Pippa Middleton was married yesterday to hedge-funder James Matthews, around midday. She looked wonderful in a classic wedding dress with mini-pages and bridesmaids and sister Kate in attendance to make last minute adjustments.
The wedding chart has a grandstanding Pluto in the 5th square Jupiter in the 2nd (no expense spared) in an indulgent and slightly frivolous opposition to Venus in Aries. So definitely for show.
There’s also an inspirational and attention-grabbing Fire Grand Trine of North Node in Leo trine Uranus trine Saturn, formed into a wide Kite by Saturn opposition Mars – so a mix of vitality plus, quite self-involving, adventurous and hard-edged.
There’s also an oddly out of sync Moon Neptune in Pisces in the 7th which can be ethereal, and squaring Mars, also showbizzy and publicity seeking as well as glamorous, but is more for show than substance emotionally.
They are a good match with his Venus in Virgo conjunct her Sun, and his Sun in Leo conjunct her Venus (maybe Moon); and his Moon on her Descendant and his Sun in her 1st (if her 4.40am birth time is correct).
Their relationship chart has an affectionate composite Sun Venus in an enthusiastic sextile to Mars; with a confident Pluto trine Jupiter, so in the minor power-couple league. The composite Saturn is conjunct Mercury, sextile Uranus, square Neptune and inconjunct Jupiter. A dollop of Saturn does give longevity. Too much suggests work gets in the way of personal time. Tr Neptune opposes the composite Saturn in 2017/18 so some worrying and undermining situations, perhaps to do with his business. He does look in for a rocky ride in 2017/18 with tr Uranus square his Saturn and then opposition his Uranus.