Excitement amongst sky watchers as Betelgeuse, one of the brightest and best-known stars in the constellation of Orion, nearly disappeared a day ago – for seven seconds – eclipsed by an asteroid. Betelgeuse, famous for its bright red tint and unpredictable behaviour, sits at 28°45′ Gemini has an orb of 2°40′.
In astrological lore it gives preferment and wealth with the native being obstinate, combative, rash, energetic, and changeable. It has of Mars-Mercury classification. ‘How that serves the person in question depends on how he uses his strength. Nothing happens by halves with this great star. It can end in final ruin with the ever present danger of losses of one fell-swoop.’
This is a good conjunction for popularity. However, there is the danger of domestic or family problems. These natives must exercise caution not to create their own sorrows.
Notable Sun Betelgeuse individuals are Boris Johnson and Paul McCartney, Errol Flynn, Salman Rushdie and Prince William.
Helpful info on other planets conjunct Betelgeuse from https://astrologyking.com/betelgeuse-star/
It should be said that Procyon, the fixed star, at 25 Cancer also has a reputation for falls from high grace but it doesn’t always work that way since I have known people with it who ambled along without tripping up.
ADD ON FROM VF. ‘Quite a few leaders who have risen and then fallen have their Sun on this star – Colonel Gadaffi, Radovan Karadzic, Aung Sun Suu Kiy and Ayman al-Zawahir (the Egyptian leader of Al-Qaida slain by the US to name but a few. Wallis Simpson too, so she and William, Prince of Wales, perhaps aptly share a synastry! King James I of England is a Sun/Betelgeuse royal too.’
Also Rudi Guiliani who has his Saturn Midheaven conjunct Betelgeuse – and has certainly crashed from his glory days post 9/11 to a bankrupt tarnished idol.
That 28th degree of Gemini is where the Saturn/Uranus conjunction of 2031-32 occurs. Given this interpretation about Betelgeuse, we can likely expect to see a lot of leaders rise (and fall) during that timeframe.
Thank you for the intriguing information about Betelgeuse!
well now… another area of astrology that I could learn more about!!
Read the article you linked us too, Marjorie… thank-you!
now having fun looking at friends and clients chart… one close friend (who is no longer – sigh), has Saturn conjunct B.
and lo and behold, Canada has the moon at 28 degrees, 50’!
Japan has the Moon conj B also… out by 13’, the article says.
what does THAT mean, I wonder?
Thank you, Marjorie. Quite a few leaders who have risen and then fallen have their Sun on this star – Colonel Gadaffi, Radovan Karadzic, Aung Sun Suu Kiy and Ayman al-Zawahir (the Egyptian leader of Al-Qaida slain by the US to name but a few. Wallis Simpson too, so she and William, Prince of Wales, perhaps aptly share a synastry! King James I of England is a Sun/Betelgeuse royal too.
I might start to believe in the meaningfulness of fixed stars… So far I was a bit skeptical.
Thank you VF. I wonder about a modulating effect, as I have also seen incredible resilience. Looking at the art world, there are two super resilient Cancerians with Mercury/Venus with Betelgeuse – Tracey Emin and Chuck Close. Maybe it’s simply the personal willingness to adapt and change to survive
Is it just about conjunctions, or is this effect in play if it is in a square in the chart?
Tends to be conjunctions and oppositions only
Thanks Tara
That means my Ceres at 27 Sag is affected. So living it out with no clue is a thing. How to handle it if anything is another thing. Interesting stuff for sure.
Isn’t Regulus also a star that gives the same – high office and achievement, but also the danger of falling off that perch?
A lot of interpretations are very old indeed, often based on medieval astrologers like Ptolemy interpretations of even older Arabic and Greek texts. Of course, we live in a very different world now and even the way we view these stars and what we know about them has changed. Quite literally with Betelguese as it’s luminosity is so different during different time periods. For example, in 1836 it started to outshine Rigel and continued to do so as Queen Victoria came to the throne, so perhaps the brightness says something about longevity unlike the revolving door of leaders that we have endured in the UK during it’s dimmer period. The old interpretations of course lack these observations.
For Beletguese itself ironically that interpretation somewhat true – it’s a massive, giant star, but very young and already nearing the end of it’s life. For context, our Sun is approximately 4,600 million years old, but Betelgeuse is approximately 8 to 8.5 million years old. However, when it comes to a supernova, “very soon” in astronomy terms is any time in the next 100,000 years
Betelgeuse was at 26 Gemini when Queen Victoria was born, right on the cusp of her second house, remaining there in 1837 when she became Queen. It opposed her Uranus/Neptune, and squared her Chiron/Saturn in Pisces. So probably quite an important fixed star in her natal chart. Thinking about it flagging up domestic and family problems – Victoria’s extended mourning period for her beloved husband, Albert, caused all manner of problems and unpopularity during her reign and was discussed extensively in Parliament at the time. Her two close friendships with servants John Brown and Abdul Karim (the Munshi) also troubled the government of the day. And she also had many concerns about her jovial, hedonistic son, ‘Bertie’, Edward V11.
Bernadette Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars is a helpful modern book, and I find useful things in Elsbeth Ebertin’s much older little book too. Also, Constellations of Words website can be helpful.
This star is near my natal Jupiter at 27 Gemini and IC at 26 Gemini. I’d surely like to see some wealthy wealth in my life!
Curiously, this more or less coincided with Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda Bill vote in the House of Commons, which also coincided with Mercury approaching retrograde.
Even the King himself let slip that he found this Rwanda plan ‘monstrous’.
Basically it’s all a scam to con the gullible, a Kabuki Theater show, to fool the public that the Tories are ‘getting tough’, but in reality they know the courts will shoot it down, and then Sunak and Co. can hide behind the lie ‘well we did our best but lefty lawyers and activist judges stopped us’.