Titbits and tasters for the year ahead.
Saturn Pluto kicks off 2020, coming exact only once, in January at 22/23 degrees Capricorn. However that doesn’t mean its effect won’t be hanging over the entire year. Every time the Sun or Mars is in a Cardinal sign the hard aspects will reverberate the same energy since Saturn and Pluto stay in orb. Mars in Capricorn in March will conjunct Saturn and Pluto; and in April the Aries Sun will square Pluto and then the Taurus Sun will square Saturn in early Aquarius. Saturn only sticks a toe in Aquarius from late March until July before reversing back into Capricorn.
Just to put added stress onto events Mars moves into Aries late June to stay for a high-octane six months till January 2021, with a retrograde in the middle. In July the Cancer Sun opposes Saturn and Pluto and Jupiter; in August Mars also opposes Jupiter and Pluto and Saturn. October has both the Libra Sun and Mars in Aries hitting on Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter; with a final hard aspect from Mars to Pluto in December. Mars in hard aspect to Saturn and Pluto tends to be high-risk, accident or disaster prone.
Jupiter is the oddity and wild card in the midst of all these leaden aspects since it generally brings morale-boosts and good luck. There is a Jupiter conjunction with Pluto in March, again in June and November – so there should be some good news amongst the drear and drama.
Venus is also having a retrograde year staying longer than usual in Gemini from April to early August.
Mars will have a ratchety few days in early April as it enters Aquarius to form a conjunction with Saturn and then a square with Uranus.
The Solar Eclipses are in June at zero degrees Cancer; and in December at 23 degrees Sagittarius. The Lunar Eclipses are at 20 degrees Cancer in January; at 16 degrees Sagittarius in June and 14 degrees Capricorn in July; and 9 degrees Gemini in December. Only the January Lunar Eclipse is tied into the heavier influences of the year. Though the July Lunar may have an impact on the USA since it falls opposite the Cancer Sun.
In December both Jupiter and Saturn come together in Capricorn and then move in unison into Aquarius after mid month for a lighter, more cerebral, though still ambivalent influence. Jupiter is expansive, inspired and confident while Saturn is the opposite – practical, lacking imagination, cautious. Together, at best, they can marry idealism with materialism and find a balance between vision and reality.
In the past it has been associated with a few iconic figures who become symbols for a society but are elevated to an impossible height – Princess Diana, John Lennon being two examples – and then come crashing down. US presidents elected under it tend to die in office or are the target of assassination attempts.