Boris Johnson looks a shoe-in for the Theresa May replacement in No 10, Leader of the Tory Party and from the polls a certainty for winning a large majority at a general election. Unless he messes up between now and mid-July when the final vote is taken by the party. And it would have to be said his astrology isn’t remotely encouraging despite the raptures being voiced by the right wing press.
He’s got tr Saturn opposition his Mars/Uranus midpoint until mid June which is lack of adaptability, a loss or injury according to Ebertin. He also has tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint from July 11th onwards for a few weeks which is completely blocked and irritated. And no Jupiter uplift except from the July Cancer Eclipse which is conjunct his Solar Arc Jupiter and, birth time being accurate at 2pm, his Midheaven, which latter isn’t necessarily a sign of progress, more likely a crisis.
Lynton Crosby, 23 August 1956, who is running his campaign, has a couple of ominous transiting Saturn blocks for the next few weeks which don’t normally bring moments of cheer. But he does have tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Node midpoint from 11 July onwards which will be upbeat – so there’s faint hope from that for a good result from his point of view. Though he may also just be pleased to be cut loose and off elsewhere.
Boris’s relationship with the UK chart is fairly horrific in essence with a gritty, bad-tempered composite Saturn Mars and Mars opposition Neptune which latter would leave the suspicion that putting the country first wouldn’t be on his agenda.
His relationship with the Tory Party 1834 chart is equally grim with a composite Mars Pluto opposition Neptune Saturn. So no love lost there. The 1912 Party chart is marginally better with him though there’s a delusional, high-hopes-lead-to-disappointment feel about it.
If by some weird mischance he does get in, the immediate future isn’t encouraging from late September to late January 2020 which looks like a swampy downhill slide, riddled with failure.
What is so puzzling is that he has a Trumpian knack of sliding out from under any number of massive missteps in the past and his manifest character flaws don’t appear to register on his seeming popularity. Two slippery Geminis. If it didn’t matter so much it would be an interesting wait and see exercise.
When he became Mayor of London to everyone’s surprise in May 2008 he had his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Sun and then Venus in the first year thereafter so it was a peak of good fortune in his life. There isn’t anything similar around at the moment as he pitches his sights even higher. He does, of course, have his Jupiter opposition Neptune natally, so his confidence will tend to over-shoot and he then goes off into lies, delusions and general mayhem.
His Solar Return for 2019 does not look like an overwhelming success with the accident-prone and hugely frustrating Mars opposition Saturn Pluto anchoring it down.