Joe Biden’s honeymoon period is over before he sets foot in the White House, with a spotlight being shone on his son Hunter Biden’s finances, with a tax investigation under way and hints of a probe into possible money laundering and foreign ties. Joe’s brother James is also involved in a hospital business which is under criminal investigation. There is no suggestion that Joe Biden is implicated but the issues could be a constant distraction through his presidency until resolved.
The previous October 30 2020 post below has the detail but it would certainly explain the fraught influences on the Joe/Hunter relationship chart, picking up from late January 2021 and running for two years. Tr Pluto will conjunct the composite Mars, which will make both feel trapped and angry as well as frustrated in the extreme. Tr Neptune is also square the composite Mercury in February and again late year into early 2022, for miscommunications and evasions. And Hunter is none too popular with Jill Biden either.
Hunter’s chart indicates that late 2021 into and across 2022 is his nadir with jolts, high-tension, shocks and a sense of panicky failure.
It’s not that previous presidents haven’t had their family embarassments to contend with – Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, George Bush etc. Even our Maggie Thatcher’s son Mark. But on top of the pyramids of problems an incoming president has to face and this one in particular, it will be one straw too many. And it will stick Joe Biden between a rock and a hard place since he’ll no doubt wish to reassert the Justice Department and AG’s independence from the White House to wipe out the damage caused by Trump and William Barr’s finagling.
Post October 30 2020.
Joe Biden’s errant son Hunter continues to be the focus of right-wing attacks with a dodgy New York Post piece, disclaimed even by its own reporters – and complaints that the media are avoiding covering the story of an alleged laptop containing incriminating files for partisan reasons. A recent Republican Senate report found that his lucrative work at a Ukrainian energy firm while his father was vice-president was “problematic” and “awkward”, but found no evidence that US foreign policy was influenced. The BBC comments: “It does however detail the breadth of his connections to questionable foreign interests and business leaders in Ukraine and China – creating “criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns”. It suggests Joe Biden’s son was profiting from his family name – a potential conflict of interest that is unsavoury but not unusual in Washington’s corridors of power.”
Hunter has a known history of drink and drug abuse.
Born 4 February 1970, he is a charming Sun Venus in Aquarius, with an up and down Jupiter in Scorpio opposition Saturn in Taurus; and a volatile and reckless Mars in Aries opposition Uranus. He was injured when two years old along with his brother Beau in a car crash which killed his mother and sister. In the aftermath Joe Biden, then a young Senator, travelled home daily ninety minutes each way from Washington to ensure he was there for them.
Despite a recent gushing WPost piece about Joe’s unconditional love for his son, it is not that easy a relationship. Hunter’s Neptune is conjunct Joe’s Sun, Venus so his father will find him elusive, evasive and slippery – perhaps the drug problem also fits here. Hunter’s Saturn is conjunct Joe’s Taurus Moon for a defensive barrier. More troublesome Hunter’s Pluto sits in Joe’s 10th which does give him a capacity for damaging Joe’s reputation and /or involving him in political and profession intrigues. Hunter’s Uranus is also in Joe’s 10th which could be destabilizing.
Their relationship chart does have an affectionate and close composite Sun Venus trine Pluto and Jupiter. But there’s also a hard-edged and aggravated composite Mars trine Saturn and a Neptune square Mars, both of which suggest differing agendas and lack of mutual support on one side or the other.
What will be interesting to watch out for, astrologically speaking, is tr Pluto conjunct the composite Mars from late January 2021 onwards for two years. In the event of Biden winning, junior may well find himself hemmed in and fuming about it. If Joe loses then Hunter might get part of the blame. But one way or another it won’t all be sunshine and roses for two years ahead.