Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s bombastic right-wing president, is eight percentage points behind in the polls for the October 2 election to Luiz Lula da Silva and swearing he’ll go if he loses despite having previously indicated he wouldn’t admit defeat. Whatever he says, there are fears of a constitutional crisis since he’s likely to react badly if he doesn’t win. If neither candidate receives more than 50 per cent of the vote, a run-off will be held on October 30.
His chart hints at dire setbacks with a bad-tempered response. His unpleasant Mars in Taurus opposition Saturn square Venus opposition Pluto is being rattled every which way this year and early next by tr Saturn which is exactly conjunct the Venus through this month – a hint of his unloved status. Worse tr Uranus is hammering away at his Mars/Saturn midpoint now till mid October which is catastrophic and moving on to a ‘shocking’ conjunction to his Mars in November – with more in 2023. Plus an undermining tr Neptune opposition his Saturn/Uranus midpoint over the second run off, if it gets to that which is not cheerful.
His opponent Lula, jailed in 2018 for corruption and in prison for eighteen months before the charges were annulled, was born 27 October 1945 and has his Scorpio Sun close to the October Solar Eclipse which does indicate a significant turning point for him. His Solar Arc Mars is approaching a conjunction to his Jupiter which will bring a surge of confidence though it is followed almost immediately by a dampening Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Jupiter so if he gets in there will be a short honeymoon before problems arise. His Solar Arc Jupiter is conjunct his South Node which could indicate over confidence and he’ll get lucky breaks in December. His chart isn’t showing unalloyed success but is certainly in better shape than Bolsonara’s.
The Brazil 7 September 1822 4.08 pm Piranga chart is hinting at a change of direction with tr Uranus conjunct the IC and moving into the 4th (start time being accurate) late this year and into 2023. There’s no real indication of a major outbreak of public unrest.
Late here, but it was very painful to see him at the Queens funeral. I dont now how Charles could stand it given the utter destruction this man is waging on the Amazon, the lungs of the planet. And as for the decimation of the remaining tribes, it beggars belief that the International community hasnt taken a bigger stand.
Excellent insight but I want to add 2 observations:
1 – Lula’s chart is wrong. He was born on 27/10/1945 at 5.05am in Garanhuns, Pernambuco so he’s a Scorpio with Scorpio rising and Moon in the midheaven.
2 – Many serious astrologers consider the alternative time of 16.58 for the Brazilian chart that gives a Pisces rising. It makes sense Brazil is well known for Carnival (in february), beaches, drugs, an incredibly diverse spirituality, music and dance, and football (Pisces rule the feet) – all very Piscean themes. It’s just a thought that could be interesting for research. Brazil doesn’t really ressonate as an Aquarian country. Wishing you well.
This is somewhat encouraging. I’m actually rooting for Lula. Too date, Jair Bolsonaro is currently the most dangerous and destructive leader here in the Americas / Western Hemisphere.
Bolsonaro has been an enemy of the Amazonian rainforest, the Atlantic forest, Indigenous Brazilians, and any kind of social progress whatsoever. Bolsonaro is also a hardcore ally of Vladimir Putin, supports the brutal invasion of Ukraine, and m proudly supports BRICS. He needs to go – as soon as possible.
The Caribbean and Latin America have been moving politically leftward lately. Recent elections in Honduras, Chile, and Colombia are a testament to my observation.
I think Jair Bolsonaro sees the writing on the wall – his days are numbered.
If Lula doesn’t win on October 02, then he’ll surely win the runoff on October 30.
Thank you so much, Marjorie. I love Brazil and the Amazon, traveled there several times and even learned the language. It grieves me greatly to see the destructive forces this puny right-wing scum Bolsonaro unleashed on such an extraordinary country. He’s as bad as Trump and deserves to go down hard.
Hi Marjorie, I just want to point out that the Brazil chart should be placed in Sao Paulo and not Piranga, as the historical event happened by the Ipiranga River. Love your always up to date insightful information!