World War 11 – a classic Saturn Pluto signature


World War 11 started on 1 September 1939 as Germany invaded Poland and a few days later Britain, France, Australia, Canada and New Zealand declared war on Germany.

It began on a close Saturn in Taurus opposition a Scorpio North Node square Pluto – so a classic war signature; with a volatile, explosive Earth Grand Trine of a divisive Uranus on the Taurus Midheaven trine Mars trine Neptune.

The two preceding Eclipses in April/May were fairly stark as were the two following in October. The May Lunar Eclipse especially had a brutal Pluto opposition Mars square Saturn; with the Lunar Eclipse Uranus in Taurus exactly conjunct the Germany 1871 8th house Pluto. But you would have been hard pushed as an astrologer to pinpoint in advance an outbreak of a global war involving 100 million people from 30 countries.

And I have been staring irritably at charts for two days trying to work out why more does not show on the UK/Germany relationship chart. The chemistry was always there for a conflict with a composite Sun opposition Jupiter square Pluto setting the scene for constant power struggles and contests for the upper hand. But there was little affecting that bar tr Jupiter conjunct the composite Pluto which recurs every 12 years and is mild enough. The tr Pluto square tr Saturn opposition tr North Node does collide with the composite Neptune Venus which would produce a sense of emotional devastation and confusion. But it doesn’t seem stark enough for a major war.

The charts do share almost the same axis so the house transits will be the same, most notably tr Pluto through the 10th which had been running since just after the start of World War 1 until the end of WW11 in 1945. So it was a long phase of searching for power and/or a sense of purpose and direction – which clearly brought a headlong confrontation as aims and ambitions clashed.

The outbreak is more obvious in the Germany/France relationship chart with tr Uranus opposition the composite Sun and square the composite Moon. On the Canada/Germany chart with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Pluto; the Germany/Australia with tr Uranus moving to conjunct the composite Neptune and Moon/Neptune midpoint and trine the composite Mars which tr Neptune was conjunct. But the UK not so much which is odd.

Although having checked, it does show marginally more clearly in the composite Germany/UK Solar Arc chart with tr Neptune opposition the composite Solar Arc Sun; tr Pluto opposition the combined Solar Arc Mars; and tr Saturn opposition the composite Solar Arc Ascendant – though none of these is exact exact.

Hong Kong – massacre or slavery – tough choices


“The end is coming for those attempting to disrupt Hong Kong” says a Chinese state-run news agency ominously as Beijing exerts more pressure on the three-month-old political crisis which shows no signs of abating.   So far Xi’s regime has tried dispatching gang members to beat up protesters, infiltrating marches with provocateurs, putting pressure on businesses to discipline employees who join the marches, arresting several opposition leaders and pulling more troops into the border area. So far, nothing has worked.

A week ago, more than 200,000 people formed human chains across the territory to reiterate the demand for direct elections. The week before, an estimated 1.7 million — nearly a quarter of the population — turned out. Now a two-day general strike has been called after a weekend of chaos that involved some of the most intense clashes yet seen. The protesters feel their lives are at stake either way — massacre now or slavery later.

As China’s 70th anniversary celebrations on October 1st draw near Xi Jinping will want the problem cleared out of the way, without the international condemnation that another Tiananmen Square crack-down would arouse. And there is a financial consideration, given that 60 percent of foreign investment in the mainland flows through Hong Kong which is not affected by Trump’s tariffs. So he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place – his old style Leninist politics making it well-nigh impossible to accommodate freedom-loving activists but having no obvious way to quell them without blowback.

His Second Term chart 24 October 2017 12.30pm looks suspiciously successful over the celebrations with the Sun Jupiter conjunction moving by Solar Arc to exact within weeks.

Two of the leading young activists arrested and then bailed are Joshua Wong, 13 October 1996 and Agnes Chow, 3 December 1996.

Wong is a Sun Libra in an idealistic though not practical square to Neptune, and an energetic sextile to Mars in Leo; Plus a confident (overly?) Mercury in Libra opposition Saturn in self-reliant Aries square Jupiter. He’s looking confident and enthusiastic at the moment with tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint but that disappears from mid December; with tr Saturn then in a downbeat square to his Sun before New Year and in a worrisome and uncertain conjunction to his Neptune into early 2020; plus tr Pluto is in a devastating and confusing conjunction to his Neptune from early 2020 to late 2021.

Chow is a Sun Sagittarius on the point of a T Square to Mars opposition Saturn in Aries – so a strong ego, good leadership material with self-discipline and steel in her spine. She’s also got the Uranus Neptune conjunction; with her Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Neptune and trine Mars, so confident, good at attracting money and publicity, adventurous. She looks encouraged mid November to mid December with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter; less so into 2020 and is very downbeat in 2022.

Though both of these are without birth times so there may be aspects to their chart axis before then which aren’t known.

The Hong Kong 1 July 1997 12 am chart is flagging up more distress and calamities mid October to mid December this year and mid February to late March 2020; with huge pressure from tr Pluto conjunct the Solar Arc Midheaven which can suggest loss of reputation and powerlessness; with false hopes dashed – and worse towards 2022/23 with tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Mars and conjunct the natal Neptune which is likely to bring a sense of internal devastation.

See also posts June 12 and July 29 2019.

The House of Trump – kids coping with the Ego



Would Trump refuse to be photographed beside his middle daughter because she wasn’t up to his feminine ideal of physical perfection? Perish the thought. Hissy fits all round as a contrite presidential personal assistant exits stage left after transgressing confidentiality protocols at a media dinner.

Tiffany is the only child by Trump’s middle wife Marla Maples, which liaison only lasted a few years, separating when Tiffany was three and divorcing two years later. She was born 13 October 1993 at 12.50pm West Palm Beach, Florida and was brought up by her mother in California.

She’s a confident and lucky Sun Jupiter in Libra in her 10th trine Saturn and square Uranus Neptune in Capricorn in her 1st; with Moon Venus in Virgo. From her chart her father comes across as indulgent though also highly strung and erratic. Their synastry is fairly terrible with her Mars in vengeful Scorpio square his Pluto and her Pluto square his Mars; but her Sun Jupiter falls in his 2nd conjunct his Jupiter and trine his Sun – so money will win out.

Their relationship chart isn’t great – but then none of his with his children are, not surprising given how difficult living with a super-narcissist is – with hers having a frustrating and enraging dominate-and-submit Mars Pluto conjunction in an explosive opposition to Uranus; with an affectionate Sun Venus in an enthusiastic sextile to Jupiter and an elusive square to Neptune; plus a cold Moon opposition Saturn.

The other kids have similar cross overs with their father. Donald Junior has possibly the least awful connection with him and even he gets riled with his Mars in Leo conjunct Pa’s 12th house Pluto; but Don Junior’s Pluto is conjunct Pa’s 2nd house Jupiter so money trumps all again. Plus Don Junior’s Jupiter in late Gemini soothes Pa’s Sun. Their relationship chart has an upbeat composite Mars Jupiter and less Pluto power struggling than the other children.

Ivanka, of course, has her own cross to bear but manages to slide out from under most of the wrath with her ethereal and illusory Venus Neptune conjunct Pa’s Moon and opposition his Sun. And her ambitious-for-success-and-status Jupiter Pluto will also relish being one of his spawn. Though it comes at a price since her Scorpio Sun squares his Pluto and her Uranus squares his Mars so she’ll have to suppress a great deal of inner irritation and rage. Their relationship chart is archetypally battened down with a teeth-gritting composite Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Uranus conjunct Pluto. So a monumental strain despite the sweet smiles.

The relationship chart with Barron shows the same mix of affection, indulgence, unpredictability and anger. His kids are obviously to a degree fond of him, very fond of his position and money and he isn’t so monstrous any have felt the urge to flee the comfortable nest and strike out on their own.

Pic: Ali Shaker/VOA


Richard Gere – growing old with style



Richard Gere once dubbed ‘the sexiest man alive’ is now a revered silver fox celebrating his 70th birthday today. Renowned for An Officer and a Gentleman and Pretty Woman, he’s had a run of successful movies (and a few turkeys) in a long career. He seems unfazed by being blackballed by major Hollywood studios in recent times because of his support for the Dalai Lama and Tibet, given their reliance on Chinese money. He has moved over to independent films like Arbitrage which earned him high praise and a Golden Globe nomination in 2012.

His marital life is Hollywood complicated – various high-profile affairs, a four year marriage to Cindy Crawford, an 11 year marriage to actress Carey Lowell which ended in a long drawn out acrimonious three year divorce and he is now hitched to an Spanish publicist and activist which whom he has a child.

He was born 31 August 1949 4.36pm Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (rectified from approximate time). This gives him a serious Sun Saturn in Virgo in his 8th with Pluto also in his 8th. It’s amazing how many superstars have 8th house planets, giving them the ability to project a powerful aura. He has idealistic Neptune, Venus and Mercury in the religious 9th with his Mercury in an outspoken square to Uranus. Plus a high-energy and high-enthusiasm Jupiter in Capricorn in his 1st opposition Mars. His Pluto trines a 12th house Sagittarius Moon.

He’s not an easy man emotionally which is perhaps why he opted in his twenties for Buddhism, Zen first and then, after meeting the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Buddhism. The Dalai Lama’s Cancer Sun is exactly conjunct Gere’s Descendant for a good partnership, with the Dalai Lama’s Moon Neptune in Virgo conjunct Gere’s Sun Saturn in the 8th for a deep and healing connection; and the Dalai Lama’s Jupiter in Gere’s 10th for a positive direction. It won’t all be bliss and peace since the Dalai Lama’s Pluto is conjunct Gere’s Mars which translates in the relationship chart into a controlling though ultimately transformative Sun Pluto conjunction.

Relocating his chart to Dharamsala in India where the Dali Lama now lives, it puts his Venus Neptune in the 4th with Jupiter in his 7th – so really where he is happiest.

He seems to be easing back on the work front with only a short TV series recently which he has said he won’t repeat. With tr Saturn aiming into his first quadrant he may want more time to smell the roses and put his feet up.  Though tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter this year and next will attract some success his way.

Valerie Harper – inspirational and earthy


Actress Valerie Harper, best known for The Mary Tyler Show and Rhoda as well as her own sitcom Valerie has died after a long battle with cancer.

She was born 22 August 1939 at 4.30am Suffern, New York, and had an extraordinarily exuberant, resilient and talented chart. She started as a Broadway dancer before graduating to television and then latterly moved back into the theatre with a Tony nomination in 2010 for her performance as Tallulah Bankhead in Looped. Diagnosed with lung cancer, she was given months to live in 2013 but struggled on with heavy treatment to defy the odds and managed to fit in a short film along the way.

She was a charming Sun Venus in Leo in a maverick square to a 10th house Uranus. What makes her chart notable were two Grand Trines – one Fire with Pluto trine a Sagittarius Moon trine Jupiter in upfront Aries; and the other Earth with Uranus trine Neptune trine Mars in Capricorn. Fire Earth is a steamroller personality with the energy to plough ahead when everyone else is falling by the wayside. Her confidence wouldn’t be in doubt with Jupiter trine Pluto, nor her courage and need for excitement with Mars Uranus. She also had a tough, controlling Saturn in Taurus opposition a Scorpio Node square Pluto which would make her exceptionally stubborn.

She was quite a lady.

Pic: Maggiejumps

Freemasonry – secrecy breeds suspicion


Freemasonry has had a bad press in modern times associated with an inner back-slapping police network and more extreme illuminati-type conspiracy theories. And has throughout the centuries raised suspicion because of its secrecy, weird rituals and hotch potch of semi-religious and occult beliefs. Two of America’s early presidents, George Washington and James Monroe, were Freemasons, as were Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and Paul Revere. But many were not; of the 56 figures who signed the Declaration of Independence, only nine were confirmed Masons.

Part of its roots lie in the old craft societies like stonemasons, though there is some evidence of a connection with the persecuted Templars who went underground in the early 14th Century after their leader was burnt alive as a heretic. And the museum in their London HQ, which I’ve visited, is certainly stuffed full of old alchemical and Templar artefacts, the significance of which most members are totally unaware.

The first Masonic Lodge in the world convened in Edinburgh on July 31st 1599 (JC). That makes it a Sun Neptune in Leo trine Pluto in Aries, sextile Mars in Gemini – so a mix of idealistic and flamboyant, controlling and ruthlessly determined. With Uranus just into Taurus square Jupiter. The gory nature of some of the rituals reinforced by the Sun sitting on the cruel Mars/Saturn midpoint and Mars conjunct the ultra-determined Sun/Pluto.

The first Grand Lodge of England was held on 24 June 1717 (JC) in London with a chart surprisingly similar to the 1776 USA chart – Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury in Cancer square Saturn in Libra; with the Sun and other clannish Cancer planets on the midpoint of a stratospherically ambitious Neptune trine Pluto. And two Yods – Neptune sextile Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury inconjunct Mars in Sagittarius and Mars sextile Saturn inconjunct Neptune – putting it out of step with its environment.

Both charts have Neptune Pluto strongly integrated which is associated with odd beliefs, as well as megalomaniac ambitions and scandals.

Jean Seberg – ethereal aura, dark life

Jean Seberg died forty years ago today. She was the darling of the French New Wave cinema after Jean-Luc Godard immortalized her in Breathless, went on to a stream of Hollywood hits including Otto Preminger’s Bonjour Tristesse. But she became increasingly tormented by FBI counter intelligence retaliation for her support of the Black Panthers in the 1960s which included smears and untrue stories about her. And she was found dead from an overdose in her car aged 40, supposedly by suicide though there were questions about whether she’d been helped – and she wasn’t discovered for about ten days so her body was partially decomposed. Her second husband Romain Gary said her mental state had been badly affected by the FBI’s stalking and surveillance over years.

She was born 13 November 1938 5.15 am Marshalltown, Iowa and started acting in her late teens. Her emotional life was complicated with an early, brief abusive marriage, then she hitched up with novelist Romain Gary and had a son, then she had a daughter who died by a student revolutionary, followed by a third husband whom she left for an Algerian who persuaded her to cash in her flat and give him the money before she died. There were stories of multiple failed suicide attempts before.

She was a Sun Scorpio opposition a 7th house Uranus, which would go a long way to explain her constantly revolving partners. That opposition squared onto Jupiter in Aquarius so she did have confidence but would have felt no inclination to put limits on what she wanted. She also has a harsh, hard-edged Mars opposition Saturn, perhaps why she kept attracting herself into abusive relationships. She also had an intensely possessive and controlling Moon Pluto in Leo on her Midheaven.

When she died tr Uranus in Scorpio was hovering around the opposition to her natal Uranus and moving to conjunct her Sun which would make her excessively restless. But more than that it was emotionally a very stressed and depressing time with her Solar Arc Venus square her destructive Mars and Saturn; and tr Saturn exactly conjunct her Solar Arc Moon (and Pluto).

Such a muddled life with a gothically tragic end.

Brad Pitt – at the peak of his talent


Brad Pitt is at the top of his game this year, giving the best performances of his career. He was rightfully lauded for his role as the washed-up stuntman in Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with Leo Di Caprio. And early reviews of James Gray’s Ad Astra in which he stars solo are even more adulatory. It premiered at Venice Film Festival and goes on release late September. Although set in space, it echoes Apocalypse Now themes and stripped of sci-fi it becomes a family melodrama of a man’s search for his renegade father.

He’s also managed to settled the long and acrimonious custody battle with Angelina Jolie over their six kids which has been running for three years.

Born 18 December 1963 6.31am Shawnee, Oklahoma, he’s an adventurous Sun Sagittarius with Mars, Mercury, Moon and Venus spread out through ambitious, creative and materialistic Capricorn. His Mars opposes a Cancer North Node square a 4th house Jupiter so he’s confident and idealistic. His Mars is also trine Uranus Pluto in Virgo giving him a volatile, ultra-determined streak with some anger issues in early life.

He has tr Saturn and Pluto moving through his 2nd house and First Quadrant at the moment which isn’t generally a hugely successful time but will get him in touch with deeper inner issues – as well as reorganising his finances. Jupiter moving into his 2nd from early 2020 will bring him in more cash though he most likely doesn’t need it. The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will trine his Midheaven in 2020 to 2023 so he should be making steady progress with his multifarious projects, some of them as producer. It’s an emotionally intense time for him with tr Pluto conjunct his Moon and Venus in 2019/2020 which could mean a new relationship – or just getting his kids back.

His relationship with Angelina was an incredibly Plutonic one with a composite Sun opposition Pluto – and these are powerfully possessive bonds which are there to transform both partners. Once that work is finished they pull apart, but not without a great deal of pain, mess and difficulty. Interestingly in the relationship chart the argumentative composite Moon Mars falls in the 5th house of children, who became the focus of the aggravation but really weren’t what all that fuss was about.

Gina Miller – taking on the establishment

Gina Miller, a Guyanese-British business owner and activist has again set sail down the judicial route to oppose the decision to suspend Parliament in the courts. It is not possible to mount a legal challenge to the Queen’s approval of the suspension but she believes she can legally challenge the advice the Queen’s prime minister gives her. She has been joined by former Tory PM Sir John Major and is backed by Lib Dem Jo Swinson and Labour deputy leader Tom Watson. The High Court will hold a preliminary hearing next Thursday and, if it agrees, a full hearing will take place the next day.

She’s already made herself exceedingly unpopular with Brexiteers by mounting previous challenges; and indeed is much disliked in the City of London for her True and Fair Campaign, which aims to “limit the possibility of future mis-selling or financial scandals through greater transparency.”

Born on Guyana, then a British colony, on 19 April 1965, she is a last degree Aries Sun conjunct Venus in Taurus with Jupiter in last degree Taurus, neither heaily aspected or well integrated in her chart. More notably she has a firebrand Mars, Uranus, Pluto in Virgo opposition Saturn possibly square a Sagittarius Moon, which would certainly suit her for a public career with an emphasised Moon, as well as for fighting constant battles.

She’s on confident fighting form right through from now till mid December with tr Pluto triggering too of her Jupiter midpoints. Which doesn’t necessarily means she’s winning but she won’t give up.

John Major, 29 March 1943 3.15 am London, another Sun Aries is looking more rattled, less sanguine about the way things are going through the autumn with tr Saturn opposing his Jupiter in October, lowering his enthusiasm; and seriously jangled by Uranus transits to midpoints mid October into November and on.

Pic: Keith Edkins.