UK Royals – braving the blast of Pluto in Aquarius

The UK Royals are feeling the effects of Pluto moving into Aquarius more than most with a double whammy of Mars Pluto conjunct in Aquarius on February 14th and Venus Pluto conjunct on 17th. Plus repeating hits on various charts through this year and the next two.  

  Pluto stays at zero degrees till late February, then moves onto one degree till mid April and then into two degrees till late May. After which it repeats that sequence backwards to 29 Capricorn in September and from November moves ahead again into early Aquarius.

  On the personal charts, King Charles is obvious getting the full Pluto experience as it squares his zero degrees 10th house Moon facing him with career challenges as well as health, the Moon ruling the body.  Prince William also with his Jupiter at zero Scorpio conjunct his Midheaven at 2 degrees will be pushing confidently ahead in his new role for the next two years. The Duchess of Edinburgh has a zero degrees Aquarius Sun as she steps up her workload.

  Prince Harry has his Pluto at zero Scorpio. Tr Pluto in square to his natal Pluto is part of his midlife crisis, attempting to pull him away from the past (with difficulty) as part of his individuation transformation (which does not always work.) 

 Meghan Markle has tr Pluto conjunct her 1 degree South Node, which hints at pressure for a profound change,  letting go old patterns, habits, and unresolved issues from the past. The south node being seen as the comfort zone of what is familiar but getting stuck there is also the road to nowhere.

  On relationship charts: King Charles and Harry have a composite midheaven at zero Aquarius under considerable pressure to change (or a tug of war) last year and throughout 2024. With Meghan, KC is irritated and frustrated with tr Pluto trine the composite Mars Sun this year and next. His other two areas of stress look oddly enough to be Edward and Sophie –  confused this year and disruptive in 2025/26.  And Andrew’s children and ex-wife with discouraging influences.

  Of the others: the composite Suns in the Catherine/Meghan relationship chart and the Andrew/William – both at zero degrees Fixed signs catching the transiting Pluto hard aspect won’t be making for a rapprochement anytime soon.

  Camilla shares KC’s sense of strain with Edward/Sophie and Andrew’s family.

 Those themes repeat with other top Royals.

  The one who intrigues me – along with a few others – is Princess Anne. Her 3 degree Leo Midheaven and 2 degrees Mars in Scorpio are being pounded relentlessly, by Solar Arcs and transits from last year 2023 right though until 2026/27. She has tr Pluto square her Mars and crossing her IC opposition her Midheaven in 2025/26. She also has the even more pressured SA Sun Pluto crossing her Mars as well. Her husband Tim Laurence with his Mars at 2 Aquarius will also be feeling the strain.

  Part of the above will be the shifting dynamics of the new order with all the standard family jealousies and tensions multiplied, as hierarchical constraints are imposed. Plus the Andrew and Harry mayhem. Plus the King and Catherine under medical care which could be a real problem since the Princess of Wales is one of the key hopes for the future – and the present.     Quite a stormy transition.

Melania’s mother – born on an eclipse

Melania Trump paid a glowing tribute to her mother Amalija Knavs who has just died calling her “a ray of light in the darkest days.”

  Melania was born 26 April 1970 in Slovenia then part of Yugoslavia, an independent communist country, with her parents joining her at some point after she moved to the USA. Her mother, 9 July 1945, was a pattern maker and instilled in her daughter a love of fashion which led her to become a model. Her father Viktor Knavs, 24 March 1944, was a chauffeur and eventually became a car dealer. In the way of most eastern European families they seemed close-knit with her parents living first in New York beside Melania after her marriage to Donald Trump and then in Florida.

  Melania had tr Jupiter conjunct her Sun when her mother died which seems counter intuitive though could have several explanations.  I think it was astrologer Michael Harding who mentioned a client who experienced several losses with strong Jupiter transits and from memory the explanation was that the planet which was being ‘blessed’ by expansive Jupiter was conjunct one of their Saturn midpoints which was amplified as well. There is no birth time for Melania so no way of knowing whether a Saturn Moon/MC/Asc is involved. But her Taurus Sun opposition Jupiter in Scorpio is under pressure from tr Pluto square her Jupiter (and destructive Mars/Pluto midpoint) exactly now, and rolling on into 2026 when tr Pluto is square her Sun. It could also be that her mother’s death finally was a relief after what Trump described as a tough illness. Tr Saturn is also squaring Melania’s Mars opposition Neptune – and Mars Saturn often turns up in times of family loss.

  Her Mother was a stalwart and serious New Moon conjunct Saturn in Cancer, born on the day of a Solar Eclipse in Saros Series 1 North which has a significance in US history – Hiroshima, Martin Luther King’s “I have  Dream speech”, JFK’s assassination, and was around in August 1999 as well as 2017.

  Her Eclipsed New Moon Saturn sat on the midpoint of an upbeat, enthusiastic trine of Jupiter in Virgo trine Mars in Taurus. Her Venus in Gemini was trine Neptune, sextile Mercury Pluto in Leo – creative, sociable and utterly determined.

 Her Mars was conjunct Melania’s Mercury so it would be argumentative, but her Jupiter was also conjunct Melania’s Pluto, prompting her to upgrade her life. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Saturn conjunction and a Venus Mars square Pluto – which was disciplined, hard-working and passionate. Amalija’s relationship with Donald Trump was argumentative though also forgiving, veering towards the over hopeful.

 Viktor Knavs, 24 March 1944, was also probably born on a New Moon, in his case in Aries opposition Neptune and trine Pluto so there will be no doubting his ambition though I’d imagine his wife was the driving force. He has a lucky, talented Half Grand Sextile from that opposition tying in Uranus as well as Pluto. Plus a short-fused Mars Saturn in Gemini.

  His relationship with Melania is affectionate though also chained-together by circumstances, reflected in her chart with her upbeat Sun opposition Jupiter and conjunct an austere Saturn. He gets on well with Donald Trump.

  Barron Trump, 20 March 2006 5.30am New York, was evidently close to his grandparents and spoke Slovenian with them. He does have Jupiter in his 8th suggesting reassuring, supportive grandparents and a 9th house Sagittarius Moon which usually means living abroad for extended periods. His Sun MC line runs directly through eastern Europe so he may go there. For success in the USA he should head west towards Las Vegas, Phoenix – and avoid Florida since it puts Mars on his IC for a heated domestic existence. Though whether his possessive mother will let him wander far any time soon is questionable given his 10th house Pluto square his 29 degree Pisces Sun. Both his grandparents and Melania boost his self-esteem and lift his confidence. His father, on the other hand, is a scary prospect with Mars square Pluto plus Saturn and Uranus all tangled up in their relationship chart. Living beside Trump senior must be like trying to survive close to a cyclone.

Jill Biden – standing by her man

Jill Biden is standing by her man, rushing onstage when he zoned out at the end of a speech two weeks ago to ensure he left the platform in good order and throwing her wholehearted support behind his determination to stand again for the White House.

  More than anyone she will be aware of his cognitive failings as he heads for his 82 birthday. What stalled his brain recently was due to tr Pluto square his Sun/Neptune midpoint, running last year and earlier this month, returning September through to late November 2024. It can hit at any age but is not conducive to clear thinking. This year for him is a mix of supremely confident patches interspersed with extremely muddled patches especially mid April to late May.

   Jill Biden, 3 June 1951 8.50pm Hammonton, New Jersey, has a right-handed chart pointing to a cooperative personality requiring a partner to function well. She has a hard-working, communicative Sun, Mars, Moon in Gemini in her 6th suiting her for her career as an educator along with Saturn in her 9th house of the higher mind. She also has Pluto in her 8th house giving her a sense of a life filled with situations she cannot control. Also Neptune in her 10th granting her helpful, healing abilities and a lifetime’s experience of putting others’ needs first (stemming from her mother relationship).  

  She has Uranus in her 7th house of close relationships hinting at an unconventional match which squares onto Jupiter opposition Neptune – taken together Uranus Neptune Jupiter she will be better than most at ignoring hard evidence and hanging on to cherished hopes.

  Her Sun, Mars, Moon fall in Joe’s 7th offering him energetic support though conjunct his Uranus Saturn it will at times be a scratchy mix. Her well-organised Saturn in his 10th will be helpful on the career front. Her 8th house Venus in Cancer conjunct his 8th house Jupiter will provide a deep, reassuring connection and will chime well with his Scorpio planets. But they are complete opposites – she with Gemini Air and he with Scorpio water.

  Her Solar Return for June 2024 looks successful with Jupiter conjunct the MC and Sun Venus in the 10th, with tr Jupiter in Gemini hovering over her Gemini Sun, Mars around that time. But there are also hints of concern about a partner with Saturn Neptune in the 7th. Her astrology looks a good deal better than Joe’s at the election which you can read either way. She could be pleased to be out of the limelight and, if not, will keep trucking on regardless of Joe’s muddle. She will have a disastrous mid April to late May this year and again on and off through 2025 with tr Pluto opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint at a time when Joe’s chart is also showing losses. The October 2024 Libra Solar Eclipse will conjunct her Midheaven exactly which usually accompanies a career crisis or sudden change of direction.

  Joe Biden like Trump has lost most of the Jupiterian bounty which made him a White House winner; and he has only one Jupiter midpoint giving him hope this year late February to early April, and again late May to mid July and again all of January 2025 across the Inauguration. That maybe might be enough to keep him afloat though his transits across the election are fairly dire.

  All systems-change Uranus pops up both in his transits with tr Uranus opposing his Scorpio Sun in August and his Venus in 2025. It is also headlined in his November 2023 Solar Return at the Midheaven and in his 2024 Solar Return in his 7th opposition his Sun.  

  On the scenario that he might win, since Trump does not look cheerful over the Inauguration, what next? An 82 year old president with deteriorating mental powers (as comes to us all and some more than others).

  He has tr Uranus continuing through his 6th house of health, joined in May  2025 for two years by his Progressed Moon. With tr Pluto moving into his 3rd house and square his Taurus Moon – all  of which might point up health/mental issues for someone of his age.   

   Jill’s relationship chart with Joe has an enthusiastic, lucky composite Sun square Jupiter; an argumentative Mercury opposition Mars; and a chained-together Saturn Pluto conjunction with Saturn sextile Jupiter and sextile Neptune. What is intriguing and may be coincidence their Mars at 26 Leo will be lit up by the tr Uranus Mars Algol square in July which looks to be a significant time in various quarters.

Katherine Birbalsingh – resisting religious splits ++

Katherine Birbalsingh, known as Britain’s strictest head teacher with an outstanding educational record in her school, is facing legal action over a ban on prayer rituals. She defended the policy, arguing that it was vital in order to “maintain a successful learning environment where children of all races and religion can thrive”.

  Previously, the court heard there had not appeared to be any great appetite for prayers at the school, where about half of the pupils are Muslim. Last year, however, a growing number of children began praying during their lunch break, increasing from a single child to 30 in a matter of days. The prayer sessions led to growing segregation between non-Muslim and Muslim pupils in the playground, and that a number of Muslim children were observed by teachers applying peer pressure to other Muslim children, encouraging them to be more observant. In one alleged incident described to the court, a child who had never previously worn a headscarf was pressured to wear one. A Muslim girl was said to have dropped out of the school choir after she was told by other Muslim children that it was haram (forbidden), while a number of other children were told they were “bad Muslims” for not praying and had begun to pray, according to written arguments before the court.

  Birbalsingh defended the “the culture and ethos” of the school where “children of all races and religions buy into something bigger than themselves: our country”.

  She was born 16 September 1973 in Auckland, New Zealand, with an academic father, grew up in Toronto, and was a Socialist Worker Party member (far left) at Oxford.

  She is Virgo at befits a perfectionist teacher, with a singular and complicated chart. She has a lucky, confident Jupiter in Aquarius square Venus opposition Mars Moon in Taurus. Her Jupiter is in a confident trine to Pluto and Mercury which in turn are in an unyielding, tough-minded square to Saturn. She also has two yods of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars (Moon) and Saturn sextile Mars inconjunct Neptune – a curious mix of idealism from Neptune and hard-driving determination from Mars with a dollop of argumentative zealotry from Mercury conjunct Pluto.  She is a divisive and controversial figure though she does get results in a school where most of the pupils have English as their second language.

  I would have to admit to a personal bias in this argument since I am allergic to almost all organised religion and especially dislike the bullying, coercive streak amongst certain Muslims to which the UK – and elsewhere – appear not to have found an adequate response.  

  Politicians’ inability to grapple with voters’ concerns about immigration, ranging from an overloading of the welfare system and housing provision, to fear of terrorism and criminality as well as an insidious or overt shift in the culture has the risk of opening the doors to far-right populist candidates.  In 2001 then Tory leader, William Hague spoke of Britain being at risk of becoming at some point unrecognisable, which evoked a horrified response tagging him with the Enoch Powell stamp.

  The Home Secretary recently criticised ‘do-gooders’ who stopped the deportation of violent criminals back to their home country. Detention Action is one charitable organisation concerned with the welfare of immigrants, whose activist member on a plane helped block the deportation of a Jamaican criminal, involved in a shoot-out on a Birmingham street, who has convictions for gun and drug-related crimes.

 Detention Action, 24 July 1997, is a Sun Leo opposition Neptune and Uranus – so idealistic and defiant – with the can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune taking centre ground.  There’s also a stubborn Mercury square Pluto and and a hard-edged, maybe victim-focused Mars opposition Saturn. Except in this case the victim was the perpetrator.

  Not sure the astrology adds much to this argument – continuing on from the previous post 3 December 2023 – Europe: clash of cultures. 

  But it is rapidly becoming the key election issue. Like the Post Office scandal it has been brewing for years without it breaking through into a MUST FIX issue.   

Add On: Follow on media thoughts on the court action Telegraph.

“There’s a vital principle at stake in the case: whether ‘rights’ culture is allowed to trump social cohesion.”

“Birbalsingh is asking everyone to give up something, not to insist on everything, so we can all get on. We all need to compromise.”

“On one hand is what the French call laïcité: an agreement to leave religion out of certain areas (like the classroom) so that people of all religions and none can rub along together.

Against this we have the grievance industry, preaching minority rights. Claiming that “freedom of religion” somehow compels schools to open prayer rooms, or drop whatever may offend a minority – like Macbeth or Sunday study or plates that touch eggs – even if they are within majority national culture.”

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus – change comes at a price

  Outer planet changeovers are not for the faint hearted. Alongside positive advances there is inevitably a showcasing of the worst side of the planet involved. As if the scales have to be balanced  – no good without the bad, no joy without sorrow, no peace without war.

 This is a rehash of previous posts.

  In the year or two before a Pluto transition into a new sign and several after, there has always been a ferment of unrest often armed conflict.

Pluto in Aquarius: The American Revolutionary War began in 1775 when Pluto was at 26 degrees Capricorn and ran on till 1783 with Pluto at 9 degrees Aquarius, during which years the French and Spanish joined in on the side of the US colonies against Great Britain. GB was also at war with the Dutch and fighting with Spain over Gibraltar.

 Around that time In 1774, the Ottoman Empire was defeated by Catherine the Great, making Crimea independent, which was then incorporated into the Russian Empire in 1783.

  To balance the scales James Watt invented the steam engine which was fundamental to the Industrial Revolution which followed.

  And not just Pluto’s entry into Aquarius. More often than not when Pluto ventures into a different sign, every fifteen to twenty years, the changeover has been marked by the start of violent clashes lasting several years. Pluto into Taurus in 1853, Crimean War. Pluto into Cancer in 1914, World War One. Pluto into Leo in 1938, Spanish Civil War and WW11 approaches. Pluto into Virgo in 1956 Russia invades Hungary. Pluto into Libra in 1982, UK versus Argentina over the Falklands. Pluto into Capricorn in 2008, Russia invades Georgia.

  Neptune moving into Aries as it does in 2025 has a track record from the previous time in the 19th Century for humanitarian advances. It produced the Geneva Convention, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, the Bahai faith, and the emancipation of the serfs in Russia. It also oversaw the US Civil War in 1861 with the abolition of slavery at its heart.

 On the downside in 1914 Neptune was in late Cancer preparing to move into into Leo for World War 1. In 1929 it moved into Virgo for the end of the Roaring Twenties and the start of the Great Depression. In 1942/42 Neptune into Libra during World War 11 was when the Holocaust and gas chambers got under way. In 1957 into Scorpio when H2N2 flu killed 1 million globally. In 1984 into Capricorn when the Ethiopian famine killed 1 million, triggering BandAid/Bob Geldof and a global charitable effort. In 1998 into Aquarius for the Kosovo War start, and the 2nd Congo War which killed 5.4 million, the bloodiest conflict since WW11. The Good Friday Agreement brought peace to Northern Ireland. In 2011 into Pisces for the Arab Spring, Bin Laden killed, Kim Jong Il dies.

  Uranus moving into Gemini in 2025 for seven years has an equally mixed (good and bad) track record of outcomes to the other outer planets. It coincided with the American Civil War during the 1860s; the American Revolution in 1775/76; and in 1942/43 came on the back of the Pearl Harbour attack which precipitated USA entry into World War 11.   

   Revolutions are a key outcome of the Uranian push for freedom at all costs. The 1968 Uranus into Libra brought the start of the Irish Troubles and the Stonewall riots for gay rights. The Eastern European uprisings of 1989 when the Berlin Wall was collapsed with Uranus just into Capricorn. That year apartheid in South Africa started to be dismantled.  The Arab Spring coincided with Uranus moving into Aries in 2011.  The destructive side of Uranus comes out with brutal suppressions as in Tiananmen Square in 1989 (in Capricorn); the Holocaust in 1942/43 (in Gemini); Nazism on the rise and the Night of the Long Knives purge in Germany in 1934 with Uranus moving into Taurus. And the Titanic sank as Uranus moved into Aquarius in 1912.

  But it also brought technical and scientific advances which altered the face of global culture – television, airplane development and space travel.  The internet moved from early computing in the 1955/6 Uranus into Leo, further advances in 1962, Microsoft being founded in 1974 with Uranus just into Scorpio, first computer virus on the next in 1981 when moving into Sagittarius, then 1989 into Capricorn the first commercial internet providers and the WWW.

 To be remembered – no planet works its magic or mischief in isolation from other planets.  In 1942 for example Uranus moved into Gemini, Neptune into Libra and Pluto was in early Leo. Each will have thrown its contribution into the cauldron to produce a blended effect.    What is marginally reassuring is there is not a Saturn Pluto hard aspect until 2028 or a tumultuous Uranus Pluto until the late 2040s which often cause the most havoc.

NATO & the Baltic – Uranus in Gemini unrest

Ominous warnings of possible Russian incursions into neighbouring Baltic countries in the aftermath of the Ukrainian invasion have been voiced in Germany and by the Estonian prime minster. The timescale they foresee is not imminent but it would involve NATO anywhere between three to five or eight years hence.

  Having had a quick skip through relevant charts it is clear that Uranus moving into Gemini will be the trigger for all manner of significant unrest with aggravations showing up in the Russia relationship charts with Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Not necessarily instantly but around 2027 and onwards.

 The NATO chart itself, 24 August 1949 11.42am Washington, DC, has a Virgo New Moon Saturn conjunction so will be rattled by tr Uranus squares from 2026 onwards. It will be facing major challenges by 2026 with a dead-halt SA Sun square Pluto.

    The two Russia charts, 1917 and 1991, both have Mars in an early Mutable sign – Virgo and Sagittarius. And the three Baltic States in their relationship with Russia are flagging up 2027 to 2029 as times of high alert.  

  The Russia 1917 chart is recording a significant setback later this year after an aggravated start to 2024. The 1991 chart is pointing to an explosive 2027 with SA Mars conjunct the Uranus – though there could also be a major natural disaster with a SA Neptune square the Pluto which often brings devastation.

  The NATO/Russia 1991 relationship chart shows a definite downturn in 2025/26 with high tension following. The NATO/Russia 1917 hints at a spike in tension from July this year onwards with the October Solar Eclipse marking a crisis point in both relationship charts.

  There really does seem no let up from the doom, gloom and catastrophizing.   Though mercifully there is not a hard Saturn Pluto aspect until 2028 – which is what usually accompanies a large-scale war. Not always and not definitive but a small consolation.

King Frederik – a step from playboy to monarch ++ Prince Henrik

King Frederik acceded to the Denmark throne yesterday at just after 2pm as his mother Queen Margrethe officially abdicated. This puts a downbeat Moon Saturn in Pisces in the 10th and if the time is right Sun and Pluto in the 8th. There is a friendly Jupiter in the 11th in an exuberant trine to Mars to offset the sombre overtones.

  King Frederik, 26 May 1968 11.50pm Copenhagen is a fairly scattered and chaotic New Moon and Mars as well as Mercury in Gemini with an 8th house Uranus Pluto in Virgo. He does have Saturn in Aries on the focal point of a yod, hinting that maturity will be needed if he isn’t to trip himself up. His Venus in indulgent Taurus is at 29 degrees conjunct his Gemini New Moon and opposition Neptune as well as in a frivolous square to Jupiter – so he will tend to be wayward in his affections.

  The new Queen Mary, 5 February 1972, no birth time, Hobart, Australia, is a steadier temperament with Sun Mercury in Aquarius and Saturn in Taurus. Her Saturn at 29 degrees is inconjunct Jupiter at 29 Sagittarius which may be sextile a Libra Moon, forming a yod so she will walk a singular and challenging road in life.

  Her Aquarius Sun fits well enough with his Gemini planets; and her lively Mars in Aries trine his Jupiter in Leo will produce fun moments. But her sensitive Venus in Pisces opposing his 8th house Uranus Pluto conjunction will be an emotionally unsettling connection; and his cold-hearted Saturn conjunct her Mars will be wearing on her patience.  Their relationship chart does have a needs-space composite Sun opposition Uranus suggesting two individuals who will tread independent paths. There is also a suppressive, irritable/resentful Mars Saturn square Moon. And a fated composite yod of Venus inconjunct Neptune sextile Pluto – a tie that binds both together for good or ill.

  Crown Prince Christian steps up as heir, 15 October 2005 1.57am Copenhagen. He has an expansive, confident, quick-witted and communicative 3rd house Sun Jupiter in Libra which is sextile Pluto and inconjunct Mars in Taurus in his 10th. Definitely a go-getter and ambitious, but will have difficulties modulating his anger and assertion. His Pisces Moon on the cusp of his 8th is square his Pluto hinting at a possessive mother. Saturn in the 12th = a not entirely practical or good role model for a father opposition Neptune square Mercury – he will be neurotic but may also have an interest in improving society. 7th house Uranus = wanting freedom in close relationships.

  His mother’s rigid Saturn in Taurus falls in his 10th so she’ll be a disciplinarian, keen to see he sticks to his responsibilities. Her Moon in Libra fits well with his Libra Sun though her Uranus opposition Mars will be a disruptive mix at times. Her Sun is conjunct his 6th house Neptune opposition Saturn so she will be irked by his vagueness and concerned about keeping him healthy.

  His relationship with his mother is fairly fraught with a composite Mars opposition Pluto perhaps because she is guiding him towards the strictures of his future role as monarch.

  He regards his father as a mixed blessing with Frederik’s Saturn opposing his Libra Sun and Jupiter; but Frederik’s Venus on his Midheaven and Jupiter on his Ascendant give him status to soften the downside.

ADD ON: Prince Henrik, 11 June 1934 10pm Bordeaux, France, Queen Margrethe’s consort never settled to what he regarded as his inferior status within the Danish monarchy since he wished to be king beside his wife. He was a winemaker and a poet. Like Frederik he had a New Moon as well as Mars in Gemini; with an emotionally intense 7th house Pluto.

  His relationship chart with Margrethe was affectionate with a composite Sun Venus sextile Pluto; and mainly contented at home with a 4th house Jupiter. Though she would find him wayward with his Uranus falling in her 10th.  

Taiwan – separatist wins on falling vote

 The victory in Taiwan’s presidential election of Lai Ching-te — a man Beijing has described as a dangerous separatist — is less of a provocation to future conflict than it might have been given that his party’s (DPP) share of the vote fell to 40% in a three way contest.

     Analysts say that Beijing’s response to his victory could translate into a more calibrated approach to Taiwan and make Chinese military action towards Taiwan less likely though  Beijing will still be unrelenting in its pressure on the country. 

  Lai Ching-te, 6 October 1959, whose father died in a mining accident when he was a baby had a redoubtable mother who worked to see him educated, in part in the USA.

  He is a Sun Mars in Libra; with a confident and charming Pluto Venus in Virgo square Jupiter (Moon) in Sagittarius and in an unyielding trine to Saturn.

  Despite the relatively low key Beijing reaction couched in the usual flamboyant though not blood-curdling terms, there are indications of a flare up across the middle of this year. Lai Ching-te’s relationship chart with the China 1912 country chart indicates implacable opposition and hostility on both sides with a composite Mars Pluto conjunction square Uranus – and the composite Sun will catch the tr Uranus opposition from June onwards setting them at odds. 

   His relationship chart with Xi Jinping is, if anything, even more fraught in essence with a composite power-struggling Mars Pluto conjunction square Saturn – and that is being put under intolerable pressure from June onwards with tr Uranus square the composite Mars and opposition the composite Saturn and rattling the composite Pluto the following year.

  Lai Ching-te’s personal chart flags up high risk and calamities at the same time – and those influences run on into 2025.

 The China 1912 chart has Mars at 24 Taurus opposition Venus at 25 Scorpio which will be activated from May this year onwards into April 2025.

 Finding a chart for Taiwan is tricky since its history is intertwined with China’s. But the China 1912 chart did show up the three Taiwan Strait conflicts in 1954/58 and 1996.

  The 1954 crisis occurred when Pluto was at 25 Leo which was square the Mars in Taurus and Venus in Scorpio on the China chart. By the second military action in 1958 Pluto had just moved into Virgo and Neptune just into Scorpio. In 1995 for the third Taiwan Strait crisis Pluto was with three degrees of exiting Scorpio.  So Pluto’s transitional years between signs do appear to heighten tensions within China. Not surprising given the high-stress, emphasized Pluto on the focal point of a yod in the China 1912 chart inconjunct Uranus sextile Venus.

  Xi Jinping’s initial presidency confirmation chart  has a Sun, North Node and Mercury in Scorpio between 23, 26, and 28 degrees so will be on alert over the next two years as tr Uranus opposes and de-stabilises its core planets.

[This year does not look like calming down globally I regret to say.]

See previous post China 29 December 2023 and other China posts in SEARCH.

Chiara Ferragni – a money-generating influencer

  A young, savvy social media influencer, Chiara Ferragni, who has built a global brand and a multimillion-dollar business on her image with 30 million Instagram followers, is on the hook for “aggravated fraud.” She gave her name to a Christmas cake that was misleadingly linked to fundraising for a children’s hospital and received £1 million for her trouble. The hospital received £50,000. A separate branded Easter egg sales campaign linked to another charity, from which she earned €1.3mn over two years, is also being looked at by Italian prosecutors.

  Ferragni has lost sponsors over the debacle including Coca Cola as well as followers.

 Born 7 May 1987 12.40am Cremona, Italy,  she is no shrinking violet with a determined 4th house Taurus Sun opposition an influential and controlling Pluto on her Midheaven. She also has an attention-seeking, self-assured, entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of an 8th house Leo Moon trine Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius trine Venus (Jupiter) in Aries, formed into a Kite by Saturn Uranus opposition Mars in Gemini in her hard-working 6th house. So her go-getting, communicative Mars is the driving planet.  Jupiter Venus is often a combination seen in fashion charts or amongst the exceptionally sociable or frivolous.

  She started as a model and moved into blogging and then brand promotion.

 There is nothing too dramatic showing up in her chart though tr Saturn through her first quadrant tends to be prone to slipping on banana skins career-wise for the ego-centric. She’ll be less successful for a few years ahead but may then reinvent herself.

  Maybe the insubstantial famous-for-being-famous brands may melt into thin air once Pluto in Capricorn moves into the past.