Last week had definite signs of Boris’s government losing the plot altogether as it descended into panic over the new virus strain, scaremongering the electorate on the basis of unsubstantiated research. And Matt Hancock’s idiotic idea about paying people who had positive Covid reactions money that would have cost the Exchequer a sum equivalent to half the Defence Budget was so unhinged it didn’t inspire confidence either. It was smartly dropped.
Whether this was hysteria breaking out, or a Trumpian style distract-and-deflect tactic as Brexit horror stories started to grow isn’t clear. Though it is becoming obvious that the cross-border EU trade problem isn’t just teething troubles. Not only has €6bn of EU share dealing shifted away from London, the fishing industry is talking in dire terms about bankruptcy. As are businesses who trade in both directions to and from the EU, some of whom are talking about having to set up offices in Europe to survive.
Just to cap a perfect week, polls say that Scotland and Northern Ireland want referendums on independence, with Sturgeon saying she’ll hold one whether Westminster approves or not. The economic arguments against any breakaway from the lucrative tax-generating south of England, which effectively foots the bill for the needy regions, is overwhelming. But it may not be a match for sentiment or indeed antipathy to Boris, whose Woosterish uber-English schtick, is a turn-off. Though any unification of Ireland would be a long ways off; and Sturgeon’s chart (see post below) although bullish now is running into the buffers in a couple of years.
Boris’s Term chart, 13 December 2019 11 am London, was always heading into a swamp – indeed it started with sodden feet – with a dithering, indecisive Sagittarius Sun square Neptune. That Term Sun was not only battered by the December Solar Eclipse but is also about to collect a tr Neptune undermining square from late March onwards running into 2022. The leaden 12th house Saturn, Venus, Pluto conjunction comes exact by Solar Arc later this year, about which there is not a whiff of freedom and merriment, quite the reverse. Plus the 9 degree Sagittarius Midheaven will be pulled this way and that by the May Lunar and December Solar Eclipses this year.
Boris’s personal chart has the exact jolting Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Scorpio Moon now to the minute of a degree. He must be under huge pressure physically, which is one of the Moon areas. He’s still lurching from the December Solar Eclipse opposing his Mercury, Sun, Venus – and the June/December 2021 Eclipses will rattle up his Uranus Pluto and Saturn.
He has similarities to Trump in terms of the almost psychotic levels of chaos he clearly thrives in, wrecking what lies around him.
He does have a Water Grand Trine of Saturn in Pisces trine Moon trine North Node in Cancer (conjunct Venus Sun) and that has his South Node in Capricorn as the driving point. Water Grand Trines can live in their own reality bubble and not always connect to what’s going on – and if he defaults to his line-of-least-resistance Capricorn South Node – too much pride, self-righteous, opinionated, opportunistic – then he’ll remain stuck in his childhood patterns.
Recent polls suggest if he went to election now he’d lose his entire majority and maybe his own seat with an electorate unhappy over his handling of the pandemic and Brexit.
His relationship chart with the UK doesn’t indicate much of an uptick ahead, quite the reverse, with a disappointing tr Neptune opposition the Mercury Uranus and square Jupiter running now till early 2023. Plus a disastrous, resentful run of tr Pluto trine the Mars/Saturn midpoint and then Saturn through till 2024.
By which time he’ll have caused the damage and no doubt be off in bunterish fashion to pastures new.
As if the virus wasn’t scary enough – having a shambling shower of incompetents supposedly in charge of Everything just puts the tin lid on it.
Add on: Gordon Brown: UK could become ‘failed state’ without reform.
For once Brown appears to be talking sense and it might be a way out of a break-up. He advocates a federal system with more power for nations and regions
just for information to the brexiteers, astrazeneca had 334 million euros from the EU to develop the vaccine, dwarfing the British input, so without that the British may have no vaccine to give out!
Marjorie, will you do a piece on the closing of borders ? How long might it go on? Years. Whilst I want to fight the virus we are losing all freedom!
Thanks Marjorie.
Mars will soon be square the Johnson term chart ascendant and Uranus approaches the square. There will be some advantage in the Jupiter and Saturn also coming to a conjunction with the ascendant. I am inclined to think that they will have some luck (vaccines etc) but will dissipate it through the Neptune. The Uranus will provide some revelations which will be expansively awkward- there is a Jovian connection in the chart.
On Gordon Brown, I would interested to see his chart. At least he was honest and tried to work with the facts. He made mistakes but then so do us all. There were good reasons for changing the corporation tax which impacted on pensions not least to try and encourage investment (did not work) and pension funds were over privileged in tax terms. Brown did keep the UK out of the Euro but, although correct, got the ire of the rest of the big EU countries. They became difficult and needed to be shaken up. Brexit was by any reckoning an overreaction.
If the private pension funds were over privileged in tax terms then the civil service and local government pensions were as well and are even more so now. An index linked pension is an impossible dream for those, except at the very top of the tree, in the private sector.
Blimey!!!!! Has everyone got coviditis!!????
Probably! And Neptune (plus Ceres) is still squaring the Moon’s Nodes, making for a lot of Neptunianess swirling through the population. I am bleakly amused by the Neptune in Pisces symbolism of Nathan Evans’ (ex postie) “viral sea shanty” – Wellerman – becoming such a wild hit on Tiktok. Looking forward to the Wellerwoman version soon….
Thanks Marjorie: wow, that was a contentious post! I’m sure, I’ll be shot down for posting this but everybody has an opinion and ultimately, it’s each and everybody’s truth and it doesn’t mean they are right or wrong. People are so polarised now. However, I personally agreed with An ancient mariner: Gordon Brown did untold damage and there are many MPs in the UK who are corrupt whatever party they belong to, never mind other leaders around the rest of the world. I believe Johnson got in power to keep Corbyn out. One thing is for sure, I won’t be voting again until political parties start putting people first: from the bottom up, not top down. Truth and transparency is what matters. However, I may not live long enough to see it though.
If what Gordon Brown did to this country when he was Chancellor of the Exchequer wasn’t so devastating, his latest pronouncements would be amusing. As it is, the way they are being presented as deep words of wisdom by some sections of the media demonstrates their political bias and short memories.
In his first budget he robbed, there is no other word for it, seven billion pounds from the private sector pension funds, whose members will now become a burden on the state as they get older. He subsequently created further billions of debt using the Private Finance Initiative. The result of all of this was that he walked off into the sunset leaving the the country almost bankrupt and the succeeding Tory government with the blame for the austerity measures needed to sort it out.
He also, in partnership with Blair, made it easier for landlords to buy property than private buyers, which greatly reduced the amount of assets held by ordinary people and allowed unlimited immigration both from the EU and other countries, which depressed the wages of the lower wage earners of this country.
He also spent a great deal of unnecessary money in Scotland, the prime example of which was the building of the two aircraft carriers at Rosyth Dockyard. This had to be almost completely rebuilt, including having new large cranes added, when the building dock at Harland & Wolff in Belfast would have required no such work to be undertaken.
I have no more regard for any other political party than that of Labour, as I consider that all MP’s are equally corrupt, but I do have a regard for the truth.
Hmm. You clearly have a regard for selective ‘truths’ that support the narrative you want to see. I guess the 2008 market crash caused by deregulation of banks, chronic underfunding and privatisation of the NHS by the Tories, mass enabling of tax dodging by the multinationals, and the blatant lies of the Leave campaign passed you by. More Neptune, unfortunately.
Pity I can’t ask my late father his thoughts on your and A. Mariner’s posts. He lost over £50,000 from his pension, for which he had worked hard all his life, as a result of Brown’s cooking the books. I seem to remember the word my father used at the time was “theft”. Not a selective truth, but a gross injustice to a lot of decent, hard working people.
A lot of the privatisation of the NHS was via Labour’s PFI initiative. Unfortunately the NHS needs bottomless cash to let it survive and nobody is brave enough to realise that this needs to change – too much on management and bureaucracy and not enough for the end user. However this is not the place to discuss this suffice to say that each successive government has contributed to the mess it is in today
Ancient Mariner. Gordon Brown was not responsible for the global economic crisis while he was Chancellor of the Exchequer. I lived in Germany at the time and remember the crisis there. As far as I remember interest rates went up to 18%, there was mass unemployment and a definite economic crisis. Anyone else have memories of this? Sometimes you get a completely different perspective on life and politics when we live elsewhere. I believe that when the private sector pension funds were opened up to the respective companies, the general idea was to stimulate the economy. I don’t believe some of the measures were right ……. with hindsight.
And as I recollect he sold off the gold reserves at rock bottom prices. The aircraft carriers were/are a horror story.
Thanks Solaia for your input, most helpful.
No matter how imperfect the EU is, we live in a globalised world. And most importantly – you can’t eat sovereignty.
Thank you Marjorie. Nobody knows how having Covid will effect some people long term and Boris´ health is an example of that to everyone. Is he recovered or is he not? The uncertainty around his health also draws into focus peoples some peoples uncertainly over Brexit. It seems to be the case that (with a few exceptions) people all over Europe are angry with their governments response to the pandemic. People are unhappy and take it out on their government – not so strange really. One thing I´ve noticed in myself is the feelings on envy that well up in me during this pandemic. Because of the work I do I have had to be very careful in my free time with regard to covid and have felt outbursts of envy when I see other people with a more relaxed attitude. Now this week I have had my first dose of vaccine (again because of my job) and when I told people about this I was subject to their outbursts of envy. There is no fairness in this pandemic, everyone is effected or not in different ways and there really isn’t any levelling up, swings and roundabouts logic that we would like.
Some people say that Johnston’s lack of direction, frequent u turns and focus stem more from the love of ‘one too many’ rather than the after effects of Covid…
Candy – I’m not sure that you can say that as the UK has one of the highest COVID death rates in the world, over 100,000 dead so far. Calling that a ‘lucky escape’ is pretty offensive.
The UK is scrupulously honest about it’s statistics, unlike a number of other nations.
In any case – once we are all vaccinated, the deaths in the UK will stop. The EU, with it’s lack of vaccinations, plus an antivaxx population, will continue to see it’s deaths climb.
At the end of this year, yes, I believe the public will have judged Brexit to have been a lucky escape as deaths will have stoped unlike in the EU.
I find EU apologists to be horribly offensive. Why do you admire the serial cock-ups of the EU commission (in the eurozone crisis, the migrant crisis and now the vaccination crisis)?
Why do remainers so ardently want ever closer union with the dictatorship in Hungary, the religious govt in Poland with it’s LGBT-free zones, the govt in Malta that assasinated a journalist, the govt in France which has gone Vichy in it’s treatment of muslims. What sort of values do you have that this sort of thing is attractive to you?
The above repels Brexiteers and we’re glad we have left the EU.
@ candy
The government of france gone vichy in his treatment of moslims ?
Excuse me, but words have a neaning. The vichy government was during WOII and nazi occupation. It was a very brutal war government. Nothing compared with the government of macron. Even if i don t like the guy.
Muslims in france and in the EU are wel treated . There is freedom of belief in france. But they have to abide by the law, which in any democratie is guaranteed by the constitution of that country and is the same for everybody.
A moslim minority in france demands special moslim treatment which they will not get, screaming ” discrimination”
Furthermore, in france ( but also in britain and germany a.o ) murder, desacration of churches and terrorists attacks have been commited by only moslims against french and europeans and not the other way around.
As for Polen or hungary they chose their government and are free countries, even if you desagree with their politics
Candy, the EU might not have always made the best calls on everything but they have defended environmental standards and most people’s welfare including universal healthcare much better than the USA or China.
Furthermore giving as many vaccines with or without the second booster in the requisite time might not prove so smart. I did not think Astrozeneca produced and vaccines in Oxford but I am no expert? The EU target is to vaccinate all by September who wish is no different to the UK. The really scary thing in the UK is that the government locked down far too late. Hospitals are overwhelmed and they are not using private hospitals to help. Why? Nor can they ask French hospitals to help after the rhetoric of Johnson government
So thousands of people will lose their lives due to lack of medical care. Surely this obliterates any achievement of brexit
The vaccine problems in the EU have been caused by the suppliers, Pfizer BioNtech and AstraZeneca, that both made promises they can’t keep. Reducing supply by as much as 60%. Both are busy upscaling production such that present orders cannot be met. Governments all over the EU are furious that vaccines they had ordered which should have been delivered now and in February cannot be delivered until April at the earliest and are therefore having to revise their vaccination strategies on the basis of what they have already received. As has been mentioned, some such as in the country where I live, are focusing on care workers, others have chosen to focus on vulnerable groups in society. It doesn’t mean they have ‘failed’, only that they have been overtaken by reality and the physical limitations of upscaling production, storage and distribution plus the fact that to secure orders ahead of other market players, these operators were overoptimistic in their estimate of how long it would take. It happens in many other fields too. How many of us have been promised the earth by keen sales persons only to discover that they can’t deliver on the agreed delivery date! I am willing to bet that the UK decision to postpone the second jab necessary has also been prompted by the same supply problems. But Boris being Boris, he conveniently omits to mention that in his briefings to the British people.
Well the latest figures for the UK vaccination are as follows:
First dose: 6,353,321 people
Second dose: 469,660 people
So we’re not just ahead of the EU member states on the first dose, but on the second dose as well.
We’re on schedule to vaccinate 70% of citizens by the end of August with both doses.
The EU isn’t.
As for the Oxford vaccine, the UK govt vetoed a tie up with Merck because they wouldn’t give written guarantees on supply. So the tie-up was with Astrazeneca with written guarantees in return for the UK govt spending £240 milllion to retool their UK factories for vaccine production.
While Astrazeneca has reduced it’s supply to the EU (from the Netherlands and Italian plants), the supply to the UK from the UK factories is continuing as per their guarantees at 2 million doses per week.
Lots of fans of the EU are busy handwaving the UK vaccination program. But vaccination is the only thing that will get us out of the pandemic this year. At the rate the EU is vaccinating, it will be lucky to get out of the pandemic in 2022.
If the UK, USA, China, India and other countries have exited the pandemic in 2021, but the EU is still locked down due to their vaccination debacle, there will be problems for them in the bond markets. Because who will continue to lend if there is no chance of their economies growing to pay it back?
Britain dodged a bullet by Brexiting and making it’s own decisions.
I completely disagree with your subjective assessment which is clearly written from a pro “leave” therefore political point of view instead of being objective.
Candy – a global pandemic affects everybody, globally. We will not be free from the effects of this pandemic until it subsides everywhere, and we will then have to live with it circulating at low levels for some time. The vaccines do not prevent people catching the virus for several weeks at least, nor do they seem to prevent people spreading the virus. They mitigate the effects of any infection, and mostly prevent deaths from it. Hopefully, this will reduce or eliminate Long Covid, which is having terrible effects on some (mostly younger) people – and as yet we know very little about the whys and hows of this horrible condition.
We need global strategies, ideally. The UK is, geographically, part of mainland Europe, and very close indeed in the South East. Maybe you’ve seen the French coast from Kent yourself, or had your phone switch itself to “France” when walking on that coast? Recovering from this pandemic is not a competition, either here in Europe, or elsewhere on the planet we all share.
“But Boris being Boris, he conveniently omits to mention that in his briefings to the British people”.
Or maybe just thinking out of the box?
I must admit to being somewhat perplexed at why Gemini appears to be reviled and slated on this forum by so many. My mother was a Gemini, my father had a Gemini moon. “Slippery liar” and similar terms that have been used (on the forum) sometimes is not a description I’d have given to either of them, (and no I do have a Sagittarius moon). They were both superb strategists though and very successful in their areas of work and excellent leaders.
All signs have a negative and a positive side. It just so happens we’ve had a run of politicians – never a breed known for rigorous honesty – who are Gemini – and Trump and Boris are very markedly at the extreme end of the Geminian disregard for the actualite. Partly because I write Sun sign astrology I think in terms of Sun on the Ascendant which for Gemini puts Pisces on the midheaven. And Neptune does have a range of attributes, not all of them positive.
Thank you for your explanation Marjorie, I appreciate it. I’ve always understood that the ASC based on the exact time of birth was really important in terms of analysing a chart/character/personality. I didn’t realise both were used. Thank you for your time.
I think most people in the U.K. think of him as Boris the Buffoon.
I assume if Scotland votes for independence they have to negotiate a divorce agreement with the rest of the UK to decide how to split assets, sort out border controls, visas, trade deals etc, etc. I wonder how appealing that is after 4+ years of Brexit!
That should be for Scottish electorate to decide. Now they have seen how difficult UK’s divorce from 40-year relationship has been – in terms of negotiations and disruption to trade. So, centuries old relationship split, discussions are going to be more difficult. They have also seen how it is not great to vote for a split based on their dislike for the government, as this has long term consequence. Scots will be going into the vote with a better idea of challenges to break the relationship than what the pro-Brexit did. If they still decide it is worth it, then the wish should be respected and a formal, amicable split should happen.
I feel a little strange how and why some Scottish Nationalists don’t want to be part of UK, but want to be part of EU. Whatever discussion for and against Brexit, can be applied to Scotland going independent. The current Scottish Nationalist government cries “centrialisation of power in Westminster” when Westminster takes over areas of control returned from Brussels by Brexit, ie, they are okay to cede power to Brussels(where Scotland will represent 1% of EU population) but not to Westminster (where Scotland will represent 10% of UK population).
Please outline for me how much power Scotland had in the Brexit negotiations and yet we are now at the consequence of it – I want no part of what the UK has become – small minded and suspicious. Now consider how much power a wee country like Ireland had in the negotiations and you may not find it so difficult to understand why we’d want to leave and join the EU – it is kind of obvious.
Don’t intend to create an argument here. And I support that Scotland should have a referendum again to decide on the choice.
My point was most arguments for/against Brexit will suit the arguments for/against Scotland separating from the UK.
Look at a much wider level on the influence small countries have in the EU, and you will understand what I mean. I am not expecting you to agree, but just saying.
The expectation on the level of influence Scotland will have in EU is the equivalent of the Brexiter’s argument that UK can punch above its weight even without the EU.
Like most things (including Brexit), independent Scotland will have its won merits and pitfalls. It is weighing up those with your head, and then combining with the wishes of your heart is important.
There are two separate points here. One should Scotland become independent from the rUK and free to make its owns laws etc with no influence from Westminster and the 2nd point should Scotland then become part of the EU one will not happen without the other. Joining the EU will be up to the people who
live in Scotland and be part of a national debate unlike the charade that was Brexit. if Scotland decided not to join the EU fully but in a different form I still want it to be an independent country and thank god a majority of the country seem to want that too. We first have to get away from rUK and that’s what matters now.
If you think Brexit is worth it, try reading Andrew Rawnsley in today’s Observer It will make you weep
@ Mary Jones, some people are still too deep in indocrination to even consider reading anything from “that Remoaner rag”, but thank you for pointing this to rest of us! Having myself done some EU triangulation “back in the day”, Andrew Rawnsley makes excellent points on “minor skirmishes” of trade. For instance, the revenue and jobs brought to Britain by online shopping is not indifferent. While large retailers have long since established at least a hub in an EU country – Belgium and The Netherlands being most popular – smaller businesses will simply not be competitive anymore with private EU customers having to pay customs and VAT when shopping from them. Not to talk about wholesale.
As stated the UK may be able to isolate itself successfully or not through travel bans but we need the EU for our food and power so a beggar my neighbour attitude to the EU seems rather petty and short sighted. It is also an enormous invasion of civil liberty marching people off to hotels for two weeks held in secure situations where they are more likely to catch covid from other people.. They could simply ask them to ring in with their phone on GPS every day until a second test and put in a 10 k fine if you break it.
Is no one else frightened where this is leading to? Marjorie are we heading to a dictatorship in Brexit Britain ? First they imprison asylum seekers and I said nothing then travellers and I said nothing etc.. Some travellers will be on business, coming for sick relatives etc.. Why are we allowing ourselves to slip into a totalitarian state? This would have been unthinkable 12 months ago. The government seem to be using this as a distraction from their terrible handling of the pandemic not locking down fast enough or sorting the issue of self isolation for sick people here or resourcing hospitals properly plus refusing to commander private medical facilities. This is frightening.
The US had four years of Trump. Now the UK must endure Johnson until 2024. By then, even if the pandemic is over, the economic damage it will have wrought in addition to Brexit will take many years to repair. He will go down in history as one of the worst PMs. It seems astrology cannot explain the simultaneous catastrophes in both leading English-speaking countries, except perhaps through Pluto in Capricorn.
It is the Gemini North Node. Not only do Trump and Boris come under this influence but Corbyn did too. Are there more politicians out there with strong Gemini charts…?
Very interesting- thank you Marjorie! There has been much conjecture that BJ will be heading off into the wild blue yonder later this year, is this a possibility?
Jupiter and Saturn are approaching the Ascendant of Boris’s Term 2 chart.
I’d say that signifies the vaccination drive – Saturn (responsibility) combined with Jupiter (success).
The vaccination effort is the opposite of incompetence, especially compared with the utter shambles of the continent. It’s not just the successful logistics of delivering the vaccine, but ensuring the Oxford one is made in the UK, financed by the govt and thus has no disruption to supplies. Vaccine deliveries to the EU are in jeopardy by contrast.
If the UK is re-opened by Dec 2021 and the EU is not, I think the public will judge Brexit to have been worth it (the price of some friction in trade in exchange for not being under the dead hand of EU decision making). There will be economic benefits in re-opening too.
But Candy we were part of the decision making process. I always thought that we had three choices, rule maker, remain or rule taker Norway style deal or chaos hard Brexit
Being able to vaccinate your population at speed is not “chaos”!! It is sanity, it is the only thing that will end the pandemic.
If the EU was a pure free trading area, then it made sense to stay. But it morphed into something else – a political project where genuinely batshit decisions taken by the Commission that hurt countries.
The latest example is this vaccine procurement debacle.
By the end of this year the world outside the EU will be vaccinated and re-opened, while the EU is locked down, with businesses are going bust, debt is climbing and countries might go bust too. All because the EU is incompetent.
In 2007, the EU had an economy slightly bigger than the US and three times the size of China’s. By 2019, the US economy was 50% bigger than the EU and China was also bigger than the EU too. Why? Because of really stupid decisons made by the EU Commission that plunged the continent into permanent poverty.
If they’re locked down while the rest of the world has re-opened, they’ll have an economy smaller than India. They won’t be in a position to issue rules to anyone – the more they shrink, the more unimportant their market becomes.
But Brexit Britain will have escaped the deadly choking hand of the EU and we’ll be still growing. We have had a lucky escape.
@Candy, you do realize “the EU” is made of people, just as “the UK”, or any country? Decision made don’t “hurt” countries, they hurt people. And again, I would like to remind me of the fact EU countries have had full autonomy in deciding how to mitigate Covid-19 within their boarders, or even arrivals. Many countries, including the one I live in, aren’t in lockdown right now, but may have closed their boarders on “non-essential” travel. Many have also opted to ordering vaccines outside the EU scheme. Many smaller countries, however, are grateful of this opportunity to participate, because a 400 million dose order is obviously treated in a different way than a 2 million one.
@Solia, As much as I appreciate your comment on smaller countries having an opportunity to participate, can’t it be done in a less bureaucracy? For example, India is providing vaccines for Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Dominica, Afghanistan and a few more. Some of these are on commercial basis and some are donations. All these countries have an issue of order size(and some, weak finances) just as the smaller EU countries have. But, they don’t have a union. Without the EU involvement, it might have been easier for some of these countries to join hands with France, Germany, Italy, Spain etc to order the vaccine and have them delivered. Less bureaucracy, speedy decision making. Not saying, we don’t need EU, but in this case I think EU’s involvement did make the process longer.
Of course, EU did not bind the countries (in the case of vaccine order) to follow it, but most countries, including Germany, opted to procure together. Only when problems with EU procurement was visible, countries started to order outside the EU scheme. Towards the end of last year, if you remember there was news on German health minister opted to order in EU scheme to show solidarity.
Hungary has gone on its own and has procured Russian vaccines. A huge victory for the anti-EU government’s image, at least in the short term.
When UK opted out of the EU scheme, there was widespread condemnation of the British government going on its own. I was not happy either, and felt the UK government should have put aside political considerations, and joined EU for vaccine procurement. But, the people who criticized then, fail to agree that being outside the EU procurement scheme (not saying Brexit here) did help UK to have a better start with vaccinations than those countries who opted to be in the EU scheme.
Disclaimer : I am not a great fan of EU, I admit. Actually, I am on the fence on Brexit. Love the free trade, but not a great fan of the Euro, political union and one size fits all approach.
@Sounh, responding here, since continuing below isn’t allowed.
I’m not a specialist in medicine procurement, but have work for a medical supplies company (I had a lot to say about medical mask and the PPE shortage that’s now been solved). My understanding is that the main hurdle to medicine roll out in the EU has been the approval process. An EU wide sales permit requires much more through documentation and guarantees of production standard than a sales permit in most developed countries, especially since the Pandemix fiasco. Obviously, single member states can still approve a medicine or a vaccine for internal use using less rigorous process, but it could backfire.
As for Russian, Chinese and Indian vaccines, they will be vital in getting the pandemic at bay in Global scale. However, the manufacturers of these vaccines probably have harder time meeting the EU, and for that matter, FDA safety standards, since they have not been granted sales permit in the EU or the US.
Astrologically speaking it looks as though the EU pulls out of the economic crisis before the UK… Anyone agree?
@Cassandra, You are right based on predictions about EU in this site.
Based on the predictions here, and of another astrologer I closely follow elsewhere, EU will be totally different in a few years time when it emerges out of the crisis. UK will be politically changed too(Scotland becomes independent, and Wales & NI are devolved further) and will take a little longer than EU to pull itself out.
@ Candy, so, essentially, you’re hoping that “The EU” will be sick and dying long enough for The UK being able to take the markets and Boris and his lot rise victorious? I do realize that right now, if you were an ardent Brexiter, you might need to grasp any straw, but there are few facts I’d like to set straight:
1) There isn’t an unified vaccination program for The EU, as there haven’t been unified response to Covid-19 crisis in general, so you can’t say all of the continent is “utter shambles”.
For starters, all major current EU States have managed Covid-19 mitigation better than The UK in the last couple of months. You still have over twice as many new cases per 100 000 inhabitants in the last 14 days than France, and four times more than Italy and Germany. And about 12 times as many as in Finland, where we’ve “lucked” our way to be compared to East Asian, rather than European, countries in mitigation.
Also, countries have different vaccination strategies, with some aiming vaccinating health care workers first, and starting mass vaccinations only later. There are many countries in East Asia and Oceania that haven’t started vaccinations at all, because they’ve been able to keep the society going by mitigation, and know that reaching a heard immunity will take time. An example: Israel, which has now given first dose of Pfizer vaccine to 30 per cent of population, is still seeing record high level of new cases on daily bases, because one dose doesn’t have an expected success date. This does not bode well for British strategy of posticipate the second dose to inflate “first shot” numbers.
2) AstraZeneca, pharmaseutical company that developed “Oxford Vaccine”, is a publicly traded, British-Swedish company. So, even if the vaccine is “Made in Oxford”, and the development was subsidied by British Government it’s foolish to think their delivery issues are going to hit only EU. Any entity that has placed a significant order for the vaccine has definitely stipulated a contract determining a penalty for missed delivery date. If AstraZeneca’s production line falls back, the first thing their in house lawyers are asked to do is to calculate which “breaches” will cause. The UK Government has pre ordered 100 million doses of the vaccine, EU 400 million. The logic conclusion of this is that, since AstraZeneca will risk losing much more money by “missing” EU orders than The UK orders, they will prioritize The EU orders.
Italian PM Giuseppe Conte went public yesterday saying that AstraZeneca will face consequences if they will not deliver. What ever one things of him as a politician, he used to be a Law Professor specialized in contractual law before going to politics, and has written a text book on matter. Boris Johnson studied Classics in Oxford (still think Conte, who apparently was a stellar student early on at his lyceum, could correct his Classic Greek, not to mention Latin…) and edited a satirical magazine. I’d say there’s no contest on who can get together a better legal team here.
3) In order to British businesses to gain any commercial edge by December 2021, they have to make it that far. And many won’t if they can’t generate significant cash flow in a month or two. They have running costs. Covering running costs without cash flow means either having to loan or touching capital. Many people will lose their businesses, infinitely many more will lose their jobs.
I grew up in a country that was at a brink of an IMF takeover due to bilateral trade with The USSR coming to a sudden halt – we got cheap crude oil in exchange of consumer goods – in the early 1990’s and some horrible monetary policy decisions. I get horrible flashbacks watching news reports with fish refinery owner telling he hasn’t sold anything in 2-3 months. He is probably just a week or two from laying off his staff, a couple of months from bank taking over the business. Some more, his house that was a collateral. Many will end up committing a suicide.
Also, I do not wish any of this to happen to British people. But too many of you have obviously been buying criminally reckless propaganda on how you “take matters to your own hands”, when you should have at least had questions on execution.
@Solaia , Great post!!!
Unfortunately, ardent fans of Brexit and ardent fans of EU, both support their side blindly, and wish the other side fails terribly.
So nicely said Sounh! bravo…
@Solaia… Amen and great posts. Of course you realize that unfortunately trying to explain anything to Brexit supporters is like talking to Trump supporters, they just don’t want to hear the facts and live in an alternative reality. I’ve given up on that one because sooner or later time will tell “it is what it is” as per Marjorie’s outlook whether they spin it and/or like or not.
@Anita, I am sure you will agree that pro-EU camp has similar fanatics who will hear no reason if EU is being criticised.
@Sounh, actually, if there are some, I’ve never met one. I’ve found people most enthusiastic about the EU have usually either worked for or with the EU, and will themselves criticize the EU all the time. It’s just that the criticism they have is aimed to truly fix things, rather than just drop them without an alternative. I think it’s a larger pattern. The US is in the state it is, because minority of voters chose to believe, little over 4 years ago, that DJT would “drain the swamp”, in other words bust perceived bureaucracy in Washington. What they discovered was that DJT really didn’t have a plan, and was prone to fire anyone who might have had one (Mattis and Tillerson got booted early on).
Personally, I’ve always thought British people were free to leave. However, I think the decisions should have been made based on careful consideration, not some easily debunkable lies. During the process, it has also been painful to watch the reality of what Brexit means slowly hitting people, May being ousted for trying to find a realistic solution, Johnson Government spinning what they knew was inevitably coming to easy political victories and now completely ignoring their responsibilities.
“Israel, which has now given first dose of Pfizer vaccine to 30 per cent of population, is still seeing record high level of new cases on daily bases, because one dose doesn’t have an expected success date. This does not bode well for British strategy of posticipate the second dose to inflate “first shot” numbers.”
For your information, many other countries are considering a similar strategy. Based on Israeli stats, the strategy may change (including in the UK)
Well said. Many people in this country (UK) have no idea of, or interest in, world politics. Having lived in Germany for many years it is impossible to notice the difference in the main News reports. The news reports in Germany at least include all countries. There is a distinct deficit of even European news in the UK, although anyone interested can of course inform themselves if they want to. Newspapers here, mostly owned by multi-national billionaires, focus on sensationalism and running people down. It is presumably what sells. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction impact and the moves into Aquarius indicate that it is time for people to take individual responsibility and not just complain about governmental difficulties. I was pleased that Boris won the election because it was astrologically obvious at the time that we were heading into a massive global economic crisis. Brexit came at the worst possible time.
I see you’ve dug out that photo again, Marjorie 😀
With the EU trade deal chart’s Neptune in Pisces squaring the nodal axis, perhaps it was inevitable that our fishing industry would fare badly.
“He has similarities to Trump in terms of the almost psychotic levels of chaos he clearly thrives in, wrecking what lies around him.”
This, and throw in Bolsonaro whose handling of COVID-19 has been an unmitigated disaster and who is facing charges for deliberately destroying the Amazon rainforest and indigenous culture.
Interesting Marjorie, thank you. I wonder if the term chart – Sun square Neptune – also shows the lies that the whole election victory was based on? Sadly with even more Neptune to come, it looks like these lies many not be challenged with anywhere near the intensity required.
Your analysis is brilliant, but please please don’t call him ‘Boris’ – after all, this is not some buffoon personality, this is someone who holds the most responsible public office in the UK and he should be called by his surname like all other politicians. Besides, the name ‘Johnson’ suits him much better I think…
His main Christian name is not Boris. He chose to be known by this name.
Just to round off the above, his correct name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.