Barbara Windsor, the bubbly blonde star of nine Carry On films and latterly EastEnders, has died aged 83 of Alzheimer’s for which she campaigned in recent years.
She was born 6 August 1937 7.35pm (rectified) in the east end of London with a street-seller/barrow boy father and a dressmaker mother who pushed her towards an acting career after she returned from war-time evacuation. She first appeared on stage at 13, was educated at a dance and drama school and joined the Joan Littlewood Theatre Workshop after she left.
Her private life was every bit as dramatic though darker than her roles. Her first husband Ronnie Knight, was part of the London east end criminal aristocracy, a nightclub owner and a fugitive in Spain, eventually convicted for handling stolen money after a £6 million armed robbery. Before meeting him, she’d had affairs with both the notorious and violent, organised crime lord Kray twins. She went on to marry another twice, had five abortions and said she wasn’t maternal so never wanted children.
Her chart was anything but frothy and frivolous with a fairly brutal and super ambitious Mars in Scorpio in the 10th trine Pluto in the 7th trine Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries. With her Pluto in the 7th she would be attracted to controlling, intense and ruthless partners. But her Pluto opposed Jupiter on her Ascendant so she would exude enthusiasm and optimism. She also had a practical and grounded Earth Grand Trine of Jupiter trine Uranus trine an 8th house super-star Neptune.
Her entertaining, sparkly Leo New Moon in the 7th square Uranus added to the contradictions of her personality . She was a free spirit and dependent, rebellious and possessive, earthy and ethereal.
I think Gnarly Dude she was a softie in real life, but I do not doubt she imitated the East end women she knew in her youth.
I knew someone that worked at the Elstree studios where Eastenders was filmed and they said that Barbara, along with her two on screen sons who portrayed tough, thuggish characters, were actually by far the nicest ones to deal with.
She comes across well in Kenneth Williams’ diaries which were published after he died. She was kind and supportive to the sometimes tormented actor. In fact Williams asked her to marry him at one stage. I like to see Mercury/Neptune in her chart as I think this combination gives wit as well as acting ability. As for the Krays, I believe quite a few celebrities of that era were acquainted with the twins including Princess Margaret!
I have Mercury/Neptune in the 8th too, but can’t say that I’ve ever dated a set of underworld, gangster twins. My BML is opposite hers in Gemini too! I guess I’ve lived a sheltered life 🙂
Always thought it was interesting how she was one of those very sexy women who appealed to men, but was also liked by women. Bit like Dolly Parton or maybe Marilyn Monroe. Rather than being admired only by men for her sex appeal, and women disliking her.
I saw her once when she must have been in her twenties. She was tiny, very delicate and fragile looking. She struck me as almost ethereal. I can remember that quite clearly even after all these years.
Her life story would make an interesting film. Affairs with the Krays and married to another criminal, must have given her some kicks. With Mercury in Virgo and in the eighth house, she would have been aware of where the money was coming from. Jupiter on the Ascendent does give generosity, however, it can also give an anything goes attitude as well. Five abortions is also very telling, why didn’t just have her tubes clipped?
I’ve never watched Eastenders but the clips I’ve seen suggest she was the domineering, battleaxe landlady of the Queen Vic who ruled with an iron fist. I suspect this was closer to her true personality than the bubbly young Carry On Camper would have you believe.
I like her chart though so much potential. Except that Saturn in Aries in 2H totally undoes it. You have to really work at your inner life to overcome the lack of self that brings.
Her chart is fascinating to see. She gave out so much energy, and was much loved. As landlady of the “Queen Vic” she was the typical old-fashioned Cockney woman, tough by necessity as well as innate personality. I think Dolly Parton was once in a film called “Steel Magnolias”, which sums up the phenomena of strength plus a love of life and frivolity too. Her Mars in Scorpio trine Pluto would give sex appeal, plus the relentless quality she evidenced in her career, and her fight with dementia. Quite a woman.