A run round the Eclipses in 2021.
The Total Lunar Eclipse, a powerful Full Moon, on 26 May falls at five degrees Sagittarius/Gemini. The Sun opposition Moon squares onto Jupiter which will bring an expansive mood. Though Jupiter can overdo the exaggeration and magnify the negative as well as the positive. There will be a frustratingly stuck and high-risk Mars opposition Pluto with a slippery Neptune square Mercury and Venus, trine Mars and sextile Pluto so there will be evasiveness and confusion. Plus the ratchety unpredictable Saturn square Uranus is in place for a tussle between the old ways and reforms.
The Solar Eclipse (New Moon) following on 10th June is at nineteen degrees Gemini square Neptune with much the same ambience as the Lunar with head-in-the-clouds, evasive Neptune even more emphasised; and the aggravated and blocked Mars opposition Pluto still in place as well as Saturn square Uranus. However Bernadette Brady says of the 5 North Saros Series in which it falls that it will accompany ‘sudden flashes of ideas with a psychic or unconscious flavour, prophetic dreams’ and is a creative series that should bring a sense of enrichment with hunches proving to be accurate. It was around previously in 2003, 1985, 1967, 1949, 1931, 1913.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse on 19th November at 27 degrees Taurus/Scorpio is again square Jupiter and trine Neptune, sextile Pluto so will bring confidence and heightened ambitions. Though there is a disruptive Mars in Scorpio opposition Uranus square Saturn which will cause a few ripples.
The Total Solar Eclipse of 4 December 2021 falls at twelve degrees Sagittarius and will be square Neptune again. There’s also an emotionally charged, seductive Venus Pluto conjunction sextile Mars. Bernadette Brady says: ‘This is a very joyful, happy family of eclipses’ – good news, falling in love, a peak experience. Benefits will continue well after the eclipse has passed.
It was around before in 2003, 1985, 1967, 1949, 1931, 1913.
Eclipses are challenges to develop one area of life which will vary with each sign. Reading the ascendant sign as well as sun sign can be helpful. The Eclipse effect lingers for a few months after the due date.
ARIES: The June Solar Eclipse suggests paying attention to everyday details, getting better organised and managing your time well will avoid problems. The December Eclipse will then turn your focus on travel, adventures, big thinking and grand plans. The shift into Scorpio/Taurus for the November Lunar Eclipse is a hint of the shift coming in 2022 turning your attention to your finances.
TAURUS: The Gemini June Solar Eclipse falls in your chart area of personal finances so it won’t be a time to throw money around or spend to impress. Being pro-active about improving your situation and long-term security will be good. The December Solar Eclipse will focus on joint finances which is where you share joint responsibility with partners or with credit card companies, mortgages etc. Finding a new approach will iron out problems which means co-operating in a more flexible way. The November Lunar Eclipse in your own sign will bring relationships into focus which will be a theme for 2022.
GEMINI: This is the second year of the Gemini/Sagittarius Eclipses so a definite turning point or staging post in your life where you make up your mind what comes next and put changes in place. The June Solar Eclipse says it’s your life and needs to be your choices so you will be more independent-minded for the next few months. Then from December you’ll turn your attention to close relationships and need to be more adaptable. The November Lunar Eclipse hints that saying fit and healthy will be key which means finding time for rest and relaxation as well as improving your lifestyle choices.
CANCER: The general tenor of the Gemini and then Sagittarius Eclipse is you need to find peace of mind and then renew your determination to stay on track with your healthy living regimes. The June Gemini Eclipse in the sign before yours will bring benefits if you can explore what is hidden or lies below the surface in your life. It will be inward looking while the December Sagittarius Eclipse will focus your mind on practicalities, work and paying attention to your body’s needs. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse in November will be fun and prompt you to revitalise your social life.
LEO: The June Gemini Eclipse will prompt you to sort out your long-term plans since you’ll want to revise your aims and goals. You’ll also be keen to widen your circle of friends. The December Eclipse will find you keen on having more fun in your leisure activities and in attracting more attention and affection. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse will indicate you need to find a better balance between your head and your heart, between outer ambitions and your home life.
VIRGO: The June Gemini Eclipse at your Midheaven will find you redoubling your efforts to attract recognition and respect for your talents and achievements. It will ramp up your ambitions so it won’t be a time to hide in a corner. The December Sagittarius Eclipse will do the opposite, putting home and emotional contentment up as the priority. The Taurus November Lunar Eclipse will be communicative, with ideas spilling out left, right and centre though you’ll need to pay attention to details as well as planning for adventures.
LIBRA: The June Gemini Eclipse will set your sights higher and give you the urge to broaden your horizons in the months to come. You’ll be thinking big, communicating confidently and not worrying about too many practical details as you fly along enthusiastically. The December Eclipse will get your feet back on the ground, having to focus on everyday practicalities, manage your time well and be better organised. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse in November will turn your gaze towards your finances and prompt you to take the initiative about making yourself more secure.
SCORPIO: The June Gemini Solar Eclipse falling in the deepest, most confidential area of your chart will challenge you to alter the way you share, care, relate and co-operate over money or your emotional life. Changing the habits of a lifetime won’t be easy but you will benefit if you can. The December Sagittarius Eclipse will advise against throwing money to impress and prompt you to take the initiative to boost your security in the longer term. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse in November will bring close partnerships into focus as you negotiate changing agreements.
SAGITTARIUS: These are key eclipses for you, as were last year’s since they fall in your opposite and your own sign. The June Gemini Eclipse will suggest a need for different agreements with close partners and perhaps a hint that being more adaptable and less self-sufficient will bring you more fulfilment emotionally. In December the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse says you need to make decisions about the next few years and they will need to be your choices. You will be more independent for a few months until you get the decisions made. The November Lunar Eclipse says work and fitness need to be priorities as well.
CAPRICORN: The June Gemini Eclipse falls in your chart area of work, service to others, duty and fitness. So staying practical will be your main thrust with a need to improve your healthy-living regimes to cope with the pile of chores in front of you for a few months ahead. The December Sagittarius Eclipse hints that stepping back to sit on the side lines for a while and let others do the running around will be good. You need a chance for reflection. The Taurus November Lunar Eclipse will inject a livelier mood some of the time with more socialising in the company of friends.
AQUARIUS: A fun-loving Gemini Solar eclipse in June will send you off in search of enjoyment, entertainment and more attention. If you lack affection then you need to hand out kisses and cuddles and it’ll all come back to you. By December you’ll be widening your circle of friends and sorting out longer term plans. The November Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will give you a chance to spend more time with loved ones as well and put down roots.
PISCES: The June Gemini Eclipse at the base of your chart will find you yearning for emotional, family and domestic contentment and where you feel there are lacks in those areas taking steps to put changes in place. The December Eclipse at your midheaven will rev up your ambitions so you’ll want to have your talents and achievements recognised and make a few waves. The November Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will find you reaching out, at times, to make contact with friends and widen your circle of acquaintances.
This will go up in the normal place soon.
Thank you Marjorie. The eclipse was conjunct my MC IC, so I hope it will help to reset my home/work issues.
It was, of course, raining here in Seattle during the May 26 lunar eclipse… 🙁
Thanks Marjorie, very concise and helpful.
Thanks Marjorie, this is great! Can I ask for some more please? 🙂 Like a brief list of how they would affect each planet they aspect.
Maybe I’m just being greedy because I know you give us so much already for which I totally appreciate, so thanks again. 🙂
Thank you Marjorie!
Thanks Marjorie. I noticed today’s eclipse squares the UK 1066 Pluto (3 53′) Pisces, and the 1801 Pluto (2 43′). Jupiter is there too. Piscean healthcare and healing professions, power, and D. Cummings’ “secrets” – and/or is he full of Jupiterian hot air? Probably a mixed answer on that one.