The whiff of corruption in high places is everywhere.
In the Trump camp the Mueller investigation into their campaign’s possible collusion with Russia is escalating with a Grand Jury being called. Son Eric Trump is fending off suggestions that the costs of using a Trump golf course for a kids cancer charity-do diverted money into the organization, despite claiming the venue was free. Etc etc etc in the Trump dynasty.
In Israel it is now openly said that the police suspect PM Netanyahu of bribery, fraud and breach of trust.
In Pakistan the prime minister Nawaz Sharif has been disqualified from public office for failing to disclose financial interests, a breach which could see half the current politicians there also disqualified. A purge of an entire political class would create a vacuum that would likely open the door to an army takeover.
In France, former president Nicolas Sarkozy is embroiled in the criminal investigation into Qatar’s World Cup bid amid suggestions he may have benefited from multi-million-pound business deals linked to the Gulf state.
There’s no real connection to past occurrences of this upcoming I North Leo Eclipses. Though the Eclipse does impact on the Israel 10th house, and the USA’s Moon, and on Pakistan’s clutch of Leo planets. But I wonder whether it is just part and parcel of Pluto grinding its way through Capricorn, the sign which rules governments, business and finance (2008 to 2024). Cleaning out the sewers for a fresh start (ever hopeful). Why it should be specific to this year isn’t clear. It could just be coincidence – corruption isn’t exactly unknown in Asia, or indeed France or Israel. But it does seem to be one of the defining characteristics of 2017.
Perhaps Pluto picking up with Jupiter and Uranus this year – Jupiter Uranus does have a tendency to get-rich-quick schemes; and Jupiter Pluto never worries about rules and regulations or the normal moralities which bind ordinary people.
If it is Pluto in Capricorn, then the pendulum will swing to the other extreme, from laxity of behaviour with Jupiterian overtones this year, to the opposite as Saturn – the giver of laws and order, and rigorous structure – comes into play from 2018 to 2020. Maybe the Jupiter Saturn conjunction of 2020 will find a better balance. Though it will still be very money and business-oriented being in Capricorn. The shift of both Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius in early 2021 will undoubtedly help.
PS: Wonderfully funny piece by Marina Hyde in the Guardian on Eric Trump’s wife and the whole farrago.