Ellen Degeneres is making light of her show finishing at the end of this her 19th season after allegations that it was a toxic place to work and ratings falling. She has said the accusations of bullying had nothing to do with her decision to go and that the show was no longer a challenge to do.
What was always fascinating about her chart is the chasm between the two sides of her personality. One is the charming, sugary-sweet Sun Venus squaring onto Jupiter Neptune, which she used to great effect in constructing a brand image of ‘niceness’. That contrasts with a sharp-edged, short-tempered, supremely ambitious Saturn Mars in the 10th trine an Aries Moon, which has its virtues in self-discipline and focus but is short on the marshmallow factor.
In some odd ways she’s not dissimilar to Boris Johnson who has a Jupiter opposition Neptune and a Sun Venus conjunction, both of which he uses to project a picture of a jovial chap, effectively camouflaging his ruthlessly assertive and competitive Mars Saturn Pluto Uranus T square.
There’s no doubt she’ll take the retreat from the spotlight badly with tr Neptune square her 10th house Saturn exactly now and through 2022 where she picks up the even more undermining tr Neptune square her Mars – with her Solar Arc Moon jangling its way in opposition to both her Saturn and Mars, since this furore blew up, until late 2022.
Her Solar Arc Pluto was in a devastating and confused conjunction to her Neptune when the allegations blew a hole in her image last year and moves to a blocked square to her Sun next year. Her Progressed Mars is exactly conjunct her Venus and opposition her Uranus at the moment for an emotionally explosive time; and tr Saturn will be rolling backwards and forwards in discouraging hard aspects to her Uranus and Sun Venus this year.
See previous post July 30 2020
So many nouveau riche people are bullies. It is almost like they consider it a perk of the job, like producers preying on actresses.
I haven’t really kept up with Ellen’s life or rise to stardom. Wasn’t really interested!
However, I did admire her courage in coming out as gay so openly way back when.
That was something.
Like me, she has Neptune conjunct Jupiter and her North Node… although all in Scorpio.
We are close in age.
When I read all these comments, that Neptune placement jumps out at me. I guess because I have it, too… although my NN is smack on my MC. Her stellium is all in the 8th house… deep and buried.
No matter Ellen’s journey… as she moves into her N. Node, that Neptune (salvation and redemption) is right there. From my experience, this wakes up a LOT of projection from others…. the Healer, the Comedian, the Boss, the Witch, the Leader.. etc. etc. Take your pick.. there are many!
You will BE what they want you to be!!
It takes a lot to learn to work with that in an honest way. To know when to use that seductive power for good rather than to manipulate. It is also crazy making because you KNOW that how you are being seen is not all of who you really are. I am sure that Ellen.. with her strong Sun/Venus square this stellium (including the square of this to the North Node!)…. has played this all ways….. for gain, probably causing pain… but also for tremendous good.
With Neptune in this placement many people will put you up on a pedestal.
And what happens next?
The pedestal is torn down, you are pulled off, and you are no longer held in that high regard.
There is a certain quality to this tearing down… it is so absolute in it’s judgment.
With her SA Pluto in the 8th and conjunct the stellium, this is the next stage.
Although one never knows the whole story, I do think Ellen has some lessons to learn here.
And.. I also know this Neptune experience very well.
Some of this is projection by the public
and now?……her fall from grace in their eyes.
I do wish her well as she sorts this all out.
It is an important time for her.
“You will be what they want you to be” … I like that comment, Sandra.
As I just said lower down, Neptune in Scorpio is the ultimate relating merger placement. I have the next iteration of Jupiter-Scorpio on (in early Sag) but it’s over in the 7th-8th so has similar effect. Met a lot of 60s women with Pluto in Virgo sextile Neptune in Scorpio who projected their ideas of how to perfect me and then got angry when they finally realised I’m happy with myself and don’t need fixing! Have been pulled off that pedestal a few times.
Self-growth must be difficult when you’re in someone like Ellen’s position. Twenty years of heading up a TV show and all the networking that goes with it, will never give you the necessary time or opportunity for self-reflection. And it’s the sort of industry where the only feedback you get is distorted.
You just have to look in her eyes when she is interviewing, especially anyone she feels competetive with, or outstripped by.
I remember one such interview some years back with Helen Mirren. It was very obvious.
Comedians can be very cutting. I’m not particularly surprised that she is difficult or bullying. She was too long doing more or less the same thing. Why don’t folk recognise when its time to leave the stage, at least for awhile? 19 years is a long time playing flaky when you’re not. I can see that she’s not liking the change but actually she should have changed her act several years ago, before the excrement hit the fan. In general I’ve always thought her a force for good, now she’s gone and tarnished it. I hope she rests, and learns.
@Anita, I believe that most comedians use comedy as a coping mechanism for pain.
I am sure that Ellen’s growing up ‘different’ in the South was very difficult and painful for her and she still has a lot of hurt and anger from that time that she still hasn’t expressed consciously, and her ‘be nice’ personality was a form of self-protection and projecting the image that she thought would allow her to be accepted by other.
I find it hard to trust people who are overly sweet and effusive. My Pluto Rising says to me “what are they trying to hide?”
Ellen has denied all these allegations which one would expect from someone with a fixed T-square on Neptune/Jupiter.
I have something similar going on. Since Uranus crossed my ascendant, I have been very aware of when being are being inauthentic or fake. The moment she issued her “It was all due to end this year anyway” statement, all I heard was smug, invulnerable, know-it-all shadow Aquarius kicking in.
Sun/Venus in Aqua squaring Neptune/Jupiter would be just horrendous when it comes to self-deception. I once knew someone with a near fixed cross – Neptune in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus square Venus in Leo (with an out of aspect Aqua moon). Plus an exact Mars/Saturn quincunx. Not dissimilar to EG’s chart. Very gooey and effusive in public, ditsy, little girl lost, but as soon as the audience departed, wow – you saw a glimpse of the shadow and it was dark and angry as hell.
I bet.
It’s a very difficult square – Neptune in Scorpio is the ultimate want-to-merge with another, Aquarius really doesn’t want anyone to get anywhere close.
I’m was never much of a fan of Ellen but after she secretly filmed and then shamed an audience member on her show for taking extra free gifts, her true colours came out in all their glory. Ellen could not hide how unimpressed she was and made sure she embarrassed this poor woman in front of the audience. Why would anyone do that? This was about three or four years ago now but since then, there have been many accusations on what she’s allegedly said and done and quite frankly, I’m likely to believe them.