Barry Manilow, a blast from the past who never went away, is back on Broadway with a passion project about a singing male sextet, the Harmonists formed in Germany and popular throughout Europe in the early to mid-1930s. Their run was ended by the Nazis because some of the singers were Jewish. The Washington Post describes it as ‘overly earnest’ and the Guardian ‘an over worked tizzy.’ He may be disappointed that his pet project is not being better received but he is still working at 80, in the 14th year of a Las Vegas residency with concert dates through December 2024.
Despite the contemptuous put downs by music critics, Manilow has had a sterling career over a half-century, with 50 plus albums, 15 number one singles and more than 85m records sold. Amongst his hits – “Could It Be Magic”, “Looks Like We Made It”, “Mandy”, “I Write the Songs”, “Can’t Smile Without You”, “Weekend in New England” and “Copacabana.”
He was born 17 June 1943 9am New York, with his parents divorcing when he was two and his stepfather later introducing him to music.
He has a stellium in Gemini – a sign much populated by popular singers – his Sun is conjunct Saturn and his Mercury conjunct Uranus. He has a Fire Grand Trine of an ever optimistic Sagittarius Moon in his performing 5th house trine a charming though secretive Venus Pluto in Leo on his Ascendant trine Mars in Aries. Despite his downbeat Saturn, a Fire Grand Trine will give him self-belief and confidence, the faith that he will succeed and attract attention. His Moon opposition Saturn is the driving rod of a Kite funnelling the inspirational Grand Trine energy, giving him endurance and a way of coping with inner loneliness. His Sun is square a musical Neptune. His 12th house Jupiter in Cancer sits relatively close to his Pluto Venus, sextile his Neptune and square his Midheaven emphasizing his schmaltzy qualities.
His chart is predominantly Air and Fire with only one Water and one Earth planet (Neptune) – idealistic, positive, not always realistic.
He does have tr Neptune square his Sun now and for a few weeks ahead as well as SA Neptune conjunct his Moon so he may be less than delirious about the reception his Broadway show is getting. But tr Jupiter is moving through his 10th until mid 2024 which will bring success and a boost for his image, maybe elsewhere.
I had my Ultimate Manilow CD playing in the car a few weeks back. There’s some good stuff on it.. And his 14 year residency in Las Vegas broke Elvis’ record.
His chart with Mercury-Uranus at beginning of Gemini and then Sun-Saturn later on reminds me of Sting who has two pairs of planets distinctly separate in Libra – one of them also a Sun-Saturn, the other Moon-Neptune. It’s not something I’ve seen in any other birth charts.
Love him