Todd Palin – a speed-freak Virgo

Todd Palin, husband of Sarah is in intensive care after extensive surgery for injuries sustained during a snowmobile crash. According to reports he has multiple broken and fractured ribs, a broken shoulder blade and clavicle, a collapsed lung and knee and leg injuries. Some years ago he was thrown 70 feet from his snowmobile, got a broken arm and still finished the race.

Born 6 September 1964, he has a chart fairly similar to that of Francois Delecour, the French rally driver, with a Virgo Sun Pluto Uranus and a Virgo Moon – both speed merchants on different terrains. Palin also has an excitable and enthusiastic Mars Venus in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus. So very Earthy and drawn to excitement.

Tr Saturn is squaring his Virgo planets this year which will be downbeat; with tr Neptune beginning several years in opposition to Uranus, Pluto, Sun – so not an easy time. Tr Uranus will also square his Mars from June this year till early 2018 which looks insecure, overly excitable and possibly chafing at the bit as the recovery to his injuries slow him down.

He’s a very different personality to his wife who is very Air, with Sun Mars Saturn and Moon Mercury all in Aquarius; and Venus Jupiter in Aries. He lives out the Earth and Water; and she lives out the Air and Fire.

Tom Hiddleston – intellectual Aquarius

Actor Tom Hiddleston is on a roll now with increasing profile after Loki, Thor, War Horse, Midnight in Paris, various theatre awards for Shakespeare performances and most recently the BBC’s The Night Manager.

Born 9 Feb 1981 to a Scottish father and English stage-manager mother, he attended Eton and took a Double First in Classics at Cambridge.

He’s a Sun Aquarius sextile Neptune, widely square Uranus and trine Pluto; with Jupiter Saturn in Libra trine Venus in Aquarius and an Aries Moon. So very Airy, a thinker and communicator with a fiery streak. He’s got no Earth planets which might make me wonder whether the rumours about him being the next Bond would work out. He’s certainly very good looking but lacks the ruthless physicality of Craig and Connery.

His Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct his Uranus round about now and that plus tr Uranus opposition his Pluto from mid this year does suggest his life will be undergoing radical changes.

Myanmar – the winding road to democracy

Myanmar has elected the first civilian president for decades – Htin Kyaw – as a stand-in for Aung Sang Suu Kyi, whom the previous military regime had manipulated legislation to bar her from the post.

Born 20 July 1946, he’s a serious Sun Saturn in Cancer square a fair-minded Jupiter in Libra; with a passionate Venus Mars in Virgo. Tr Uranus is just opposing his Jupiter to give him the opportunity to lead his country. Though none of it will be easy given its economic state and the fact that the generals still control a fair amount of power.

He’s got the tough-slog and frustrating tr Pluto trine Mars in 2016/17; with an irritable tr Saturn also square Mars this year; plus a devastating Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Neptune this year as well.  2017/18 will be ratchety and high-tension with tr Uranus square Sun Saturn. Luckily he’s also got a couple of confident  Jupiter Plutos in there to keep hi pushing ahead constructively.

His Election chart for 11.30am (I think) 15 March 2016, has an idealistic Neptune conjunct the MC with a Mutable Grand Cross of Neptune MC Mercury opposition Jupiter North Node square Saturn opposition Moon. In fact apart from the Cardianl Uranus square Pluto, it’s all Mutable signs – which suggests scattered, blown around by prevailing circumstances, good intentions but not enough grit.

The Burma 4 Jan 1948 4.20 am Rangoon chart does have tr Jupiter now moving through the 10th house bringing confidence to a country that has seen much misery over the decades. Though Saturn moving into thew low profile first quadrant for seven year ahead suggests it will be a slow rebuild.

Htin Kyaw will be popular since his Jupiter is conjunct the Myanmar Libra Moon and his enthusiastic, hard working Venus Mars straddle the MC. But the relationship chart does indicate disappointment from mid this year and increasing pressures over the next three years with tr Uranus opposing the composite Sun and then tr Pluto squaring it.

One problem may be the second vice-president, voted in by the military bloc, ex-general Myint Swe, whose brutal crackdown on Buddhist monks in 2007 earned him a USA blacklisting.  Born 24 May 1951, he’s a Sun Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries.  His relationship chart with Aung San Suu Kyi is starkly hostile with a composite Mars square Saturn Pluto. That chart is under chilly and undermining influences for the next two years, worsening in 2017/18.

President Htin Kyaw’s relationship chart with Myint Swe is a bad match of opposing beliefs with a composite Sun Uranus Mercury conjunction. There will be a blow out from late June onwards between them.

The road from dictatorship to democracy won’t be smooth despite the election result.

Anita Brookner – fulfilment through writing

Anita Brookner, the Booker-winning novelist of Hotel du Lac amongst many others has died. She wrote stories about women who lived lives of excruciating loneliness which clearly mirrored her own. Born 16 July 1928 in England into a family of Polish Jewish emigres, she describes growing up with parents ‘who should never had children’ and various unpleasant relatives. She escaped her family to live in Europe for many years, working as an art historian, causing them to cut her off.  Her novels came late in life in her fifties out of she said ‘idleness’ but underlying that was a fear of an unlived, drifting life.

She was a Sun Cancer conjunct Venus on one side and Pluto (Moon) on the other. With a Yod of Mars in Taurus sextile Pluto inconjunct Saturn which would be a truly difficult burden to carry. The Yod gives a sense of strain, of never fitting in; and those three planets are fearful, repressive, and highly frustrating.

Her Mercury in Cancer was sextile Jupiter in Taurus which would help; as would an adventurous Mars Jupiter conjunction.

Five Cancer planets would certainly give her a creative streak, though sadly also a yearning for a supportive family which she never had.  Her writer’s 211st Harmonic is very strong.

Luiz Lula and Brazil – high hopes hit the skids

Luiz Lula, one of the most popular presidents of all time in his term as President of Brazil from 2003 to 2011, now faces the possibility of months behind bars awaiting trial on corruption charges. He could be saved by his nominated successor, President Dilma Rousseff, who has overseen Brazils’ recent catastrophic economic downturn. But whatever the outcome, there’s likely to be widespread demonstrations, some even talk of a looming civil war. His supporters claim the charges are politically motivated by the wealthy elite who dislike his left wing policies and fear his possible return in 2018 at the next election.

Neither the Brazil 7 Sept 1822 4.30pm; or 15 Nov 1889 chart looks cheerful in the next few years. The 1822 has a 14 degree Virgo Sun which has the crisis-inducing Eclipses of 2015/16 bouncing off it.  Plus this year tr Saturn square and next year tr Neptune opposition; with a Solar Arc Sun conjunct Pluto in 2017 as well.  So high anxiety, paranoia, setbacks; with tr Saturn square tr Neptune hitting on the Gemini MC this year as well, sapping motivation and will power.

The 1889 chart has a disruptive tr Uranus opposition Uranus from mid this year, on and off for 12 months. 2017 looks worse with Solar Arc Uranus opposition Saturn and square Neptune; plus Solar Arc Sun opposition Mars  – that’s confusion, disappointment, high tension and anger.

Luiz Lula, 27 Oct 1945, had a tough, poor upbringing with an absent alcoholic father. He has a very stark chart with a Scorpio Sun square Pluto and square Moon Mars Saturn in late Cancer so pretty descriptive. What probably saved him from a downward spiral is Jupiter Venus Neptune in Libra trine his Uranus, sextile Pluto – so he’s got a positive-thinking, optimistic, adventurous streak.

He’s got one moment of cheer this year in June; but otherwise it all looks panicky, undermining and very risky ahead especially in 2017.  Mind you he did have cancer of the throat in 2011 from which he says he has recovered so there may be health issues.


Pat Conroy – exorcising his demons in fiction

Novelist Pat Conroy, who turned a traumatic childhood into a series of critically acclaimed books, has died. The Prince of Tides and The Great Santini were turned into films. His father was a Marine Corps fighter pilot, whose hobby, as Conroy said, was hitting his kids. ‘I grew up thinking my dad might kill me.”

He was born on 26 October 1945, the day before Luiz Lula (next post) who had a similar experience of his father.

Pat Conroy has the same Scorpio Sun square Pluto, Saturn Mars in Cancer – which certainly fits the military father (Mars Saturn) who is not in control of his temper, is cruel and controlling. Plus he had a more enthusiastic Jupiter Venus in Libra trine Uranus, sextile Pluto which would give him a hopeful streak.

His father, Donald, 4 April 1921 was an Aries Sun square Pluto, trine Neptune. With Uranus trine Pluto, sextile Mars Venus in Taurus. An accentuated Mars in Taurus, as here, can have a nasty and very physical streak.

Extraordinarily they had a partial reconciliation after The Great Santini was published and then filmed, a fictionalised account of his father, which his father decided was nothing to do with him. But he must subconsciously have got a wake-up call. Tr Pluto was then square his Aries Sun so the pressure for change would shift him over. Pat Conroy had several breakdowns after this, so it must have stirred up his childhood fears.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun opposition Pluto Venus square Uranus – so was always likely to go through huge upheavals; with Sun trine Jupiter giving just enough positivity to be able to heal the rift.

Though the family was a wreck with one several of the children having breakdowns and suicides; the mother insisted family secrets were kept hidden and was appalled when Pat published his books. Though she eventually divorced after 33 years and handed the judge one of his books and said it’s all in there.

Keith Emerson – a creative mix of dark and light

Keith Emerson, keyboard player and co-founder of the progressive rock group Emerson, Lake and Palmer has died, of perhaps self-inflicted gunshot injuries, having been suffering recently from ill health.

Born 2 Nov 1944 10.15pm Todmorden, England, he has another of those charts (see Conroy and Lula following) which are half eye-blinkingly difficult and the other half quite cheerful.  He had a 4th house Sun Mars in Scorpio square Pluto, trine a 12th house Saturn. And a lighter, livelier T Square of Venus in Sagittarius in the performing 5th opposition Moon Uranus in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo.

His father was ex-military and encouraged him as a child to pursue his musical interests which included classical piano. He was flamboyant and wild on stage but was described as highly creative and a ‘gentle soul’.  His chart is replete with quintiles and septiles, so strong creative 5th and 7th Harmonic charts.

He’d have a fair few demons inside which he clearly kept hidden with Sun Mars and Saturn being in hidden, Water houses.

Barack Obama – diplomatic reversal on David Cameron

Barack Obama is rowing back smartly from criticisms of David Cameron in which he said, in a nutshell, that DC had made a botch of Libya, created a sh** storm; and had to be persuaded not to be a free-rider on America’s military coat tails. It now appears DC is the closest partner Obama has had. Which can’t say much for the others since their relationship has been terrible from the get go.

Cameron’s Saturn opposes Obama’s Mars in Virgo with DC’s Uranus Pluto conjunct O’s Mars. As if that wasn’t aggravating and blocking enough, DC’s Mars in Leo is conjunct O’s Uranus North Node.  There is a whisper of good feeling from O’s Leo Sun crossing over with DC’s Leo Moon – but there again the Leonine energy isn’t always too good about sharing the spotlight.

Their relationship chart is excruciatingly bad with a power-struggling composite Sun Pluto Mercury conjunction which is also conjunct an explosive Mars Uranus. Were it not for Pluto keeping an iron grip they might well have come to blows before this.  Tr Saturn has been square the composite Uranus, Mars, Sun Pluto already this year and repeats right through till late October. Tr Neptune has been opposing the composite Uranus and moves to oppose Mars from now, on and off into 2017 – so if anything the chemistry between them is getting worse through Obama’s last months in the White House.

Madeleine McCann – the agony drags on

Another story about Madeleine McCann perhaps being found, this time in Paraguay, is being discounted.

She disappeared on 3 May 2007 in the evening in Faro, Portugal, on a Saturn opposition Neptune square Sun Mercury on one side and square a Scorpio Moon on the other. Saturn Neptune is muddled, confused, prone to conspiracy theories which is perhaps why the aftermath caused such a welter of conflicting theories. There was also an explosive Mars Uranus square Jupiter Pluto – so bold, audacious, ruthless.  There is some movement on that chart later in 2017 but whether it points to an outcome I wouldn’t be sure.

Both Gerry McCann and his wife Kate look disappointed and discouraged this year and next. He has tr Saturn opposition his Gemini Venus Sun Mars; with tr Neptune square Venus this year and Sun in 2017.  Kate has tr Saturn square her Pisces Sun this year and tr Neptune conjunct in 2017.

Both have tr Uranus trine their Jupiter in 2018 which could bring relief from tension.

South Africa’s lost child – found and lost again

South Africa’s Madeleine McCann story of a child abducted from hospital just after birth 19 years ago had had an unhappy ending.

Zephany Nurse born 28 April 1997 disappeared when she was only 3 days old and was only discovered last year when an older sister attending the same school saw a likeness and DNA tests were done. Her abductee mother is now facing charges but the girl appears not to want to leave her and return to her biological parents.

She’s a Sun Taurus like Madeleine McCann; with her Sun conjunct Venus and both trine Mars in Virgo; her Sun Mercury in Taurus is square Neptune Uranus. So charming, stubborn, assertive and highly strung. She also has Saturn in self-reliant Aries trine Pluto, sextile Uranus – so a tough life, making her independent.

When her real identity was discovered her chart was riddled and still is by Neptune Jupiter transits and Solar Arcs – happiness which turns out to be illusory. Her abductee mother appears to have turned her against her real parents.  The tr Uranus square tr Pluto may have been hitting on her Capricorn Moon as well.

Her Moon may be in an Earth Grand Trine to Mars and Venus Sun which will, if so, tend to make her reluctant to leave one rut and shift over to a home and family she never knew.