Deb Haaland has been sworn in as Secretary of the Interior, the first Native American to serve as a Cabinet secretary. Her remit covers the management of over 500 million acres of public land, much of which was once seized from indigenous people. It also houses the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), which services the 574 federally recognised Native tribes – as well as the 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives – in the country.
Born 2 December 1960 in Arizona, she is an enrolled member of the Laguna Pueblo of New Mexico. Her mother, a Native American, served in the US Navy and her father, was a Norwegian Minnesotan in the Marine Corps who fought in Vietnam. As a military child Deb Haaland moved frequently, became a single mother, eventually did an Indian Law degree in her forties and worked as a campaign volunteer for John Kerry and Barack Obama.
She’s a Sun Sagittarius opposition a Gemini Moon and in a determined square to Pluto North Node. With a talented Half Grand Sextile off a hard-edged. Disciplined and courageous Mars opposition Saturn (Jupiter) sextile/trine Neptune and Pluto. Plus an outspoken Mercury in Scorpio square Uranus, trine Mars and sextile Saturn Venus so she won’t be shy about making her opinion heard.
It won’t all be plain sailing (never is) but she will be singularly confused within a few months with her Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Neptune – and will have a fair few battles to fight as well as swamps to wade through with some broken promises or plans not working out along the way.
She was sworn in on Tuesday evening (no firm time), took over next day and was officially sworn in by Kamala Harris this morning at 10.30am. Whichever is the correct one, all have the Sun Venus Neptune conjunction which is charming, idealistic but maybe indecisive. There is a tough-minded Saturn trine Mars which will help and and up and down Saturn square Uranus. Not all plain sailing.
PS Additional thought. Women who have Sun Pluto in their charts often don’t come into their power until their forties, I’ve noticed in the past. They grow up feeling they have no choices and it may be the mid-life crisis of 38-42 years old which includes the tr Pluto square the natal Pluto which frees them up to be themselves.
Could Deb Haaland be the first Native American president in 2024?
I’m also Sun conjunct Pluto (and Uranus, for my sins). I definitely agree it takes longer to come into your own, and 40 was a turning point of sorts, but I’m 60, and still trying to find my way. Having Aspergers and ADHD hasn’t helped, been a massive struggle.
BTW, wonderful news about Deb Haaland. I find it strange that she is half Norwegian, she has such iconic Native American looks. In all the BLM, one group that hasnt had the coverage it deserves are the Native Americans, who are still hugely disadvantaged and marginalized. I hope that Deb Haaland is the first of many who put their amazing heritage, and deep kinship with the land and nature, to good use for all Americans.
“Additional thought. Women who have Sun Pluto in their charts often don’t come into their power until their forties, I’ve noticed in the past. They grow up feeling they have no choices and it may be the mid-life crisis of 38-42 years old which includes the tr Pluto square the natal Pluto which frees them up to be themselves.”
As a Sun conjunct Pluto woman I approve of this message. My midlife crisis manifested as going back to school when turning 40. But it:’s only now that I have a clear vision of what I want to do professionally. Earlier on, my Mercury may have kept me gainfully employed, but I’ve never stopped to think about what I actually like doing, instead of what sounds good. So, currently, I’m in process of trying to properly break into a field that feels (this isn’t completely new, at my previous employments, no matter my official role, I always ended up covering some of this) right.
Anyhow, also a small remark: A Pluto square isn’t given at midlife due to Pluto’s eccentric orbit. People born under Capricorn Pluto will only experience their Pluto square in their 70’s. Maybe medicine has advanced enough by then making their lifespan much longer, at least for the rich and resourceful. But it’s an interesting thought: Children and young people of today will be much less “touched” by Pluto than generations born in the 20th century.
“Children and young people of today will be much less “touched” by Pluto than generations born in the 20th century.“
Yes, I immediately thought of the Millennial kids who have Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn as one example. They’ve been having some hard lessons during Pluto’s transit through Capricorn.
Congratulations to Deb Haaland!
Only my personal experience, but agree with your Sun-Pluto analysis! Born with a Sun-Moon-Pluto conjunction, I didn’t begin truly asserting myself until the Pluto square (in 40s) – which of course also squared Sun and Moon. And in my chart, transited my MC/IC. Total upheaval, self-evaluation; many deaths in the immediate and extended family as well, starting with my father. Additionally, the Pluto-Moon connection (which was never easy as conjunction) now manifested as power struggles with women in authority, starting with my mother, and then successive female supervisors. (only the Pisces women, bless them, helped me survive that time). Since this is Pluto, it took years for me to undergo that difficult transformation.
(Don’t understand why there are still many astrologers who dismiss Pluto…)
Interestingly, just prior to that time period, a Tarot reader I thought I’d try on a Berkeley street warned me about people (however ‘well-meaning’) trying to get me to follow their goals instead of allowing me to pursue my own. He was spot on.
Agree to last para of Marjorie.. going thru same in my beginning now of 40s n yes troublesome mother …really Pisces women saved ..though it’s strange as Pisces being in 7h women should b enemies n men partners ..anyhow…life feels born now