Neptune through the houses

Neptune, the shape shifter, creative, compassionate, idealistic, ethereal, escapist, evasive, downright dishonest, chillingly cruel, addictive-prone and commitment-phobic is a complex, multi-faceted energy and tricky to pin down. Its’ artistic repertoire tends to focus on music but also the image – photography and films.

  On the Ascendant Neptune can give ‘bedroom eyes’, an attractive, appealing appearance which draws bystanders in with a magnetic power though may hide a ragbag of self delusion and confusion. Sensitive, impressionable, easily led.

Neptune in the 2nd house of personal finances at best gives the ability to earn money through creative or helpful ventures, can be idealistic and humanitarian about resources, but tends to be unrealistic, impractical and careless when it comes to money management.

Neptune in the 3rd house of siblings and everyday communications, tends to make for muddled and/or disappointing relationships with brothers, sisters and cousins, as well as workmates and neighbours in adult life. A tendency to trip into misunderstandings through mixed messages, not concentrating on details or stopping to check what was intended. Generally head-in-the-clouds. Finds it difficult to give straight answers.

Neptune in the 4th house of family and roots produces dreams and delusions of a perfect home and family, preferably near water as a compensation for a chaotic childhood family life.  It can bring an idealized view of father in particular, which overlooks his weaknesses. The father is often unable through incapacity or temperament to be a solid, sensible presence. The family often demands sacrifices of the individual so there is a sense of having to choose between personal identity and belonging to the family. It is one or the other, not both.

Neptune in the 5th house of children, romance and creativity. Musicians and singers abound, as do romantic dreams and illusions but emotional staying power and commitment is often absent. Yearning for the perfect love leads to disappointment as reality falls a short. Children, as with Paul Auster below who had a drug addict son and a singer daughter, can be creative or prone to Neptune’s failings. Often there is confusion around children, sometimes a lack of responsibility in caring for them. The 5th house also rules speculation and Neptune can be intuitive though taking risks with money can backfire.

Neptune in the 6th house of work and health – can be good for those in the healing and helping professions though suggests slightly delicate physical constitution. Not ill health so much as needing to take care and not over push excesses, whether with overwork or eating/drinking too much. There can be unreliability where work is concerned.  

Neptune in 7th house of one-to-one relationships can give a telepathic understanding of partner’s needs and unspoken thoughts, though can lack commitment and responsibility in cooperative ventures and in relationships. Will tend to attract Neptunian partners who can be spiritual, creative or evasive and unreliable.

Neptune in the 8th house of joint finances and sexuality. Caution needed when handling business finances or taxes, credit cards etc since there may be confusion about responsibilities and paying back loans. Partners will tend to be equally lax when it comes to practical financial matters. Secrets will tend to slide out into the open, financial and other, at inopportune moments. Film stars often have Neptune in the 8th since it seems to bestow an ability to project an aura, probably unconsciously. Gives an interest in the occult, clairvoyance and psychic matters. Suggests a psychic grandparent.

Neptune in the 9th house of religious and spiritual beliefs, higher education, knowledge and legal affairs. Inclines the individual towards mystical beliefs rather than organized religion. Creative with words though not always good at concentrating so education can suffer.

Neptune in 10th house of career and reputation. Good for caring and healing professions and creative ones. Personal glory is less important than following the vision. Can bring confusion about direction, indecision or irresponsibility at work. Mother will be Neptunian – and the child may be the carer, forced into adult responsibilities too young. Lack of psychological boundaries with mother can carry over into adult life which can be helpful vis a vis intuition but can also bring confusion.

Neptune in 11th house of friends and future plans. Idealistic, spiritual and/or creative friends, humanitarian group activities. Can also be unreliability in friendships either because of lack of commitment to the responsibilities involved or because Neptunian friends prove to be evasive.

Neptune in the 12th house of the unconscious and secrets. Escapist, dreamy, intuitive, can be addictive-prone. Mystical beliefs, creative sensitivity Not good psychic boundaries so need to protect self. Peace and seclusion needed along the way to clear out psychological clutter soaked in from other people.

University students – making their voices heard ++ UCLA a tinderbox waiting to blow

University students voicing displeasure with authorities and the status quo is practically a rite of passage from the anti-Vietnam uprisings in the mid 1960s alongside anti-apartheid and pro-civil rights demos when the revolutionary transiting Uranus Pluto conjunction was in place. French students staging mass protests in 1968, involving street fights, demanded democratic and educational reforms, cultural liberation, social justice, and better working conditions. The protests had a lasting impact on French society and politics and also on a global level, inspiring similar movements in other countries.

  There are armed clashes at the moment at Columbia University in New York and UCLA over the Palestine situation, with some blaming outside agitators. The 1960s protests had the advantage of being fought on simpler issues – apartheid is wrong, the Vietnam War is a disaster and should be stopped, freedom of speech should be inviolable.

 That Gaza and the Palestinians have been badly treated by successive Israel governments with the complicit (and inexplicable) support of USA governments over the years is not in question. But as Janet Daley argued, the pro-Palestine demonstrators are putting their bodies on the line for – an alignment with forces supported by the most illiberal, authoritarian, repressive regime in the world.

  I’m not sure I have much that is illuminating apart from a few pointers.  Assuming the students who are demanding their right to be heard are around 20 at the moment they were born, some of them, with the Uranus in Pisces square Pluto in dogmatic Sagittarius so will be rebels by nature; with the added turmoil of the North Node in Taurus.

 Columbia University, 25 May 1754, oddly enough also has Uranus in Pisces square Pluto in Sagittarius, so echoes of the past have come back to set off a few firecrackers of resistance.  If this chart is anything to go by the disruptions will continue for another two years at least, if not five.

 UCLA has had a muddled history since the start, with the earliest version being founded 2 May 1862, which has a determined Taurus Sun and Pluto square Mars and trine Jupiter Saturn in Virgo; with Saturn Jupiter square Uranus. The Mercury is conjunct the can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune midpoint.

  Perhaps the USA 4 July 1776 11 am chart with the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the 9th house (= higher education) Mars almost exactly now is stoking up some of the destructive, fractious, irritable energy.

  The students may be embroiled in a more complicated issue than they know but if they could exert enough pressure to persuade the US government to insist on a civilized solution to the Palestinians’ seventy five year ordeal, then it may not all be wasted effort.

ADD ON: A later date for UCLA is 23 May 1919. This certainly shows up a propensity for ructions, disruptions and violent protests with its Sun in Gemini conjunct Mars in Taurus conjunction square Saturn in Leo. Tr Uranus is square the Saturn exactly now and moving on to conjunct the Mars and Sun in 2025 – so it won’t settle anytime soon.  This chart in particular clashes with Israel’s Taurus Sun square Mars in Leo.

Paul Auster – a meaningless life v his astrology ++ dead children obsession

Paul Auster, author of The New York Trilogy and The Music of Chance has died. He acquired a cult-life following from his Kafkaesque novels in which ‘his protagonists would battle their way through surreal events to be confronted by the realisation that life is meaningless, motivation impossible to fathom and human beings’ sense of their own identity a fragile illusion’, according to one review.

  His main thesis was of how chance events can derail or rehabilitate a life. Which is not so surprising since he escaped death by inches in his teens when the boy in front of him was killed by a lightning strike; wrote his first successful novel on the basis of a wrong number phone call which sparked a plot – and later discovered his paternal grandmother had shot his grandfather, with his six year old father within earshot. Auster’s own drug addict estranged son died of an overdose while awaiting trial for the manslaughter through negligence of his 10 month old baby, Auster’s granddaughter.

  At which point an astrologer heads for his chart to extract clues as to why his life was so knife-edge, high-stress and catastrophe-prone.

 He was born 3 February 1947 12.20am Newark, New Jersey, with his Sun in Aquarius conjunct his IC conjunct Mars and opposition Pluto Saturn in Leo. Sun Mars and Saturn Pluto is heavy-duty, a walk on the dark side, deprived, challenging but giving him grit and perseverance. His Mars Saturn may be an echo of the father who was a bystander at his own father’s death. Luckily Paul Auster had his Mercury square Jupiter in Scorpio in his 1st to give him a streak of optimism.

 What intrigued me was his son Daniel, 12 June 1977, who had his Sun Jupiter in Gemini conjunct father Paul Auster’s 8th house Uranus  – the drug addict son connected back into his father’s generational trauma of the murdered grandfather with the grandmother later being acquitted on a plea of insanity.

 Paul Auster did have Neptune ruling his 5th house of children, with Pisces on the cusp with one drug addict son and a daughter who is musician.

 His life may have seemed arbitrary, a series of surreal coincidences but his chart does have crucial clues as to a life pattern that did give even the extreme events which befell and surrounded him a meaningful context. He would not have appreciated astrology.

ADD ON: When Paul Auster had his lucky escape from a lightning strike at 14, Jupiter was highlighted – tr Jupiter conjunct his Sun Mars; SA Jupiter conjunct his South Node; and SA Pluto square his Jupiter. His first breakout publishing success came in the early 1980s on his Jupiter return and perhaps more significantly with his Solar Arc Pluto square SA Sun square his 8th house Uranus – the curse and the blessing of his intergenerational legacy.

 Paul Auster appeared to have been obsessed by dead children who appeared in several novels: see

  And his own son Daniel walked on the dark side, being a witness to a brutal drug killing involving his associates in the 1990s. He had Mars Venus Chiron Moon in Taurus opposition Uranus square Saturn in Leo – which collided unhappily with his father’s Saturn Pluto opposition Mars Sun. The sins of the past generations all piling up to implode in this one.

CJ Sansom – lacking self esteem he still led the way

The writer C J Sansom, creator of the character Matthew Shardlake, the hunchbacked lawyer who solved murder mysteries against the backdrop of the melodramatic turmoil of faith, heresy, high treason and political intrigue of Tudor England, Henry V111 and Thomas Cromwell, has died.  His obituaries say he invented the genre of a crime series set against the great sweep of political history.

“There are no modern spy writers who do not define themselves against John le Carré, or fantasy writers untouched by JRR Tolkien. The same is true of Sansom. If you pick up a novel tomorrow that ties a murder to a king, or a serial killer to a pope, there is a small, hunchbacked lawyer lurking in that book’s genesis.”

  He started from unlikely beginnings in Edinburgh on  9 December 1952, no birth time, growing up in a traditional Presbyterian family and bullied at school with undiagnosed ADHD. He escaped into books and attempted suicide at 15, ending up in a mental hospital for a year.

“For the first time in my life, I was not treated as a pariah, and I owe more than I can say to the devotedly caring staff. They saved my life. My mind came to life and I found interests in literature, history and politics.”

 After a hiatus he studied history at University, taking a PhD, and trained as a solicitor, mainly working on legal aid cases so that he could “act on behalf of the underdog”.

In his late forties an inheritance enabled him to take a sabbatical to write fiction and “see what happened”. Seven best sellers followed.

 ‘Sansom’s novels made him rich, but living alone he continued to struggle with intermittent depression: “If you keep kicking a dog, it expects to be kicked. All my life I have had the feelings of worthlessness, inferiority and self-blame characteristic of abused children.”

  A Disney+ series based on his novels, starring Arthur Hughes as Shardlake and Sean Bean as Cromwell, airs this week, which sadly he did not live to see broadcast.

 He had a knowledgeable, communicative Sagittarius Sun trine Pluto and sextile a hope-for-a-better-society Saturn Neptune in Libra. Significantly his Sun was also on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Uranus sextile Jupiter. A quincunx to his Sun would make him socially-awkward and self-conscious but would also give him the ability to switch track into a new field of activity that would give him confidence, resulting in recognition. He could have mismanaged such an aspect, as some do, into becoming overbearing but he clearly found a way to balance out his ego drives in a way that found appreciation out in society even if he never fully embraced his success.  He had a Virgo Moon which is good for detail plus his determined Mars in Aquarius was conjunct his North Node giving him a passionate drive for a cause which perhaps tied into his Saturn Neptune fight for the underdog.

  His Mercury in Sagittarius was unaspected apart from a mild sextile to Venus which initially may have scattered his attention but clearly had its other attribute of being one-tracked with an extraordinary ability in one narrow area of life.

  When he embarked on his life-changing second career in fiction his yod apex planet his Sun was being triggered by tr Pluto conjunct and Solar Arc Saturn Neptune also conjunct in the immediate aftermath. Yods usually need a sharp nudge which comes not as a willed effort but as a result of a series of outside circumstances which conspire to bring it to life and carve out a meant path ahead.

And his earlier shift at 15 in mental hospital came when transiting Pluto Uranus in Virgo were square his Sun.

Celestial timetable – surviving the future

Arab astrologers believed the greatest use of astrology came from insights it gave on the past, putting into context what had gone before. Predictive astrology tends to shine a light ahead and worry about what comes next. The oft repeated self-help mantra ‘Forget the Past, Live in the Present & Ignore the Future’ contains a nugget of truth, but is not feasible when there are ephemeris to be poured over (celestial-railway timetables) and both before and after become of all consuming interest.

  [When in a terminal catastropherian meltdown about the End of Times coming think crocodile. It has paddled on largely unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs. Life goes on.]  

  At present the great celestial gear change with Pluto moving into Aquarius, tentatively in 2023 and decisively in 2025 remaining till 2043, Neptune and Saturn moving into Aries in 2025/26 and Uranus into Gemini in 2025/26 – is causing a greater than usual level of uncertainty about what comes next. There won’t be such a close coincidence of four outer planets changing sign in such a short space of time for decades to come.

 Taking it year by year;

2025/26 Neptune Saturn conjunction in Pisces/Aries – hope for a better society, women’s and workers’ issues to the fore, some uncertainty, and health issues, both medical advances or panics.

2026 has Uranus just into Gemini (for seven years) trine Pluto sextile Neptune in Air and Fire which should be interesting in changing outlooks and advances.

2028 Saturn in Taurus square Pluto – tough-going, could see a war somewhere (plus ca change), deprivation.

2030/31 Saturn in Gemini trine Pluto sextile Neptune – could  see social improvements, could bring confusion.

2032 Saturn conjunct Uranus in Gemini – social reform, historically saw the rise of Golden Ages.

2032/33 Uranus Saturn into Cancer

2023/34 Saturn square Neptune – panicky, uncertain.

2035/36 Saturn in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius – deprivation, tough conditions, war.

2038 Neptune in Taurus – maybe art and nature combining. Constantin Brancusi the sculptor was born in 1876 as Neptune entered Taurus the previous time – a lovely combination of creativity with tangible form in sculptures.

2039 Uranus into Leo square Neptune in Taurus – highly strung, inspired, whacky ideas, fanaticism.  

2042 Saturn in Scorpio opposition Neptune square Uranus in Leo – creative, though also great uncertainty, line between fantasy and reality blurred.

2043 Pluto into Pisces.

  Nothing as tricky as the present four years between 2023 and 2026 but life’s winding path will continue to throw up mayhem as well as advances and advantages.

SCOTUS – backlash will be game-changing

  The Supreme Court in the USA continues to lose respect and popularity for their abortion rulings and interventions in Trump’s behalf. The overturning of Roe versus Wade may prove to be the second worst decision in their long history and equally as politically damaging as the first.

  The Dred Scott decision of 6 March 1857 when they pronounced that people of black African descent could not be regarded as citizens was described as the Court’s “greatest self-inflicted wound” and had a crucial role in the start of the American Civil War four years later.

 The Dred Scott decision in 1857 came when tr Uranus in Taurus was square to the SCOTUS Pluto during deliberations. Tr Neptune was also conjunct the SCOTUS Saturn in Pisces; with the SA Pluto opposition the Neptune. Disruptive, leading to uncertainty and asserting power over compassion.

  The decision to overturn Roe v Wade finally arrived in June 2022, with pointed hints the month before, when tr Uranus along with the North Node in Taurus was square the SCOTUS Sun and moving to square the SCOTUS Pluto which is relatively similar to the above. And there was that momentous history-changing Uranus North Node conjunction approaching two months later in August. See post 17 June 2022. That arguably may have been the trigger for what transpires in future years like the Dred Scott decision.

 During SCOTUS decline in recent years with a right-wing slanted imbalance and corruption allegations tr Pluto has been squaring the SCOTUS Neptune. There will be some ructions in this June to August with tr Uranus square the Mars Jupiter conjunction, extending into early 2025.

  What may upset the apple cart is tr Pluto opposition the Uranus but that does not crop up until 2029 – so the knock on effect of recent misjudgements may take time to produce a substantial backlash.

Robert Todd Lincoln – a coincidence too far ++ surviving multiple sinkings, Arthur Priest, Violet Jessop

Robert Todd Lincoln is a fascinating study in the fate versus freewill debate. Is a life pattern laid down at birth which attracts certain experiences, wished for or not?

  Lincoln was the eldest son of President Abraham Lincoln, a business lawyer and company president, who served as US Secretary of War and the U.S. ambassador to GB. He was present or nearby when the assassination of three presidents occurred – his father, James Garfield and William McKinley.

  He was born 1 August 1843 in Springfield, Illinois, no birth time and had a Leo Sun, with a Libra Moon almost certainly tied into a Cardinal Grand Cross opposition Pluto square Venus opposition Saturn. A Cardinal Grand Cross would give him a restless temperament, an over-abundance of initiative and a tendency to live a life of rolling crisis. With Saturn Pluto involved he would have grit and perseverance though also a tendency to experience the harsher side of life – and gave him an aptitude for a job such as Secretary for War.

   But even given all that, three Presidential assassinations does seem a coincidence too far.

  Looking deeper into his chart it becomes clearer. His Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn appear to have little connection. But their midpoint at zero degrees Capricorn is conjunct his North Node which ties him into the zeitgeist and both square his Uranus. Mars Saturn was the traditional astrological signature for assassination. The North Node tied him into the spirit of the age. And Uranus added an explosive and doubly violent overtone. His Uranus was also semi-square his destructive Mars/Pluto midpoint which would also make being a bystander at murders more likely.

  On all three occasions his North Node either natal or by Solar Arc Directions was highlighted; as was his Cardinal Grand Cross with the natal or SA Pluto or Saturn being rattled.

  Mars Saturn does have a connection with death in general, having military associations. In my own life it has been present by transit when significant family members died – not by violent means, in one case by old age.

ADD ON: Two others who were bystanders at several calamities – at sea – were stewardess Violet Jessop, 2 October 1887 who survived the Titanic and two other sea disasters; and ‘the unsinkable stoker’ Arthur Priest, 31 August 1887, who survived four including the Titanic.

 Arthur Priest was a Sun Virgo with his Jupiter in Scorpio square a Mars Saturn conjunction in Leo. His Mars Saturn was emphasized being on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Venus (Uranus) in Libra trine Pluto Neptune in Gemini. He’d certainly be tough and arguably his Jupiter square Mars/Saturn would bring luck to dangerous/life-threatening situations. At the Titanic sinking 14 April 1012, his Solar Arc Venus Uranus, the leading planets in the mini Grand Trine were conjunct his Jupiter; and tr Pluto was inconjunct his SA Jupiter.

Violet Jessop also had Jupiter in Scorpio which may have been on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile an Aries Moon. At the 20 September 1911 collision of HMS Hawke tr Jupiter was square her Mars/Saturn midpoint. At the Titanic sinking her Solar Arc Uranus was within a degree of being conjunct her Jupiter and tr Uranus was exactly square her SA Sun. At the 21 November 1916 HMS Britannic sinking her SA Sun was conjunct her Jupiter.

  Not quite as clearcut as Lincoln but pointing to the blessings of a strong Jupiter. A chart axis from a birth time might also be significant.

USA Civil War – dredging up old fears

Is the US heading for civil war?  Amidst a generally panicky mood about everything from an impending World War 111 to a possible raging pandemic, the unstable and divisive political situation in the USA, exacerbated by the January 6 insurrection, is producing real fears of an internal rupture.

 The classic civil war astro-signature is transiting Pluto conjunct the Sun which oversaw the tearing apart of the USSR and the Syria civil war.

 The previous US civil war starting 12 April 1861 did not impact the USA 1776 chart’s Sun in any noticeable way.  Though it did conjunct the Taurus Sun on the USA First President chart, 30 April 1789.

  What showed up on the 1776 chart was a Uranus Return, tr Pluto square the Leo North Node and Neptune on the cusp of moving into Aries.

  There are certain similarities to the previous Civil War influences around the 2028 election with another Uranus Return (every 84 years) and tr Pluto in Aquarius opposition the Leo North Node. The USA’s North Node is sensitive – 9/11 happened during the exact tr Neptune opposition the North Node.

  So the next election might be the more fraught one – though I hesitate to feed into the American obsession with elections which generates a constant angst and anxiety about the next midterms and the next Presidential before the ink is dry on this one.

  But the same influences rarely produce the same outer events so nothing is certain.

See previous post: Civil Wars, messy splits – no clear signs ahead 6th May 2022 and other civil war posts in search.

Amazon – an astrology chart for a colossus

The Everything War: Amazon’s Ruthless Quest to Own the World and Remake Corporate Power is the provocative title of a new book. It looks at the internet’s winner-takes-all dynamic set up by Jeff Bezos who launched his competition-squashing behemoth in 1995.

   Amazon’s march to monopoly has raised questions about why the US government has done little to stop its anti-competitive behaviour, caring more, it is suggested about “consumer welfare”, which puts efficiency and customer outcomes above all else.  There is an antitrust lawsuit on the books against Amazon but it could be years before that reaches a judgement.

  The chart of the first sale, 16 July 1995, is, astrologically speaking, jaw dropping with an imaginative Water Grand Trine from a Cancer Sun (= has a nose for public trends) trine Pluto in Scorpio (conjunct Jupiter) trine Saturn Moon in Pisces. It is both sensitive to customer needs and unyielding. Built for endurance. The Water Grand Trine is formed into three talented Kites with the Sun opposition the inventive, inspired and can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune in Capricorn; Saturn in an unsentimental, can-be-destructive opposition to a hard working Mars in Virgo; and Pluto opposition Algol. If there was ever a chart for a colossus this is it.

 Jeff Bezos, 12 January 1964, is no slouch in terms of a birth chart either, with a super ambitious Capricorn Sun and Mars but more significantly Jupiter in pro-active Aries on the focal point of a yod to a mould-breaking, inventive Uranus Pluto conjunction sextile Neptune. Stratospheric ambitions which could be brought low by massive over-confidence.

  There will be hitches and glitches ahead but nothing that stands out as hubris brought crashing down.

  [I fear I am one of the ones who sighs ‘Amazon is nasty but it works’.]  

Bird flu in milk – another set of worries

Bird flu has jumped across to cows and is rapidly spreading through herds in the USA with traces found in milk. The risk to the general population is still considered low, given H5N1 does not appear to transmit from human to human. Those most at risk are farm and poultry workers close to infected animals. But researchers are concerned, given the potential for further mutations through intermediaries, such as cows, cats or pigs.

  If mutations enable human-to-human spread, avian flu would become the top priority for governments around the world. The fatality rate is estimated by the World Health Organization at 52%, including young people. The US government is preparing a vaccine plan, with Tamiflu, a flu antiviral, seen to be an effective treatment. As yet it is considered a US problem with  UK beef being largely imported from the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, Germany and the Netherlands.

  Given we are deluged with catastropherian panics daily in the media it could be just one more scare but if it does spread it makes sense for health authorities to be prepared.

 The recent Covid-19 epidemic had a Saturn Pluto conjunction stamp, hinting at deprivation, hardship and destruction but that is not usually a sign of illness. more often bringing significant wars.

  The astro-signature most associated with epidemics is a Saturn Neptune conjunction of which the next one is due in 2025/26 in Aries. The Spanish flu epidemic towards the end of World War One which wiped out more people in a single year than the Middle Ages black death plague (between 25 and 50 million) coincided with the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Leo of 1918.

  An epidemic of St Vitus Dance (chorea) broke out in Europe in 1021 when Saturn and Neptune were together in Aquarius; the disease causes involuntary jerky movements and leads to brain deterioration.   The plague that devastated Europe and Asia during the 1340s was marked by the Saturn–Neptune conjunction in Aquarius of 1344, and the Uranus–Pluto conjunction at the same time. The outbreak of bubonic plague in London in 1665 and the Great Fire of London a year later both took place when Saturn and Neptune were together in Capricorn.

  In 1846 in Aquarius, widespread famine in Ireland followed the failure of the potato crop. By the conjunction of the late 1980s in Capricorn, the AIDS virus was running amok, causing countless deaths in Africa, Europe and the United States.

But given there are three Saturn Neptune conjunctions per century an illness blight is not a constant.

 There is another side to a Saturn Neptune conjunction in providing practical care for the suffering.  Medical advances are highlighted. Take one example, the Saturn Neptune conjunction in 1881 in Taurus, oversaw Louis Pasteur’s discovery of the anthrax vaccine.

  Another thought – the foot and mouth outbreak in the UK in 2001 which saw a crisis in British farming with 6 million cows and sheep slaughtered came two years after the famous/infamous August 1999 Solar Eclipse. It had a highly charged, destructive Mars in Scorpio opposition Saturn square Uranus opposition a Leo New Moon Grand Square and its path ran across the UK. There were not too many instant effects in the UK but when transiting Mars returned eighteen months later to Scorpio the foot-and-mouth outbreak occurred.  

 The Great American Eclipse recently was not as stressful as the 1999 eclipse was in terms of aspects but it might be worth keeping an eye on later triggers to the 2024 eclipse chart.

Celestial straws in the wind.