Brad Pitt – at the peak of his talent


Brad Pitt is at the top of his game this year, giving the best performances of his career. He was rightfully lauded for his role as the washed-up stuntman in Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with Leo Di Caprio. And early reviews of James Gray’s Ad Astra in which he stars solo are even more adulatory. It premiered at Venice Film Festival and goes on release late September. Although set in space, it echoes Apocalypse Now themes and stripped of sci-fi it becomes a family melodrama of a man’s search for his renegade father.

He’s also managed to settled the long and acrimonious custody battle with Angelina Jolie over their six kids which has been running for three years.

Born 18 December 1963 6.31am Shawnee, Oklahoma, he’s an adventurous Sun Sagittarius with Mars, Mercury, Moon and Venus spread out through ambitious, creative and materialistic Capricorn. His Mars opposes a Cancer North Node square a 4th house Jupiter so he’s confident and idealistic. His Mars is also trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo giving him a volatile, ultra-determined streak with some anger issues in early life.

He has tr Saturn and Pluto moving through his 2nd house and First Quadrant at the moment which isn’t generally a hugely successful time but will get him in touch with deeper inner issues – as well as reorganising his finances. Jupiter moving into his 2nd from early 2020 will bring him in more cash though he most likely doesn’t need it. The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will trine his Midheaven in 2020 to 2023 so he should be making steady progress with his multifarious projects, some of them as producer. It’s an emotionally intense time for him with tr Pluto conjunct his Moon and Venus in 2019/2020 which could mean a new relationship – or just getting his kids back.

His relationship with Angelina was an incredibly Plutonic one with a composite Sun opposition Pluto – and these are powerfully possessive bonds which are there to transform both partners. Once that work is finished they pull apart, but not without a great deal of pain, mess and difficulty. Interestingly in the relationship chart the argumentative composite Moon Mars falls in the 5th house of children, who became the focus of the aggravation but really weren’t what all that fuss was about.

2 thoughts on “Brad Pitt – at the peak of his talent

  1. Thank you for this!
    Richard Gere is 70 today (believe it or not!).
    Born 31 August 1949 (I’ve seen 2 not sure how accurate either are-birth times of 2.00 a.m., and 16.36 p.m.,
    born in Philadelphia, PA)
    Any thoughts re him Marjorie?
    And thank you if you do.

  2. Thank you for the Brad Pitt analysis. It will be interesting to see how the Pluto/Saturn conjunction on his Moon and Venus plays out.

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