Bernard Cribbins, a much-loved, and very funny, character actor has died aged 93, after an astonishingly full and varied career on stage and screen, with awards for his work in children’s television on Jackanory, The Wombles and more recently CBeebies as well as The Railway Children. He did vaudeville, knockabout comedy with Peter Sellers, West End farce and even found success in the pop charts, with two Top 10 novelty songs.
He was born 29 December 1928 12.35am in Oldham, England into a poor family who suffered during the depression years so he left school at 13 and was pleased to be offered a job as assistant stage manager at the local theatre, which set him off on his 75 year career. He worked right through to his late eighties.
He was an earthy, practical and ambitious Sun Capricorn in the communicative 3rd house with an influential Pluto in his 10th. His Sun was in a mischievous square to Uranus and a confident, lucky, talented Earth Grand Trine to an amiable 7th house Jupiter trine Neptune. He had affectionate Venus in his 5th house of children and entertainment, though he didn’t have any of his own, and it was in an enthusiastic trine to Mars in chatty Gemini in his vocal 9th house. His Mars was opposition Saturn which would give him grit and discipline from a tough childhood.
A wonderful mix of soft and hard, hard-driving and creative, friendly and controlling.
Pic: Mattbuck
He’ll be sadly missed and like so many others he was a very positive light in my childhood too. The Railway Children is probably my favourite childhood movie – comfort food for the soul.
So glad this is positive. He was a big part of my childhood & seemed wonderful. I would have been crushed if it wasn’t.
Not at all surprised to see he has a Leo moon, he spoke with a quiet warmth and enthusiasm. Always appeared to be a bumbler which belies the chart you see with the Saturn-Mars opposition, Pluto in 10th and Cap Sun-Mercury.
A favourite of my childhood with the aforementioned Jackanory and Wombles. Plus a memorable season on David Tennant era Dr Who circa 2008. Sad to see him go 🙁