Emmanuel Macron is fighting battles on several fronts in true Gallic fashion, revving up his four fiery Sagittarius planets and a 7th house Mars in Leo to fend off attacks from the Arab world, from Brussels and from his unhappy voters.
He has been pushing back, almost single-handed in the international community, against Turkish President Erdogan’s expansionist military activities in Libya and in the Armenia dispute. As a consequence he has reaped the whirlwind of an Arab boycott of French goods over his support for secularism and free speech after the Charlie Hebdo cartoon killings. His refusal to compromise over French fishing rights in UK waters – a tiny proportion of GDP for both countries – has brought him into conflict with Angela Merkel and Brussels. Though it is a politically sensitive and symbolic issue for him. And last but not least the French pandemic figures are soaring leading almost certainly to another unpopular full lockdown.
Tr Saturn is about to dip below the Capricorn Ascendant on his personal chart from mid December onwards, usually a sign of a lower profile few years ahead – though it can take a while to kick in and he’ll be aided by upbeat, lucky tr Jupiter following suit through his 1st house for the first year. His Presidency chart, 14 May 2017 11.28am shows signs of a complete turnaround from late February 2021 onwards as tr Pluto squares the 10th house Uranus and that will run for two years till the end of his term. This December’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse will also catch his Presidency Saturn as well as his personal chart so his life won’t get any more peaceful.
And from April 2021 onwards for a year or more he will have tr Saturn square tr Uranus hitting on his 7th house Mars as well as his Uranus and Moon – so the economic pressures amongst others will bear down heavily on him. His relationship with France will be even more stressed than usual from March 2021 onwards.
On the Brexit fishing climbdown he is under pressure from Angela Merkel who is looking chilly with him across into early December. His relationship chart with Boris Johnson is hostile as well as explosive at the best of times with Boris’s scattergun and overly aggressive Mars in Gemini square Macron’s Saturn in Virgo; and Boris’s slippery Neptune in a head-in-the-clouds opposition to Jupiter crossing swords with Macron’s Uranus opposition Taurus Moon square Mars. On the relationship chart there is a power-struggling composite Sun Mercury opposition Pluto Venus and a high-tension Uranus square Mars in their relationship chart. Relations between them are sagging more than usual as of now till late January; with a confused and bad-tempered dip in December up to the middle of the month – so the cliff hanger may continue or at least residual bad feelings will.
The France chart is confused and downbeat in early this December which could be the ongoing virus; with the 10th house Moon being rattled by several Eclipses from this November onwards hinting at crises in the rulership. There is strain showing on its financial Venus in two years’ time under assault from a couple of tumultuous Solar Arcs at the same time as major confusion as tr Pluto squares the Neptune. The real revolution sets in by 2023 as tr Uranus starts to square the France Pluto and Uranus and then oppose the Mars the following year. Whoever takes over the next Presidency in 2022 will have a bucking bronco of a ride.
• Man decapitated a woman and stabbed to death 2 others at a Church in French city of Nice
• Another man attacked the security guard at the French Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
• French police killed a person who threatened passerby with a knife in Avignon
France and his president are on a real nasty firestorm! Very bad from all points of view…
This is beyond horrible, and very shocking. Mars Rx is with the Moon in Aries today, against the backdrop of the Andromeda constellation. Here is one interpretation of what that might mean:
“If Mars afflicts the luminaries from Andromeda and especially if in an angle, it causes death by hanging, decapitation, crucifixion or impalement. By the Kabalists it is associated with the Hebrew letter Pé and the 17th Tarot Trump, The Stars. [Robson*, p.26.]”
This is a horrific tragedy. Jane, I noticed that Mars/Moon conjunction in Aries yesterday evening, Mars appearing quite orange and bright alongside the waxing moon. I do like to observe the planets in conjunction, where possible.
In fact the astrology of now is intense with the Sun in Scorpio approaching its exact opposition to Uranus in Taurus to be joined by the full moon on the 31st and with the Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in square to Mars retrograde. I also see that Black Moon Lilith will be moving into Taurus on the 31st. Quite a significant Halloween this year.
Yes, VF, I agree this is an intense Halloween season – I usually feel it extends out either side from the calendar date, and this year it most certainly seems to. The full Moon itself looks disruptive, although I suppose it could bring unexpected or inventive (Taurean) experiences and ideas too. I also saw the Mars/Moon in the evening sky. Visible astrology is always very satisfying somehow.
Mars Rx passing across the Andromeda constellation caught my attention when that ship with stowaways was in the news. The ship was called Andromeda.
The France 1792 chart has Saturn at 0 Taurus, where BML is now approaching. The fixed star Mirach is at 0 Taurus, again in the constellation of Andromeda. Our Halloween Moon aligns with Achird, in Cassiopeia. She’s the Ethiopian queen, and mother of Andromeda…..A bit of a theme emerges, symbolically speaking. “Sacrifice and rescue” at it’s simplest interpretation perhaps.
Oh, poor poor France. Just seen Emmanuel Macron speaking to the media on the news, it is heartbreaking. Yes, you’re right – BML went into Taurus some days ago, how spooky is that conjunction on France’s Saturn?
The Andromeda connection is one of those startling synchronicities that occur when you study Astrology, isn’t it? Cassiopeia boasted that she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs – I looked up Achird which according to Ptolemy According to Ptolemy, “is of the nature of Saturn and Venus. It is said to give haughtiness, boastfulness and exaggerated pride, but at the same time the power of commanding respect.” It is also associated by the Kabalists with the 2nd Tarot Trump “The High Priestess.”
Thanks VF, we need a “High Priestess” maybe to act as a conduit of some kind now. Something to soothe all this raging Martian energy….I can’t quite tease out all the threads in current symbolism, but it does seem startling and meaningful. Saturn in one of Venus’ signs might be a chained woman, Andromeda. Sometimes I look for patterns, and find none except the traditional astrological ones. But all of this seems resonant somehow. Truly tragic for France, for humanity, and for poor Macron – he must be deeply distressed.
Luis – would you trade France for President Two scoops, then?
Very interesting, thank you.
I wonder if you wouldnt mind having a look at Stephen Millers chart, given the article in the Guardian today?
“Trump aide Stephen Miller preparing second-term immigration blitz
The hardline adviser is said to be ready to unleash executive orders deemed too extreme for a president seeking re-election”
Had a review btwn Macron and Biden been done? Just in case Drompf really does crash and burn. Thank you!
A very interesting and complex situation to consider – thanks Marjorie. Macron’s Sun aligns with the England 1066 Uranus in Sagittarius, and squares the French Virgo Sun. His Leo Mars squares UK 1801 Mars in stubborn Taurus, and opposes England 1066 Mars in Aquarius. Quite tense and liable to sudden spats, plus perhaps some echoes of ancestral/historical events between the UK and France. What’s always a puzzle is how close our countries are to each other physically, and what a long history of migration in both directions there’s been between us. And yet there’s such antipathy too.
Interesting too what you say about 2022. It looks as if the next few years will be very uncertain ones for many locations and nations.
Its all just land from the same land mass separated by a tiny strip of water isnt it? And we have interbred and settled and married between our ruling families, owned duchies etc.
We are an absurd species.
Indeed we are! I’ve walked along the cliffs near Deal, and my phone has switched to being in France….that’s how close the coast is. I’ve forgotten the name of the ancient land bridge, but they’ve been finding all sorts of ancient animal bones in the sea where it once linked Britain to mainland Europe. I had harboured a faint hope that ancestral dna testing might show people just how complicated our ancestry usually is, and possibly that might foster a less insular attitude…..
Thank you Marjorie for reviewing the situation of Macron and France.
Do you think Macron may make an alliance with environmentalist Yannick Jadot and “France Insoumise” Mélenchon to cling to power and defeat Marine Le Pen in the 2022 elections, thereby surfing on the green wave that has swept France? (the environmentalist party and its left-wing allies won control of major cities in local elections)
I’ve often wondered about what’s the common denominator between leaders who’ve been relatively successful in this crisis. Some have mentioned gender, others political orientation, but I’m not buying it fully.
I think that in the deepest level, what leaders who’ve dealt with this successfully have in common is empathy. And for all his brilliance – I still think he is briallant -, Macron’s chart is everything but. I personally enjoy company of Sadge people, but for any heavy Sadge, to have their optimistic veneer broken, they unfortunately have to have have some rough experiences themselves, especially with a “tough” Moon position. Macron obviously has had a gilded life, and Taurus Moon is incredibly impassable at times. And, here’s a fundamental difference between Macron and Giuseppe Conte, who someone brought up in questions, and who has been protested as of late. Leo Moon is equally Fixed as Taurus Moon, but there’s that fiery element exposing it to all kind of heartbreak and possibly elevating them to “protector” status when needed. Conte channaled his Moon very efficiently in Spring, it remains to be seen how it goes this time around.