gets to model. She also chooses ‘edgy’ styles for herself which some find quite confronting (people stare and I find myself laughing). More power to her…
I am Sun conjunct Algol in the 9th. And with the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius coming on December 4, I also wonder what that will mean for me as my North Node is in Sagittarius in the 3rd. It won’t be conjunct my NN but just noticed that it will be conjunct my Neptune.
So interesting, thank you. I’ve been watching this one for a while. It’s thought-provoking what you say here:
“the god of the watery unconscious (wherein all creativity lies) battling it out with the goddess of the conscious mind, the bringer of laws and social order.” It’s a yin-yang or left-brain, right-brain dynamic. Algol can be about ‘losing your head’ in an impulsive, passionate, or enraged sense.
I’m curious about the ‘Algol’ eclipses and their potential connection with the Iraq War. There was a lunar eclipse at 28 Taurus on 20th November, 2002. On 8th November, 2002, the UN Security Council passed a Resolution, part of which states that Iraq is being given the opportunity “to comply with disarmament obligations”. The Invasion phase of this war ended on 1st May, 2003. On 16th May, 2003, there was a lunar eclipse in Scorpio at 25 degrees – opposing Algol. It’s the same ‘set’ of eclipses we have now, but not the same Saros Series.
It seems this star works differently in a personal chart. Obviously there are countless people with Sun/Algol alignments. One I know, with that in the 7th, has indeed led a fairly intense, dramatic life, and is very creative. I think I may have posted before, too, that the late Princess Diana and Prince William both have Venus in Taurus conjunct Algol.
Fantastic article! I have Mercury and Pallas conjunct Algol, 3rd H, let’s see how it will work out.
Grateful for any feedback over the coming weeks/months. Always useful to know.
I’ll be watching closely as Algol is directly opposite my 1st house Mars. I’ve often wondered about this aspect but not found a great deal online about it (until this post!!).
Fascinating article, thank you Marjorie. What strange times we are living in.
Full moon happens in my 6th house, conjunct my natal mars (which squares mercury in the 9th and opposes Uranus in the 11th) – I cant login at work. Sooo…. I’ve been a few hours unable to work.
Palma Volcano came to mind whilst reading about Poseidon/Neptune. The Scorpion eclipse water/earth could manifest in the Volcano collapsing. Although it is thought unlikely this would happen. The Sun is conjunct the South Node and could mean something from the past erupts. It is not far from Africa and would be catastrophic if it imploded sending a huge wave towards New York. This has been debunked, as it is thought the Volcano would not implode, yet it has been erupting for sometime now. The Mars/Sun midpoint is in Mercury in the 9th house meaning travel, or religion. A huge bomb? Apologies for being the bringer of doom. However, Algol figures in this eclipse.
Sooo interesting, thank you!
This makes a lot of sense and definitely manifested itself in my life this morning: my downstairs neighbour’s mum just knocked at my door and shouted threats about ‘filling me in’ if I called the police on her daughters behaviour again.
I would much rather be happy in my life but this was a bit too much howrver so in tune with this full moon in Aries on my 9th (Opposing my Sun & Mercury on my 3rd & conjunct my Qiron).
Pain caused by neighbours.