Brittney Griner, the US top basketball player and Olympic gold medallist has been handed a nine-and-a half-year sentence in Russia after she was pronounced guilty of smuggling and narcotics charges, having been found with vape canisters containing cannabis oil in February. She had come to Russia to play club basketball during the US off-season and said she had made an “honest mistake”. There are indications she has fallen foul of ‘hostage diplomacy’ and she may be swapped for imprisoned Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout – known as the Merchant of Death.
Born 18 October 1990 in Houston, Dallas, she is the daughter of a former Sheriff and Marine Vietnam veteran, and has had a standout sporting career since High School though with the odd violent outburst along the way. There were also domestic violence charges arising from her first short-lived marriage to fellow WBNA player Gloria Johnson.
Griner is a Sun, Mercury, Venus and probably Moon in Libra so should be diplomatic. But she is also part of the triple conjunction generation with Uranus, Neptune and Saturn in Capricorn, which can produce great talent at the same time as erratic, unpredictable temperaments. Even more so in her case, because her Saturn Neptune sextile Pluto form a Yod focussing on Mars in Gemini. Such an apex planet Mars has difficulty in modulating anger and aggression and tends to be overly impulsive and to plunge recklessly into action.
She also has a pushily-confident Pluto square Jupiter, which will give her a tendency to assume rules don’t apply to her.
Her self-defeating 10th and 16th harmonic are both strong.
She looks understandably devastated at the moment with undermining transits for a year or two ahead but that does not mean she’ll be stuck there – only that her life will take time to rebalance.
Travelling to foreign countries assuming they have the same attitude to certain drugs, even prescriptions ones, is hardly sensible.
Pic: Lorie Shaull
Hi Martha.
I would like to have my brother’s birth time but there have been no significant events in his life.
No high school diploma. He’s been living at home —no significant markers whatsoever.
What would one look to when wanting a birth time? I might be able to find date of 8th grade graduation and some hospital stays but that’s about it.
And how to find someone who rectifies charts professionally?
Thank you in advance.
Here is Griner’s rectified natal chart, inner chart, in a biwheel, outer chart, with court verdict transits.
Fascinating. I was wondering what in her chart would indicate someone who thought they could override Russia’s rules. The Jupiter-Pluto square sounds about right. What a tough way to be taught a lesson in sensibility.
An update to my comment..
I live in Washington State, U.S.A. We have a right-wing, longtime political activist, Tim Eyman, who just lost a massive lawsuit filed by our state’s attorney general. It was years in the making as Mr. Eyman has for decades, evaded campaign finance laws and laws in general. He’s an extraordinary irritant but ultimately ineffective. Curiously, he just walked past my patio this afternoon and intrigued, I looked up his chart. Sure enough, he’s got a Jupiter-Pluto square like Britney Griner. Tim Eyman is famous for believing the laws don’t apply to him but this week, he finally got snagged.