The Beatles have crowned their generation-spanning influence with one last offering, a reworked demo made by John Lennon which never made it to a finished song before now. It is described as a McCartney production tour de force in which he and Ringo Starr pay homage to the late Lennon and Harrison with one “last Beatles song.”
What is striking looking at all four charts is how fixed they are, maybe not surprising for a quartet of enduring success.
John Lennon, 9 October 1940 6.30 pm Liverpool, was a relationship-oriented Sun Libra conjunct his Descendant; with an emotionally possessive Moon opposition Pluto and Chiron in his performing 5th and the heavyweight Taurus triple conjunction of the era of Saturn, Jupiter close together and Uranus. Uranus was also trine Neptune for creativity. He was born on a Jupiter Saturn conjunction, made his debut in a pop band on the next Jupiter Saturn conjunction and was shot on the following one in 1981.
Ringo Starr, 7 July 1940 12.05 am Liverpool, is a Cancer Sun on the cusp of his performing 5th house; with a megaton Mars Pluto Moon in Leo also in his 5th and Jupiter Saturn in Taurus with Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune.
Paul McCartney, 18 June 1942 2pm Liverpool, is a Sun Gemini conjunct Jupiter and square Neptune, with Mercury, Saturn and Uranus also in Gemini, a sign much favoured by pop stars. Like Ringo he has a fiendishly determined Mars Pluto conjunction in Leo with his Leo Moon in an amiable square to Venus in Taurus. A mix of easy going and incredibly stubborn.
George Harrison, 24 February 1943 11.42pm Liverpool, had a Sun Pisces in his entertaining 5th house on the focal point of a yod to Neptune sextile Pluto; with his Sun square Saturn Uranus; and his Mercury opposition Pluto in Leo square a Scorpio Moon. Plus an exuberant Mars opposition Jupiter. An individual not entirely comfortable in his own skin. He died of cancer in 2001.
As with all groups of musical brothers stuck together for long periods of time there would be disagreements and irritations, especially given the proliferation of obstinate fixed signs.
Ringo looks to have been closest to John Lennon and he has an intense, not easy bond with McCartney, superficially friendly with undercurrents of a power struggle.
Linda, George did go, got away with it for a few months and than the German authorities sent him home. He was 17 and saw things he should not see at such a tender age.
Ringo was close to George to. I think he is a peacemaker who was dealing with three very strong minded men. He himself was an ill child who spent months hospitalised which would have made him resilient and able to stand his ground when needed. They are a fascinating foursome.
I must admit I blubbed when I saw the video, which brought nostalgic smiles & sadness at the same time. How time has passed. It was so moving to hear John singing a ‘new’ song again. Thanks to Peter Jackson for all his work. It was also a nice touch to have Giles Martin, son of the late George, orchestrating the string arrangement just as his producer father had done on songs like Yesterday and Eleanor Rigby. It would be interesting to see how both the Martin’s charts fit with the Fab Four, and indeed that of Peter Jackson.
Well over the years when I was a kid I was given loads of books records newspaper clippings and old magazines. However when I came to Britain to live in the 70s, there was a limit as to what I could bring which was kind of heartbreaking as I had to leave most of my collection and all my books except for a limited amount behind. And I am afraid that my parents got rid of it all as they eventually moved into a flat in San Francisco and just didn’t have room for all my junk. And it wasn’t junk. But as they are both dead now, I can’t really do anything about it.
Anyway Paul McCartney is responsible for the continuing decreasing of his age. If he lives long enough he will be younger than me. I am 66 by the way. You would have to look for old magazines and books in second hand markets. Don’t look at anything that has been republished as they just go along with the lie. Only go for the originals. Anyone that was a fan in the 60s knows all this. You might find some real gems just hanging around in people’s lofts. Especially with regards to records, which I no longer have anything to play vinyl on.
and US tabloid magazines never lie I suppose. Yeah right.
A fan for life, I always enjoy revisiting the Beatles (thanks, Marjorie).
I think it’s fascinating how filmmaker Peter Jackson and technology played such a pivotal role in this Fab Four ‘reunion’. Technology developed for his documentary series about the Beatles, Get Back (2021), allowed Paul to complete “Now and Then”. Adding a grace note of sentiment and nostalgia for Paul (and us), transiting Venus is at Paul’s ASC-Neptune for the song’s release.
I was a great Beatles fan as a child and into my teens. So please don’t take it amiss if I point out that the years are all wrong.
JL 1937, PM 1938, GH 1940. I don’t really know when RS was born. But I do know that GH was the youngest. Why is this important? Well because when JL, PM, Pete Best and the other one went to learn their craft in Hamburg GH couldn’t go as he was too young. He did in 1958 when he turnedc18. As for RS he joined at a much later date, well after the Hamburg era.
Hi Linda That’s interesting news about George Harrison. I was wondering if you could give further information about your dates as dates I have read seem to agree with Marjorie’s?
I’m not sure if the post has been updated before I saw it, but I see: Ringo Starr, 7 July 1940, John Lennon, 9 October 1940, Paul McCartney, 18 June 1942, George Harrison, 24 February 1943. All these dates are correct.
Linda, dont know where you got your dates. A residency was arranged for them in Hamburg 1960, though george was underage at the time and was later deported when he was reported to the german authorities.
This new Beatle song made me cry involuntarily, and I never do that. Just bubbled up. I did not know about Lennon’s Jupiter/Saturn birth/band/death connection. Reminds me of Mark Twain coming in with Haley’s Comet and going out the same. I used to look at McCartney’s chart with that Mars/Pluto and think, hmmmm he may look like a pussycat but I don’t think he is one in real life.
“ry to see it my way,
Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong,
While you see your way,
There’s a chance that we may fall apart before too long.
We can work it out”.
*Typo* “Try”