In a Congressional election in Georgia, in the past solidly Republican, deemed to be a barometer of the country’s reaction to Trump’s presidency, the Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff scored over 48% of the vote, as opposed to his runner up Karen Handel with under 20%. But he fell short of the 50% required for an outright win so it will go to a run off between the two on June 20th. She will now pick up many of the votes that went to the other 16 candidates in the first round. Collectively the Republicans got 51.2%.
Jon Ossoff, 16 Feb 1987, is a film maker, with a background in economics, foreign service, national security, civil rights and anti-corruption organisations. He’s a Sun Aquarius sextile Mars in dynamic Aries; with charitable Jupiter in Pisces square Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius. His Mercury in Pisces is trine Pluto, sextile Venus (Neptune) in Capricorn, so intense and charming.
Karen Handel, 18 April 1962, is a former Secretary of State for Georgia. She is against funding for Planned Parenthood, opposes same-sex marriages, and gay adoptions, against embryonic stem cell research, and against giving citizenship to undocumented immigrants. She is an upfront Sun Aries trine Uranus in Leo; with a confident Jupiter in Pisces opposition Pluto; and a Fixed T square of Venus in Taurus opposition Neptune square Saturn in Aquarius.
Just to make life ultra-complicated for poor predicting astrologers, they have almost similar aspects on June 20th. She has her Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Sun, with tr Uranus conjunct both, which would look like a win. But then he has his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars with tr Uranus conjunct both. She has another lucky Jupiter transit; and he has tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter/ luto midpoint which probably outweighs her Jupiter transit His Solar Return is marginally more favourable than hers (without times).
This one, more than most, I fear is wait and see. But he’s clearly one to watch for the future whatever happens. He’s made his mark on the national scene and may find, even if he loses, that he wins bigger prizes ahead.