Dubai – a desert under water ++ Solar Eclipse

Dubai and the United Arab Emirates yesterday experienced its largest rainfall event since records began 75 years ago. 254.8mm (9.7in) fell over less than 24 hours, almost double the expected annual rainfall with the monthly average for April being around 8mm. There have been rumours that the authorities had been cloud-seeding – a technique which sees aircraft fire salt flares into clouds to speed up condensation and induce rainfall but whether this could have resulted in such a catastrophic downpour is unclear – and seems unlikely.

 The UAE chart, 2 December 1971, has tr Saturn conjunct its Mars in Pisces exactly; with a heavy-duty tr Pluto trine the Saturn and conjunct the Solar Arc Sun bringing considerable challenges.

 The Dubai 9 June 1833 12 am chart, has the panicky, undermining Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the Mars exactly now. Tr Uranus moving to square the Uranus within days and tr Saturn also about to square the Gemini Sun. If the 12 am time is sound the Solar Arc Uranus is also opposition the Moon. Tr Pluto is conjunct the Neptune throughout 2023/24 for a disorienting and nerve-stretching phase.

  The 8 April Solar Eclipse set for Dubai has the accident-prone Mars Saturn conjunction on the IC with Neptune in the 4th which seems apt.

3 thoughts on “Dubai – a desert under water ++ Solar Eclipse

  1. Will the town planners review the way they build roads and add storm channels to cope with the enormous amount of water which has suddenly descended on a desert. Dubai is mainly modern and I have not read of sewage surfacing, so presumably that part of the services works well, a challenging and expensive engineering work. Can it Be Pluto and Uranus shaking up the existing mindset.

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