John Cleese has had a Basil Fawlty moment or at least is presumed to have had given the over-reactive public mood, when he said London was no longer English. Truthfully, like most major cities it never was, being a melting pot of multifarious peoples. But it has caused the usual outraged flutters in the hen house.
He is prone to outbursts with his Mercury in intense Scorpio opposition a 9th house Uranus; and tends to be explosive with his Uranus square an uncompromising Mars in Aquarius. His depressive (old grouch) Scorpio Sun opposition Saturn doesn’t help either.
His Mars square Uranus and indeed Venus in Scorpio all collide with the Fixed planets on the UK chart for a love/hate, fairly gritty interface; with his Pluto conjunct the UK’s 10th house Jupiter so he likes to be in charge. This is reflected in the relationship chart with a friendly, easy-going composite Sun opposition Jupiter and an aggravated composite Mars square Saturn trine Uranus.
His life is undergoing major changes and disruption this year into next with tr Uranus opposing his Scorpio Sun and square his Pluto.
He decided last year to move away from the UK because of Brexit. From a July 12 2018 post:
John Cleese, the Monty Python comedian, appears to have lost his sense of humour about the UK and is baling out to live in the Caribbean. He said he had become disappointed over the “lying and triviality” of UK newspapers; and the standard of debate around Brexit which he was for. He always was a grump and has spent relatively little time in the country, so it’ll hardly make a difference.
Born 27 October 1939 3.15am Weston Super Mare, England, he has a Scorpio Sun square Pluto, which suited him for the role of uptight and bitter Basil in Fawlty Towers. His Mercury Venus also in obsessive Scorpio opposes Uranus and squares Mars in contrary Aquarius, which will give him a penchant for speaking sharply, getting volcanically angry and leading a complicated romantic life. His Aries Moon is conjunct Saturn in his 8th with Saturn opposition a Libra North Node square Pluto – emotionally bleak. Saturn squares his Sun/Moon midpoint so close relationships will always have been difficult for him – he’s now on his fourth marriage.
Tr Saturn and tr Pluto are both moving through his 4th house of home and family so a move was likely. And with tr Uranus now opposition his Sun and square his Pluto for the next few months he will have the urge to cut the chains that bind and throw everything up in the air. Tr Pluto is also trine his Uranus – so upheavals all round.
Relocating his chart to the Caribbean puts Jupiter on his midheaven, so he’ll feel respected and admired there; with a fun-loving Venus Mercury in the 5th. Though whether he’ll turn from being a tortured soul to a happy man is questionable.
His creative 7th harmonic is strongly aspected – describing a seeking soul who needs peace, also a perfectionist; can be too sceptical, critical, sarcastic, cold, self-centred.
His 13th harmonic is also notable, which was the case for Peter Sellers – genius and breaking with the orthodox. In Cleese’s case it has a malcontent Pluto as well as luck and talent.