World War 11 started on 1 September 1939 as Germany invaded Poland and a few days later Britain, France, Australia, Canada and New Zealand declared war on Germany.
It began on a close Saturn in Taurus opposition a Scorpio North Node square Pluto – so a classic war signature; with a volatile, explosive Earth Grand Trine of a divisive Uranus on the Taurus Midheaven trine Mars trine Neptune.
The two preceding Eclipses in April/May were fairly stark as were the two following in October. The May Lunar Eclipse especially had a brutal Pluto opposition Mars square Saturn; with the Lunar Eclipse Uranus in Taurus exactly conjunct the Germany 1871 8th house Pluto. But you would have been hard pushed as an astrologer to pinpoint in advance an outbreak of a global war involving 100 million people from 30 countries.
And I have been staring irritably at charts for two days trying to work out why more does not show on the UK/Germany relationship chart. The chemistry was always there for a conflict with a composite Sun opposition Jupiter square Pluto setting the scene for constant power struggles and contests for the upper hand. But there was little affecting that bar tr Jupiter conjunct the composite Pluto which recurs every 12 years and is mild enough. The tr Pluto square tr Saturn opposition tr North Node does collide with the composite Neptune Venus which would produce a sense of emotional devastation and confusion. But it doesn’t seem stark enough for a major war.
The charts do share almost the same axis so the house transits will be the same, most notably tr Pluto through the 10th which had been running since just after the start of World War 1 until the end of WW11 in 1945. So it was a long phase of searching for power and/or a sense of purpose and direction – which clearly brought a headlong confrontation as aims and ambitions clashed.
The outbreak is more obvious in the Germany/France relationship chart with tr Uranus opposition the composite Sun and square the composite Moon. On the Canada/Germany chart with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Pluto; the Germany/Australia with tr Uranus moving to conjunct the composite Neptune and Moon/Neptune midpoint and trine the composite Mars which tr Neptune was conjunct. But the UK not so much which is odd.
Although having checked, it does show marginally more clearly in the composite Germany/UK Solar Arc chart with tr Neptune opposition the composite Solar Arc Sun; tr Pluto opposition the combined Solar Arc Mars; and tr Saturn opposition the composite Solar Arc Ascendant – though none of these is exact exact.