Dianne Feinstein, the oldest serving American senator whose ‘historic career began in tragedy and ended in controversy’ has died. She became San Francisco mayor after a 1978 assassination but recently was criticized for hanging on through prolonged bouts of ill health. She was renowned as a tenacious trailblazer, and a stalwart centrist, at times upsetting both extremes. She refused to ally herself with women’s rights groups, supported programs to fight the Aids epidemic, but vetoed domestic partnership legislation, frustrating LGBTQ+ rights activists. She was an ardent gun control advocate; and supported the death penalty. After 9/11 she investigated CIA torture as head of the powerful Senate intelligence committee and memorably faced off against the then CIA director, John Brennan.
“She was a political giant,” said California Governor Gavin Newsom.
Born 22 June 1933 12.44am San Francisco, she had a quick-witted 3rd house Cancer Sun alongside a Gemini Moon. Her Moon squared Mars in hard working Virgo in her 6th – in part a legacy of her abusive mother. She had an unconventional and innovative Uranus in her 1st house square a 4th house Venus, Pluto, Mercury in Cancer in her domestic 4th. Her childhood was described as tumultuous and she had three marriages.
What stands out is a Saturnine yod of Venus sextile Jupiter in Virgo inconjunct Saturn in Aquarius in her 11th. That demands maturity, self-discipline and responsibility to get the best of it.
Her chart keys into the USA chart with her Cancer Sun and her Pluto Mercury in Cancer connecting with the USA Mercury in Cancer opposition Pluto. It would not always be an easy relationship but she made a difference.
Nicole, read Wikipedia listing for Dianne, it explains her mothers childhood brain injury that may have caused her to be abusive.
She was a remarkable woman.
Thank you for this. As a Californian of 24 years my husband and I valued her leadership and grieved over her mental decline, long quietly discussed in the political circles I move in.
I’m fascinated by her mentally ill, abusive mother and wonder why her father didn’t protect his children better. Yes, I know — it was the era of hiding family abuse.