Mark Zuckerburg has now overseen his baby Facebook officially hitting 2 billion monthly users, making it the largest, most influential social network in the world. A Harvard dropout, he co-founded Facebook in 2004 aged 19, and is now worth $63.3 billion, the world’s fifth richest man. He and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have pledged to give away 99% of their Facebook stake over their lifetimes.
Born 14 May 1984 Boston, Massachusetts (2.30pm astrotheme), he’s got an ultra-determined, fiendishly stubborn chart with a Taurus Sun and Venus opposing a raft of Scorpio planets – Mars, Moon, Saturn with Pluto also in Scorpio opposition a late Aries Mercury. If the birth time is accurate it puts his Scorpio planets in his 2nd house of finances which would make sense. His Sun and North Node are in the broad-communication and far-travelled 9th house; with his Mars and Uranus in his 3rd house, also of communications, giving him a hyper-active brain. Mercury Pluto can be dogmatic but can also give deep insights.
Not an easy man to live with but his wife, 24 Feb 1985 12.16am Braintree, MA, has her Venus Mars in his 7th and her Moon in his 8th; and his Sun is conjunct her Descendant – so there’s enough good connection there to withstand the obsessiveness of his personality. She’s got Neptune in her 2nd so is probably the more philanthropic of the pair; and a lively Venus Mars Moon in her 5th house of children and fun; and a bright, intelligent, expansive mind with Jupiter and Sun Mercury in Pisces in her 3rd.
Their relationship chart has an intensely emotional composite Venus opposition Pluto square Moon Mars, so there will be jealousies and arguments. But her adaptable Pisces Sun and never-hold-a-grudge Aries planets including the Moon will help to absorb the storms. Though their marriage will get a shake up through 2018/19 when tr Uranus is conjunct Venus, opposition Pluto and square Mars Moon. Tr Saturn is moving through his 5th conjunct his Neptune from this New Year and then his 4th house Jupiter, which will put a damper on the domestic mood.
His money/humanitarian 9th harmonic is strong; even more so are his breakthrough-genius 13H; and his leaving-a-mark-on-history 17H which are both powerfully aspected.