Actor Keanu Reeves – Point Break and the Matrix movie series – is moving back into the spotlight after a few lean years. His latest movie is Replicas which he co-produced and stars in. Born 2 September 1964 5.41am Beirut Lebanon to an English mother and Chinese Hawaiian father, he had a peripatetic childhood through his mother’s four subsequent marriages after his father abandoned the family when he was three, living in Australia, New York and Toronto.
He has a 12th house Virgo Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Pluto, with Pluto Uranus conjunct his Ascendant – so definitely a rebel but also quite retiring, preferring to stay off the fame circuit. His Sun Mercury oppose Saturn in Pisces in the hard-working 6th so he will have a downbeat side to his personality. Balancing that he has a friendly and enthusiastic 11th house Cancer Moon Mars Venus; with his Moon trine Neptune, sextile Pluto – well tuned into public taste. Jupiter in indulgent Taurus in the 9th points to an interest in travel and alternative cultures. It’s an exclusively Water Earth chart giving him great inner strength and determination to withstand calamities, as well as a serious, self-protective streak.
Although always regarded as an enduring bankable star, his career ground to a halt in 2008 after a flop blockbuster, The Day the Earth Stood Still. He said in an interview: ” I call that The Day my Career Stood Still. I kind of went to Studio Movie Jail.” What’s interesting astrologically is that was when tr Saturn crossed his Ascendant and disappeared into his low-profile first quadrant, often a less successful time. As tr Saturn neared the end of this seven year phase he got his mojo back in John Wicks; and now with tr Saturn crossing into his 2nd quadrant, he should be making faster progress. He looks confident in 2017/18 though with some Neptunian dips this year and a few Plutonic frustrations in 2018/19. 2020/2021 will be outstandingly successful as tr Pluto trines his Jupiter.
12th house sun! He’s said that he would do a fourth Matrix with the Wachowski sisters at the helm. (For those who are wondering, both the Wachowski brothers have become women.) I hope this is the outstanding success of 2020/2021, but I would go see anything, another Wick, another Bill and Ted, whatever, if he’s in it.