The sun ain’t gonna shine anymore. Scott Walker, in the 1960s more popular than the Beatles when part of the (non-related) Walker Brothers, who later branched out into the wilder edges of the avant grade, has died. Shy and solitary in temperament, he was not well designed for life in the spotlight. He suffered horrendous stage fright and took to heavy drinking to cope. His later career after the group split was marked by long periods of inaction and occasional reappearances as one obituary said ‘to follow his muse down a weird, winding path into the unknown. There has been no stranger or bolder artistic journey. He was pop’s ultimate maverick, an easy-listening romantic balladeer who revealed himself to be a deep-thinking imaginative genius.’ His most recent work involved composing strange orchestral and electronic soundtracks for the films The Childhood of a Leader (2016) and Natalie Portman’s Vox Lust.
Born 9 January 1943 5.25pm Hamilton, Ohio, he had a 7th house Capricorn Sun in an easy-going opposition to Jupiter. What marks his chart out is a cerebral Air Grand Trine in the hidden Water houses of Neptune in the 4th trine Venus Mercury in Aquarius in the 8th trine a 12th house Saturn (Uranus) in Gemini, formed into a Kite by Venus Mercury opposition Pluto – making Pluto the driving planet. Certainly influential, controlled and controlling. His sensitive Pisces Moon was square his Saturn Uranus giving him an additional leaning towards depression. A mix of Air and Water is always produces a fragile mental balance.
His Mars in Sagittarius in the 6th is unaspected and worth relating what Bil Tierney says about an unaspected Mars: ‘Psychologically Mars is driven to separate itself and act apart from outside influences in favour of independent self-expression. – can be uncompromising.’ It may also have a bearing on his stop-go life, sometimes highly creative and active, at other times stuck.
He had a leadership North Node in Leo, an indication of the breadth of his influence on other artistes including David Bowie and Marc Almond amongst others.