George Clooney and Julia Roberts have hooked up for a feel-good movie to which reviewers have given a modulated welcome. Audiences desperate for a light-hearted break from woes and worries may lap it up when it goes on release in next month.
‘The single greatest joy of Ticket to Paradise comes from the unwavering belief that a happy future still is possible.’
‘If you’re in the mood for a great escape, you’ve basically just won the lottery.’
‘While it has little to do with the real world, it’s a seductive slice of make-believe.’
Though it would have to be said that Clooney, 6 May 1961 2.58am Lexington Manor, KY, is not in the best of times with the Eclipses rattling his Taurus Sun and an emotionally conflicted tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Moon earlier this year and again in December; with several setbacks and calamities mid October through till early 2023 from Mars midpoints. Followed by a discouraging slog through 2023/24 from tr Pluto conjunct his Saturn. Tr Uranus is also upending his Sun Mercury in 2023 and then his Progressed Mars is conjunct his Pluto by 2024 for a dead-halt. He will have moments of luck and cheer in January 2023 and more money coming his way but it’ll be 2025 and on before he heaves a sigh of relief and gets his mojo back.
Julia Roberts, 28 October 1967 12.16 am Atlanta, GA, is a private 4th house Sun Scorpio with her Sun on one leg of a spine-straightening Yod, sextile Jupiter in Virgo inconjunct Saturn. Her Saturn is also in a disciplined, hard-edged square to workaholic Mars in Capricorn in her 6th house. She’s no slouch and not a lady to mess with. The October Scorpio Solar Eclipse will conjunct her Sun which will find her at a crossroads and having to make significant changes to her life. Jupiter moving cross her Midheaven from March 2023 until May 2024 will see her on a wave of success. Though she’s also got a few humps and bumps through 2023/24; and like Clooney it’ll be 2025 when she gets into full steam ahead gear.
They make a good working pair with his Jupiter, Moon and Saturn falling in her 7th and his energising Mars falling on her Ascendant. Her Sun and Mercury fall in his 8th for a deep-connection conjunct his filmic Neptune with her ambitious Mars sits in his career 10th. Best of all her Jupiter is conjunct his Pluto for a power-couple dynamic.
Their relationship chart has a composite optimistic Moon, Jupiter, Neptune which will keep them buoyant; a hard-working Saturn in the 10th and a charming Venus in the 1st to burnish their image as an amiable couple.