Prince Andrew, erstwhile good friend to Jeffrey Epstein, has relied on respect for his mother, the Queen, to get him out of manifold allegations of consorting with the corrupt, financial and otherwise, in the past. But he may not manage to avoid fallout from Epstein’s trial on sexual offences with minors since he was so obviously part of the social circle.
What is striking about Andrew’s chart at the moment is not only tr Neptune conjunct his 8th house Mercury this year – sliding secrets out in the open – with one more exact hit mid August till late September this year. But more significantly tr Pluto is moving to square his Midheaven from early 2020 for two years. This brings a critical turning point in career or direction in life, will tend to lead to dented status and reputation as Pluto tears down old structures and to provoke hostility and resistance from others. It can also have health implications and given that both tr Saturn and tr Pluto are now moving through his 6th he will be under pressure on the fitness front.
His relationships with both daughters and his ex- and still-living-in wife Sarah indicate a raft of panicky moments from late this September right through till February 2020 as tr Neptune in his hard aspect to the composite Jupiter on Sarah and Beatrice’s relationship chart and the composite Sun on Eugenie’s.
Prince Charles is known not to get on with Andrew, which brotherly rivalry apart, is supposedly because of concern about Andrew’s questionable associations damaging the monarchy. Their competitive composite Sun Mars conjunction in the relationship chart is being severely rattled by this months Solar Eclipse and their composite Uranus by the upcoming Lunar Eclipse. And it moves into even more disruptive times from early 2020 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus – so there will be even more fallout next year.
The same is indicated on Andrew’s relationship chart with the Queen, though given her age, it should be treated with some care. Tr Neptune is square the composite Saturn from late March 2020 with major ructions and ruptures from late May onwards as tr Uranus rattles the central Mars Midheaven opposition Pluto.
It’s mystifying – astrologically speaking – as to why he’s regarded as the Queen’s favourite since their charts aren’t wonderfully compatible. With the exception of his Pisces Sun matching her Venus in Pisces, everything else is at cross purposes. Her Saturn is conjunct his Moon, his Saturn is opposition her Pluto, his Mars Venus square her Sun, his Uranus is conjunct her Moon and Neptune opposition her Mars and square her Saturn MC. If anything he’s a disruptive force in her life though his Pluto does fall in her 8th suggesting she feels trapped in some way by him.
Their relationship chart has a volatile, argumentative, needs-space Grand Trine of Mars trine Uranus trine Moon (Neptune), formed into two Kites by Mars opposition Pluto and Moon Neptune opposition Sun. It suggests a relationship that is power-based, very tied together though not by affection, but by who holds the reins and is also built to a degree on an illusion with such a strong Neptune. It was severely shaken by the previous kerfuffle that saw Andrew lose his trade envoy official role. And what’s coming up will have an even greater fallout.
Add On; Further thought on Andrew’s chart. He does have a Yod onto an apex planet Uranus in the 1st inconjunct Mercury sextile Saturn. Such a Yod tends to produce a personality that is wilful, rebellious and can be lawless, since convention will be kicked aside. It can be a trailblazer in a more evolved individual, but its intolerance and disruptive behaviour tends to cause rifts in their environment. This year the two legs of the Yod are being pressured by transits – his Saturn Return and tr Neptune conjunct Mercury. Usually fated changes of life’s direction occurs when a Yod is under pressure.
There is another sort-of Yod of North Node sextile a Scorpio Moon inconjunct his midheaven, which will be challenged by tr Pluto square his MC in 2020/2021.