bell hooks, the groundbreaking feminist critic and poet has died after a prolific career as a writer on love, feminism, patriarchy, white supremacy, forgiveness and the power of art. In particular, she wrote about how a person’s race, gender and social class were interconnected. She adopted her maternal great-grandmother’s name as a pen name, but used lowercase letters to distinguish herself from her family member.
She was born on 25 September 1952 at 8.57 pm Hopkinsville, Kentucky, one of six children born to a janitor father and a housemaid mother. She started her education in a segregated school and only latterly in an integrated one, got a college doctorate with a dissertation on Toni Morrison and became a teaching academic. Her Ain’t I a Woman? Black Women and Feminism became a best seller in her thirties and she went on to write another 30 books.
She had her Sun and Mercury in Libra is the entertaining 5th house so she’d appreciate an audience; though with Saturn and Neptune also in her 5th she’d always have a serious purpose and be keen on creating a better society. She was not short of courage or confidence with her Mars Moon in a determined trine to Pluto and her Pluto square Jupiter. She also had a Yod focal point Uranus inconjunct Mars Moon sextile North Node Midheaven in Aquarius which marked her out as a trailblazer, unconventional and a catalyst for change. She would be wilful, at times with a rebellious urge to break rules and regulations and would have a divisive effect. Her Aquarius North Node would give her a humanitarian cause to dedicate her life to.
An extraordinary woman. Her leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic chart was exceptionally strong so she’ll be remembered.
Pic: Alex Lozupone
RIP Bell after a fairly arduous life.
Thank you for answering my request marjorie! Brilliant insight.
Where do you find these incredible people Marjorie! What a chart! I find the Jupiter in 12th a kind of inbuilt faith in life, which must have helped her survive a difficult childhood, with the Sun in the 4th conjunct south node, thus opposite the north node in the 10th house, but the Jupiter is squaring that lot and trine the MC and Chiron!
Her vocational indicator is Pluto….conjunct the south node…imagine! in the 4th – ugh… yet it sextiles the Venus/Neptune in Libra in the 5th, which gives great subtlety, as a mover and shaker. The 5th/7th emphasis shows natural social talents, whereas her home life….. = very heavy. However, she had 7 positive planets, and Mercury as her chart ruler…..she surely must have been known for her humour and convictions……she made a difference. Thanks for this.