Football super league – a replay possible

The humiliating collapse of the European Super League has been hailed by fans as a victory after the main clubs pulled out after a barrage of criticism. But Florentino Perez, the Real Madrid chairman, insists the plan is not dead, merely on standby. The 12 clubs’ involved are still disenchanted with how Uefa runs the Champions League and do not think it delivers enough high-quality games in a digital media age.

The Super League clubs are adamant they could make more money from broadcast revenue than Uefa, so it would give substance to Perez’s assessment that the competition would “save football”.

[I would have to admit I know zero about football apart from a passing astonishment at the level of monies involved to employ footballers, so this background is all gleaned from media reports.]

  The breakaway teams had hoped the Super League could attract billions in revenues to replenish their finances, facing a 2 billion euro revenue hit from the pandemic. Pérez’s ambition was to use the Super League to multiply revenues for the clubs involved, locking in cash flow for a decade.   An insider said “I’m sure he [Pérez] will come back with something. “You don’t work four years on something like this and just drop it.”

  Another Spanish football boss arguing against the idea said that breakaway clubs should rethink their business models, and control their expenses which would mark a major shift for clubs that have for years increased their transfer and salary budgets for signing and retaining star players.

 Florentino Perez, 8 March 1947 11.30am Madrid, has a 10th house ambitious Mars in Pisces as well as Sun Mercury in Pisces square an innovative, rebellious Uranus. His Libra Moon Neptune is in his performing/sporting 5th house. He has a money-magnet Jupiter in Scorpio as well as a doggedly determined Saturn Pluto in Leo opposition Venus.

  At the moment he has the disruptive tr Uranus square his Pluto and tr Saturn in opposition which continues on through this year till early 2022. But he then looks in the mood for an over-confident push come later in 2022 when his Solar Arc Jupiter opposes his Pluto. Which will run into major setbacks in 2023/24 with a raft of unhelpful Solar Arcs and his Progressed Mars and Venus squaring his Saturn.

  Though that may not all be football since he’s also embarking on a plan to transform his road construction group ACS into the world’s biggest toll road operator. But one way or another all of his plans are facing major obstacles ahead.

  UEFA, 15 June 1954, despite this ‘win’ isn’t looking too cheerful with tr Neptune square the Gemini Sun from late May, on and off till early 2023. And 2022/23 also has undermining, panicky midpoint transits.  

3 thoughts on “Football super league – a replay possible

  1. “”

    Here are the listings for MLB contract values in the US.

    At the top, 29-yr old Mike Trout has a contract worth almost HALF A BILLION DOLLARS. Just to play baseball.

    The US is a country dominated by excesses. Guns, child abuse, murders, reality TV show hosts who become president, homelessness, hunger, and drugs. Yes, we gotta be the best in everything. [slightly sarcastic]

  2. The scheme was scrapped immediately, when both Sky and Amazon Prime said they had no interest in screening it. This may not be permanent.

  3. Thanks Marjorie. It’s interesting about the “control expenses” take on this – Perez has that natal Saturn opposition Venus, squaring onto the UEFA Saturn in Scorpio. The Scorpio Solar eclipse in October 2022 aligns with UEFA’s Saturn. Restrictions or the need for a budget there possibly? I think we can’t rule out legislation proposals/discussions of some kind from the government either.

    I also noticed that this May there’s a Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, conjunct Perez’ South Node. Plus the Gemini Solar eclipse in June is two degrees away from his Gemini Uranus, and the Lunar eclipse of November opposes his Jupiter in Scorpio exactly. The Sagittarius/Gemini and Taurus/Scorpio themes represent sport, duplicity, transport, money and, er, money….also perhaps some more Scorpio plotting behind the scenes?

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