SNP – Scots wha hae wi Wallace bled; Braveheart the sequel

snp33  snp 34


The two possible SNP start charts both look wildly energised, utterly determined, pushily confident, reckless and deeply frustrated in equal measure over the next three to four years.

14 Dec 1933 or 7 April 1934 are significant dates in the formation of the party. If anything, the 1933 chart looked more descriptive around the September 2014 independence referendum which they lost 45% to 55%. There was a tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Mars. Though neither are that explicit, perhaps because the 2014 referendum was just the first step in a seven year campaign, stretching to 2021.

During this phase the Mars in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Uranus opposition Jupiter of the 1933 chart are undergoing huge challenges from tr Pluto in hard aspect. So it’s going to be a real hang-onto-your-hat roller-coaster ride with great anger and bitterness expressed, fanatical, striving for power, conflict with government – it’s all there. And because that is a Cardinal Grand Cross it’s impossible to separate out what comes in which order. It’s as if the entire chart is being pounded by transformational Pluto throughout till 2021 – which as always with Pluto will attract an equal measure of resistance from those who don’t wish to see the status quo altered. And this year it is being jolted into higher gear by tr Uranus conjunct Uranus and square Pluto.

The 1934 chart is much the same with Sun Mars Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Libra, Pluto in Cancer, Moon in Capricorn – so highly restless, scattered, combative, fuelled by hatred as is the 1933 chart because of the hard Mars Pluto aspect. Both charts have an Aquarius North Node which makes them crusaders for a cause.

It won’t be the same party by the early 2020s and may have run out of steam. There will almost certainly be major internal disputes, though they can be managed by projecting the argument outwards against the Westminster government.

Alex Salmond looks slumped and disappointed in 2020 with tr Neptune conjunct his 10th house Mars, his ambitions undermined. His relationship with Nicola Sturgeon is at daggers drawn in 2021/2022.

Robert Burns’ poem will be pinned to the Saltire

Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled,
Scots, wham Bruce has aften led;
Welcome to your gory bed,
Or to victory!

Now’s the day, and now’s the hour;
See the front o’ battle lour;
See approach proud Edward’s power—
Chains and slavery!

Wha will be a traitor knave?
Wha can fill a coward’s grave!
Wha sae base as be a slave?
Let him turn and flee!

Wha for Scotland’s king and law
Freedom’s sword will strongly draw,
Freeman stand, or freeman fa’,
Let him follow me!

By oppression’s woes and pains!
By your sons in servile chains!
We will drain our dearest veins,
But they shall be free!

Lay the proud usurpers low!
Tyrants fall in every foe!
Liberty’s in every blow!—
Let us do or die!

John Byrne – his grandfather’s son



There’s an unsettling story about John Byrne, the Scottish artist and writer of Tutti Frutti, the hit television series of the 1980s that launched the careers of Robbie Coltrane and Emma Thompson; and former husband of Tilda Swinton with whom he had two children. He discovered a few years back that he is his grandfather’s son, the result of an incestuous union. His mother had a long struggle with mental illness, which he believes was brought on by her relationship with her father.

But Byrne still seems to be in denial about the damaging consequences and fairly nonchalant about it being common. He said: “That’s what they do in Ireland. I presume it’s what they do in unlettered places and lettered places. It’s traditional, and nobody speaks about it.“

Born 6 January 1940 8.10am Paisley, Scotland, he has a 1st house Capricorn Sun trine a 4th house Uranus – so an unsettled childhood; and Uranus in the 4th can suggest a non-biological parent who in his case would be his wife’s husband who brought him up and didn’t know.

More tellingly he has a Fire Grand Trine of a deeply buried Pluto in the 8th trine a Sagittarius Moon trine Mars Jupiter in Aries – so he’s certainly got inspiration and confidence and the ability to extend his influence. But an 8th house Pluto also carries the message of a dominating, controlling grandparent.

It’s lucky for John Byrne that he has so much talent and no health issues. His creative 5th Harmonic is exceptionally strong; as is his 7th Harmonic.

Bernie Sanders – cometh the moment, cometh the man

sanders  sand dt comp


Bernie Sanders is shooting up in the favourability ratings, batting back at Trump with vigour, though for some reason the Democrats don’t seem to be taking him to their hearts.

He does have his Solar Arc Sun opposition his Uranus exactly now, so however much he dislikes the new administration it’s been an opportunity for him and given him a platform. He does have a fair amount of Neptune around in transits to his Virgo Sun and Jupiter in Gemini from 2018 onwards; and a Solar Arc of Neptune square Sun in 2021, so he won’t feel he’s making the headway he wants. Though he is 75, so part of that may be energy dips. But he is battling on with confidence in 2018/19 though being overcome by insurmountable difficulties in 2019/2020 – so a mixed bag ahead.

Sander’s Mars in upfront Aries squares Trump’s Saturn which is a scratchy interface; with Sanders’ Saturn Uranus in Trump’s 10th as he attempts to talk liberal common-sense to him.

Their relationship chart has a power-struggling composite Sun Pluto Node conjunction which is conjunct the USA Leo North Node – so fighting for the soul of the United States; with an aggravated composite Mars Saturn conjunction which is being triggered this year by tr Saturn in opposition.

It’ll get more explosive in 2019 if both are still around with tr Uranus square the composite Sun.

George Osborne – a flight of over-charged ambition ** updated

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George Osborne, the former UK Chancellor until David Cameron’s exit, whereupon he was summarily dumped by Theresa May, is reinventing himself – as a superman of boundless stamina. He’s staying on as an MP, getting paid £650K a year by an investment company, and has picked up nearly £800k since July as a speaker at global events. And is now to edit the London Evening Standard – in the mornings, leaving him time for Westminster in the afternoon. That’s probably another £200k a year (which all adds up to near enough $2 million USD plus per annum). Normally editing a newspaper is more than a full-time job and he has no prior journalistic experience. And there are now squeals from other MPs saying he’s making a mockery of his MP job.

Public-school educated and one of the ‘posh boys’ he always did have an over-whelming sense of his own importance. He has an Air Grand Trine of Gemini Sun trine Uranus trine Mars in Aquarius, formed into a Kite by Sun opposition a high-finance and can-be-delusional Jupiter Neptune in Sagittarius; with his Jupiter Neptune conjunct his Mars/Pluto midpoint which will give him ruthless and supercharged ambitions.

He does look seriously over-stressed at a mental level this coming Sept/Oct with tr Pluto hitting two of his Mercury midpoints. And stuck at the moment as his exciting announcement of his new position has met with outraged criticism with tr Saturn square his Pluto. By 2021 he has his Solar Arc Mars opposition his Pluto, which is complete dead halt for a year or so.

Evgeny Lebedev, the UK-naturalised, Russian-born billionaire, co-owner of the Evening Standard with his father the oligarch Alexander Lebedev (an ex-Russian Foreign intelligence operative turned banker) has said Osborne is exactly what the readers need.

Whether that relationship stands the test of time is debatable with a composite Sun opposition Mars under heavy pressure from 2018 onwards; and even before then will be running into arguments. Osborne’s relationship with his father Alexander is even less stable with Neptunian transits hitting that composite from now onwards for two or three years. And if the owners aren’t happy – he’ll no doubt move on to pastures need and even more lucrative. Osborne has a penchant for oligarchs, having got himself into a spot of political bother some years back over a sunshine cruise with Oleg Deripaska.

Add: His relationship with Theresa May was always bad-tempered, and his dismissal brutal, so it wouldn’t be a surprise if he used his new position to get his own back, despite him being whipped in as one of her back benchers. He was/is a fervent Remainer.

Their relationship chart has an aggravated-dislike composite Mars Saturn conjunction, which is being tugged by tr Uranus in sextile from this May and throughout 2018, so sparks may fly. July/August and late Oct to early Dec this year look especially fraught with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mercury, so fierce debating and bitterness. New Year into 2018 and on has tr Saturn in a cold square to the Venus. If he lasts in his new Standard job then his parting of the ways with TMay comes in 2019 with tr Uranus square the composite Sun for a real upheaval.

Scotland – winning and losing

1034 1005


There are various charts for Scotland of which 25 March 1005 JC is one with a start time of between 11am and 12 noon. 12 noon would give a Leo Ascendant which doesn’t feel right. 11.20am puts Saturn in Cancer on the Asc which feels better; with a rebellious Uranus conjunct the MC and a feisty, combative Sun Mars in Aries in the 10th. Neptune in the 6th fits with typically bad health; and an insecure Moon in the financial 2nd; and a mutinous Pluto in the 4th. So it could be OK, but going on characteristics doesn’t always work well.

The one I prefer is 25 Nov 1034 JC 12 noon Perth, which has Jupiter Mercury Sun in much-travelled, outspoken and education-oriented Sagittarius conjunct the MC from the 9th, opposition a ‘wild’ Gemini Node square Neptune in Pisces the 1st, below an Aquarius Ascendant; With a difficult-relationship-with neighbours Saturn Uranus on the Descendant; and a frustrating, angry and martial Mars Pluto in the 12th; plus Moon in Aries in the 2nd.

My preference isn’t so much on the national characteristics as what works against major events – like Bannockburn (a win!) in 1314 and the union with England in 1707, the latter a very Saturnine event.

On this 1034 chart, the 2014 referendum happened on a Neptune Return; with tr Pluto conjunct the 1034 Mars – so hostile, bitter and blocked. At the moment Pluto is on a Return to the 1034 Pluto. Tr Uranus will move to square the Uranus Descendant in 2019 which looks like a rebellion against a relationship that feels like a burden with more upsets come 2021 as tr Uranus squares the 7th house Saturn.

If the start time is sound I wouldn’t expect true independence till the late 2020s when tr Pluto crosses the Ascendant and opposes Uranus and then Saturn. At that point tr Uranus will move round in hard aspect to Jupiter Mercury Sun Node and Neptune as well, which could be liberating and relief. So the tug of war may go on for a while.

And the other chart is no more indicative of a quick separation with a seriously stuck tr Pluto square Mars and opposition Saturn until 2023. Maybe freedom by 2027 when tr Uranus is conjunct the Jupiter.

Both charts probably have a validity but I’d reckon the 1034 is better for events.

Will & Harry – a complementary pair if they can keep it together

w h syn  w h comp  ch will comp  ch an comp


The relationship between Prince William and Harry is much closer and friendlier than between Prince Charles and Andrew, the older brothers.

Harry has a Taurus Moon conjunct Will’s 5th house Venus, so good party mates. Harry is the earthier of the pair with a Virgo Sun and Mercury, a Taurus Moon, Jupiter in Capricorn and a dutiful Saturn conjunct his MC from the 9th. And he will ultimately be the better executive material. Whereas Will only has that Venus in an earth sign, so he’s less practical and more emotional, self-protective and moody with a New Moon in Cancer. Especially since his Moon is square Mars in Libra which is conjunct Saturn – so he’s touchy, irritable and tends to flare up. His Jupiter on his MC will make him popular and respected in his later years, but he does have an overly indulgent streak. Not so much addictive as expecting everything to be handed to him on a plate with Jupiter MC trine his Sun Moon and a 5th house Venus.

There’s a degree of competition with Harry since H’s Pluto is conjunct Will’s Jupiter MC but he will make him better organised since his Saturn is in Will’s 10th; and he boosts Will’s morale with his Jupiter in Will’s 1st.

Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus; and also a hard-working though can also be competitive Mars MC.

What has to be factored in to Will (and Kate’s) reticence about taking on a more prominent role is Charles’ reaction since he is notoriously defensive and prickly about any competition for attention. And the younger couple will tend to get more, the media and photographers being what they are. Charles’ relationship with Will is less comfortable than Harry’s with his father, presumably because a second son is no threat. Will/Charles have a composite Mars Neptune conjunction which tends to mean only room for one ego. If Will stepped up and became visible, then his father would feel diminished. So to some degree Will is in a no-win situation. There are certainly some rough edges between Harry and his father but there’s also more genuine affection.

Charles/Andrew’s relationship chart has an argumentative, impatient composite Sun Mercury Mars sextile Saturn. And it has worsened in recent years as Charles has got his way in cutting back to Royals to the inner circle and excluding Andrew and his children. Andrew’s Uranus is conjunct Charles’ Pluto and A’s Saturn is square C’s Venus Neptune – so on different wavelengths and chilly.

Being a Royal isn’t easy especially with cross-currents running through the dynastic family. Though having said that, there are compensations aplenty and most people have worse burdens to bear, family and career-wise. I never understood all the sympathy that went towards Princess Margaret – ‘who always had to walk behind,’ as if everyone else had the choice about marching out front. HM Queen is a hard act to follow.

Prince William – the reluctant royal

will  kate  will k comp


Prince William has earned unwelcome headlines and criticism for skipping off to Switzerland for a boozy ski-ing and apres-ski nightclubbing weekend minus wife; and in process missing a Royal turnout for the Commonwealth Day services. He’s already under fire for being work-shy, though he doesn’t give up his air ambulance job till mid year to focus exclusively on royal duties thereafter.

He does have tr Saturn exactly on his Ascendant at the moment, heading downward into his first quadrant, which is usually a time when people want to work less hard and have a more private existence. So his motivation won’t be there. Though Jupiter will move across his midheaven from this November for a year which will boost his reputation and make him more visible.

The Duchess of Cambridge has been through a tough time – even though in a feather-bedded lifestyle – with tr Pluto conjunct her Capricorn Sun from this February onwards for two years (and probably opposition her Moon in 2015/16) – so massive challenges and pressures. And that will have reflected on their relationship, so maybe he just needed some breathing space. February saw tr Pluto square their composite Saturn which would have been a heavy slog. And both of them have tr Uranus opposition their Pluto this year, so it is a time of huge disruption, perhaps with the prospect of moving at least week days into Kensington Palace in London from September.

She looks undermined from April onwards, less than confident; really crowded and frustrated again this June; and seriously aggravated in Sept/Oct this year as well. With a Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Uranus in 6 months’ time – so she’s going through an almighty upheaval.

He’s a bit of a drama queen, like his mother, with Jupiter on his MC, though clearly not as enamoured with the publicity and parading that goes with the job.

He looks overly confident this month; and also less than ecstatic come Sept/Oct. I’d wonder about that tr Saturn into his first quadrant which lasts for several years. He doesn’t really look as if he’ll have the drive needed for a full-scale royal lifestyle during that – but since his father is aiming for 70 and his grandmother is into her 90s, he won’t have any option but to step up.

Marissa Mayer – leapfrogging onto the next pot of gold



Yahoo chief executive Marissa Mayer, having been dispensed with after a takeover, is in line for a hefty multi-million dollar payoff.

Born 30 May 1975, Wasau, WI, she looks to be in a separating year with her Solar Arc opposition her Gemini Sun and tr Uranus square her Venus; and with her mid-life crisis tr Uranus opposition Uranus coming up in 2018. So time for a major change. Not that she’ll be idle for long. She’s pushing manically come Sept/Oct this year with tr Pluto square her Jupiter and opposition her Saturn. Where she hits the jackpot again will be in 2019/2020 when tr Pluto is conjunct her Jupiter/Uranus midpoint, when a whole new project will get under way.

Tunisia – hoping for a better future



Tunisia is the only Arab country to have moved from authoritarian rule to democracy since the Arab Spring. They now have a freely elected head of state (88 years old and an anti-Islamist) since late 2014, their first since independence in 1956. Though there have been demonstrations recently over economic problems especially in the rural areas.

The country chart, 15 June 1956 5pm Tunis, is a strong one with an 8th house Gemini Sun trine Neptune, sextiling onto Jupiter Pluto in Leo conjunct the MC from the 9th; with Jupiter Pluto square Saturn on a Scorpio Ascendant; with Saturn trine Uranus, sextile a Virgo Moon. There are downbeat Saturn transits to Sun and Moon for a few months; but there’s also tr Uranus trine Jupiter Pluto from May, on and off into 2018 which should bring some welcome cheer. 2018 could be unsettled and rebellious with tr Uranus square Uranus; and economic problems will take time to shift with tr Saturn in the 2nd till late 2019. There’s an uncertain, over-hopeful Solar Arc Jupiter Pluto conjunct the Tunisia Neptune in 2020. But that will be followed by resounding success in 2021 when the Solar Arc Sun is conjunct Jupiter Pluto.