Comments by the Manchester suicide bomber’s sister that his deadly attack was in revenge for western military attacks in the Middle East are being shouted down as ‘abhorrent’. But it is undeniable that stamping out terrorism demands a two pronged counter-attack of a) in the short term, preventing it by whatever means necessary and b) in the longer term, understanding the root causes and removing them.
Abedi was Libyan, a country since Gaddafi’s toppling in 2011, mainly as a result of NATO, French, Brit and US action, which has fallen into anarchy in a multi-front civil war. Patrick Cockburn writes: ‘The Libyan uprising was reported as a simple-minded clash between good and evil. Gaddafi and his regime were demonised and his opponents treated with a naïve lack of scepticism and enquiry. The foreign media have dealt with the subsequent collapse of the Libyan state since 2011 mostly by ignoring it.’ Libya holds the largest proven oil reserves in Africa so should be a prosperous country, instead of which it is in chaotic ruins – a breeding ground for ISIS and other jihadists and is forcing many millions of refugees into exile, some of them heading Europe-wards.
Libra was given independence on 24 December 1951 12am Tripoli. Tr Uranus, just into Aries, was square the Capricorn Sun in 2011; and what followed saw the tr Uranus square tr Pluto in hard aspect to the 10th house Uranus, as well as Saturn and Mars, so disruptive, explosive, destructive. Tr Pluto has another square to the Libya Mars this Sept/Oct and by 2018 tr Pluto square the Libya Neptune for two years, which is simplistically devastation, though it’s difficult to see how it could get much worse. Tr Neptune will also square the midheaven for a directionless 2018/19. Solar Arc Pluto is also conjunct the Libya Moon in 16 months’ time which will bring violent emotional reactions and shocks. So no sense of any sensible government forming any time soon.