Gary Goldsmith – a right royal embarassment



Every family has one. But a black sheep must be toe-curlingly embarrassing for a family as socially ambitious as the Middletons. The Duchess of Cambridge’s uncle Gary, brother to Carole, has been arrested charged with assaulting his wife following a night out at a London charity event. According to the Daily Mail, they are said to have had a furious row about his alleged cocaine use before he punched her in the eye with his left fist and left her unconscious after she struck her head on the pavement. The taxi driver who had brought them home intervened and phoned the police.

Goldsmith, 29 April 1965, is an indulgent Sun Venus in Taurus; with a volatile and explosive collection of Mars Uranus Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn; and a Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Mercury in Aries which will make him assertive and impatient.

He’s been in trouble before, being caught on camera snorting cocaine at his Ibiza house, and offering an undercover reporter drugs and Brazilian prostitutes, some years ago. He’s now on his fourth wife, Julie-Ann, a convicted fraudster who siphoned off £250,000 from a luxury car firm, where she worked and blew it on Rolex watches and Mercedes sports cars. She was given a suspended sentence after the judge was told she had endured a troubled and deprived childhood. She then dated a string of rich and successful men, including a self-made communications millionaire before he was declared bankrupt. She then moved on to Goldsmith, who made a fortune by selling his recruitment firm, Computer Futures, for £275 million. No date for her sadly.

Uncle Gary looks suitably dashed until early January 2018 with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Pluto and square his Mars/Saturn midpoints. Tr Neptune continues to oppose his Pluto and conjunct his Saturn till early 2019. But he still looks all systems-go in 2018/19/20 with tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter, opposition his Mars/Jupiter and then opposition his Jupiter/Uranus, all of which will hype his confidence into overdrive, so he won’t be playing cautiously.

The Royals and Carole backed off after the Ibiza episode; and look to be distancing themselves further, this later this month into November. Both seem fond of him with Carole’s Taurus Moon chiming with his Sun Venus and Kate’s Jupiter in Scorpio ditto. But with strong reservations. Carole’s Mars is conjunct his Mercury Moon which is an argumentative interface. And his rumbustious Mars Uranus Pluto trines Kate’s Sun and squares her Uranus which will unnerve her.

Stock markets – the doomsayers out in force


The stock market doomsayers are predicting a massive crash in shares, some saying the US markets are over-valued by 80%. They may be just be being their usual catastropherian selves, so who knows? Markets sometimes have a perverse way of running against the economy. The astrology of finance charts isn’t always that great an indicator but for what it’s worth.

The Nasdaq, 8 Feb 1971 9am NY, points to tough times now, with Solar Arc Pluto opposition Saturn, though that isn’t showing up in the figures. With some dips in December/early 2018; panic and a road-block in 2019/2020. Then a high in 2021.

The Dow Jones, 26 May 1896 9.11 am NY, looks Ok for a few months, though with a setback or two early and late 2018; an odd combination of luck and a shock in 2019; and a definite high in 2021/22.

The New York Stock Exchange, 17 May 1792 7.52am NY, is high tension this year into early 2018; pushing bullishly ahead in 2019/2020 though with an undercurrent of bubble bursting, which runs for several years thereafter.

The UK FTSE 100 and 250 charts, which don’t have the Trump problem but do have Brexit, are both on record highs at the moment. The FTSE 250, 12 Oct 1992, trading on domestic companies, looks to be hitting a major setback in later 2018. While the FTSE 100 is indicating upsets in 2018; and more major frustrations in 2021/22.

Spain v Catalonia – high noon approaching



Spain is on a knife-edge this weekend with a Monday 10am deadline for the Catalonia leader to clarify if he has declared independence. If the answer is Yes, which the pro-secession hardliners are pushing for, then Madrid would impose direct rule. Either way it could end up with blood on the streets. With Jean-Claude Juncker voicing his fears that a breakaway Catalonia would cause a domino effect that could splinter the EU. Carles Puigdemont, the Catalonia leader has asked Mariano Rajoy, the PM, for negotiations but he’s clear in no mood to budge.

Puigdemont, 29 December 1962, is a Sun Capricorn trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo, so rebellious by temperament; with a confident, risk-taking Jupiter opposition Uranus Pluto. His Mars in Leo square an intensely emotional and idealistic Venus Neptune in Scorpio collides with Rajoy’s Pluto in Leo square Mars in Taurus opposition Saturn – so it’s bulldozer-meets- brick-wall chemistry.

There’s nothing much on either the Spain 1975 or 1479 charts to suggest outright civil war. Though both charts look jangled and undermined in 2018/2019. Puigdemont looks at odds with both charts, especially in November and early in 2018.

A compromise would be sensible but Rajoy isn’t the man to make it. (See posts Oct 1 & 2 2017)

Ronan Farrow – speaking truth to power



Ronan Farrow is the investigative journalist who swung a wrecking ball through the Hollywood glitterati and set off a tsunami of allegations against Harvey Weinstein. Farrow is the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen; and has a personal beef against Weinstein who rescued Woody Allen’s career after his acrimonious divorce from Mia and custody battle with allegations of child abuse flying (and denied). Ronan is estranged from his father now married to his stepsister, and protective of his sister Dylan who made the original allegations. Farrow claims that journalists and broadcasters have in the past ignored the allegations of sexual abuse by “powerful men” like his father, and Bill Cosby; and said that too often the legal system “fails the vulnerable” and reporters fail to give victims a voice “as they face off against the powerful.”

Born 19 December 1987 at 10.49am New York, (2 days after Chelsea Manning), he’s got five planets in crusading Sagittarius in his ambitious 10th house. His Moon is exactly conjunct his midheaven suiting him for a public career, with a collection of serious, well-organised Saturn, communicative Mercury, a rebellious/innovative Uranus and Sun all conjunct. He’s custom-built for hard-work and high ambitions. His 2nd house Jupiter in pro-active Aries is trine all his Sagittarius planets giving him confidence and luck. He’s also very angry, obsessively so, with Mars Pluto in Scorpio in his publishing/lecturing 9th house.

Woody Allen is also a Sun Sagittarius with Jupiter Mercury conjunct; and a Mars opposition Pluto; and the Mars Pluto theme repeats in their relationship chart with a hostile Pluto square Sun Mars.

Ronan at the moment has his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Moon and MC, so a significant moment in his career with more influence. Though tr Neptune is also square all three into early 2018, so not altogether easy. He’s also exactly on his first Saturn Return, which is a significant marker. Tr Saturn is now at its career peak in his chart for the next six or seven years. It won’t all be straightforward since his life especially at work will tend to go in ups and downs.

USA – reaping the whirlwind



Poor USA, what a perfect storm of rolling catastrophes, with a manic president wreaking havoc from the White House, unprecedented natural disasters, the worst ever mass shooting and now their favourite flagship industry sinking under a sea of sleaze. It’s almost karmic. Plagues, pestilence and famine in their modern-day equivalents.

The August Leo Eclipse did oppose the USA (11am) 5th house Aquarius Moon, which would point to the entertainment business being in a state of severe shock relating to attitudes to women (Moon); with tr Saturn square the USA filmic Neptune when the Weinstein scandal broke, which is in a showbizzy square to the USA Mars – pointing to a significant setback, anger and uncertainty.

The tr Uranus square Mercury opposition Pluto (2017/18) also probably has its part to play – having been around during ‘Troopergate’ in 1994/5, (Jupiter was in Scorpio in 1994), when sexual allegations against Bill Clinton first erupted, which arguably led four years later to his impeachment over Lewinsky. The tr Uranus square Mercury opposition Pluto was also around during Watergate and when McCarthy was stirring up hysteria about commies-under-the-bed .

What may also be a factor is tr Pluto edging its way towards its first return since the USA’s foundation. That doesn’t hit exact until 2022, but Pluto, being slow moving, tends to cast a long shadow in both directions. And what may be a precursor of scandals and confusion to come is tr Pluto trine the USA Neptune which will shake the USA Pluto as well since they are tied together in trine natally.

Tr Pluto trine the USA Neptune picks up from early 2019 till late 2020 – past experience would connect it to scandals, obsessions and megalomania. The last time tr Pluto hit that Neptune was in a conjunction in Virgo, along with tr Uranus, during the civil-rights and anti-Vietnam War turmoil of the mid-1960s. Then roll back one, to the 1930s Great Depression when tr Pluto in Cancer was sextile the USA Neptune and opposition the USA Pluto.

It truly is a significant game-changing phase in USA history, running over the next several years.

Rose McGowan – an angry Virgo letting fly



Actress Rose McGowan has been one of the leading voices calling out Hollywood for its attitudes over Weinstein’s behaviour. She was reported as having been in a settlement in the past for sexual harassment by him. Twitter suspended her account temporarily after she let off a blast at Ben Affleck, though the reason given was her inclusion of a telephone number in one tweet, which is against policy.

Born 5 September 1973 11.38pm Ceraldo, Italy, she had a wild and wayout, peripatetic childhood, starting in the Italian Children of God cult with her family, though she says she was never abused; and later being a teenage runaway. At 15 she separated from her parents and went to LA, working as a child model and later in films. She had a three year relationship with rock musician Marilyn Manson.

She has a hugely complicated chart with a 4th house Virgo Sun trine Mars in Taurus trine a Capricorn North Node, which last is opposition Saturn. Earthy, practical, used to a tough life. Her performing 5th house has a complicated mix of Pluto plus Uranus Venus in Libra so she could almost have been a rock musician herself. But it certainly makes for a constantly changing emotional life. Her Sagittarius Moon is 7th house so she’ll need a partner for security. That sits on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Uranus Venus trine her Aquarius MC – she’s certainly well-designed for a public career with such an emphasised Moon. Plus she has two Yods – Jupiter sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn and Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Mars. Both of these are difficult Yods, giving her a heavy burden to bear and a challenging life, as well as high energy and strong passions from her Mars.

Her immediate future looks mixed, with some highs and some tumultuous and frustrating times ahead. Her chart makes me tired just looking at it. What she really needs is peace but she probably won’t find it.

Bob Corker – telling it like it is



Senator Bob Corker’s anxiety about Trumpian lack of self-control leading to an accidental third World War over North Korea is all the more relevant given his chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his closeness to Rex Tillerson. Tillerson has already been slapped down by Trump over NK, in a way which William Hague, former UK Foreign Secretary, said would have compelled him to hand in his resignation.

It also does not bode well for the Great Tax Change strategy which is the upcoming attempt to put at least one notch on the Trump Presidential belt. The GOP are increasingly restive about the president and split amongst themselves between the ‘not enough’ and ‘too much’ camps, as was the case over the Obamacare repeal.

Corker, 24 August 1952, SC, is a Sun Virgo with the generational Saturn Neptune in Libra square Uranus; but what marks his chart out is Jupiter in Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio square Pluto – which is uber-determined, stubborn, confident and quite controlling. That T square sits with Corker’s Jupiter on Trump’s MC, his Mars on T’s IC and his Pluto conjunct T’s Mars in Leo. Jupiter on the other’s MC can indicate a desire to help the MC individual to acquire a sense of cultural and ethical responsibility in their work. His Mars on Trump’s IC will provoke angry and hurt responses about his inconsiderate behaviour. And the Pluto Mars clash will bring hostile and extreme reactions as Trump overreacts to attempts to coerce or manipulate him.

Their relationship chart has most notably an exact composite Mars Neptune conjunction so it’s a one-side-wins and the other-side-feels-crushed scenario.

There are GOP attempts to quieten Corker down at the moment, despite the fact that he’s clearly voicing widely shared feelings – Trump lies, the White House is an adult-day centre with those close trying to contain Trump, and everyone knows it. Where their relationship chart shows a real blow-up is late March 2018. Corker himself is powering ahead from February with tr Pluto trine his Jupiter, so he won’t be holding back.

The Trump relationship charts with both Republican Party charts, is downbeat now, worse from late October through November; with an escalation of conflict from March 2018 onwards and a chance of a complete rupture by mid 2018 onwards.

Kim Yo Jong – Libra charm with an afflicted Mars



Kim Yo Jong, sister of the North Korean leader, has been promoted to the inner circle as he seeks to tighten his grip on power. She is a computing graduate turned propagandist who is rumoured to be the brains behind his carefully constructed public image. She is on the US prohibited persons list for her role in human rights abuses

As ever details from inside NK are unverifiable and there are question marks over her birth date, though wiki has her as 26 September 1987. If accurate it makes her a Sun Venus in Libra square Neptune in Capricorn; with a confident Mercury in Libra opposition Jupiter in Aries; and an unpleasant Mars in Virgo square Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius. That last would certainly give her a temper and a cruel streak. In addition her Pluto in Scorpio is semi-square her Mars and conjunct her Sun/Saturn and Mars/Uranus midpoints, making her hard and ruthless.

Early 2018 looks risky, uncertain and frustrating for her with tr Saturn square her Sun and conjunct her Neptune; as well as tr Pluto gearing up a head of steam to trine her Mars from late March for 18 months and square her Solar Arc Mars as well. All of that looks trapped and dangerous; as her brother’s Leadership chart which is the one sensible chart we have is going through a major crisis. From April 2018 tr Neptune starts to square her Saturn until late 2019, which will add to her confusion as her securities are undermined.

Raising a rumpus – Trumpesses at war



How delicious as light relief. A wife and ex-wife fighting for the title of First Lady. Ivana Trump, mother of Ivanka, Donald Jnr and Eric, is pushing her new memoir Raising Trump and says she has a hot line into the White House and is really the important wife having been first one. A spokeswoman for Melania Trump has tartly described her comments as “attention seeking and self-serving noise”. Oops.

The two are certainly not bosom buddies with Melania’s Mars square Ivana’s Saturn; M’s Saturn square I’s Venus and Pluto; and M’s Neptune conjunct I’s Moon. Their relationship chart has a blocked, chilly composite Sun Venus square Saturn; with a strained Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct the composite Venus. If Ivana’s birth time of 12.55am is accurate, then Melania’s Pluto sits in her 10th square her 8th house Uranus – so Ivana will feel constantly put down and highly unsettled by her.

They’ll be even more at daggers drawn and icy in 2018 with tr Pluto square the composite Mars and tr Saturn square the composite Sun Venus.

In many ways Ivana was a better partnership fit for Donald with her Pisces Sun Mars falling on his Descendant; and she shares a Sagittarius Moon with him. Melania is much earthier with a Sun Saturn and Mercury Venus in Taurus. This third marriage is more about keeping up appearances than his first; with less passion and fun.