Oprah Winfrey has been praising Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, for deciding to keep her baby’s birth a private affair, saying how proud she is of her for standing up and breaking with tradition. And Oprah has also been discussing doing a children’s mental health TV programme with Prince Harry.
Oprah’s Sun Venus in Aquarius fall in Meghan’s 7th which is an affectionate placing; and Meghan’s Sun is in Oprah’s 8th for a deep connection. But there could be fireworks from Meghan’s independent-minded and rebellious Uranus conjunct Oprah’s determined Mars; and Meghan’s controlling Pluto in Oprah’s 10th which won’t go down well. Plus both their Uranus and Pluto cross over in hard aspect to the other, so there will be sharply divergent agendas.
The relationship chart does have a helpful composite New Moon making them a good complementary pair; but there’s also an over-idealised Venus Neptune; and a megaton composite Mars Pluto Uranus which could move mountains if they co-operate but is likely to disintegrate at some point into a personal power play. So it won’t stay all coochy coo for ever.
Oprah’s relationship with Prince Harry is less close but with the same dynamics of high-hopes that are likely to get disappointed from an evasive Neptune; and a power-playing Jupiter Pluto. Oprah’s Mars opposes Harry’s Taurus Sun with her Pluto in his 8th and her Uranus in his 7th, so he’ll experience her as pushy, controlling and divisive.
Showbiz and the Royals haven’t always been a happy connection and this relationship will almost certainly move out of the euphoric stage at some stage. Entertainers for all their adulation from the American public don’t quite get the Royals and their relationship with the British public. Royals have enormous wealth and privilege and that comes at a cost of some loss of privacy and a life of fairly unrelenting duty. One doesn’t come without the other. While breaking with tradition is great since life needs to evolve, there will come a time when people ask what’s the point of them if they’re not willing to play ball.