Donald Trump is approaching his 71st birthday this Wednesday pursuing his usual scorched-earth policy against critics and Comey in particular. Anyone accuses him of lying, he’ll double up and wham back in response, to the delight of his die-hard supporters, who soak up his every wild claim as gospel. [See March 17 201 post on Roy Cohn, his early McCarthyite mentor, who taught him his wrecking-ball tactics.]
His Solar Return for the year from June 13th onwards, set for Washington, DC, where he spends most time, has an expansive Jupiter on the Ascendant square Pluto in the 4th opposition MC – so he’ll be magnifying his might-makes-right, law-unto-himself tactics with dogmatic determination. His Jupiter is also in an Air Grand Trine to Moon trine Mercury – so ultra-communicative and not much hope the twitter tsunami will retreat any time soon.
He does have the SR Sun opposition Saturn, but since that is the driving rod of a Fire Grand Trine of Uranus in the 7th trine North Node trine Saturn, making the Sun the key planet, it may not work quite as discouragingly as some of his detractors hope. But he does look isolated in his everyday routines with Saturn in the 3rd, resentful and mutinous in relations at home with the family; and prone to splitting with close work and personal companions with Uranus in the 7th. The Sun, Mercury, Mars in the 9th does hint at legal issues as well as foreign relations. Neptune in the 6th – lacklustre energy and health.
Solar Returns aren’t always (irritatingly) as useful as they might be, but where he runs into catastrophic trouble is from birthday June 2019, with Saturn Pluto in the 10th opposition Mars Mercury in the 4th.
His Lunar Returns, again only giving a background which needs fleshed out from transits and progressions:
13 May to 9 June – very stuck, cornered, directionless.
9 Jun to 6 July – confident, combative, energy sags
6 July to 3 Aug – nasty month with Sun Mars in the 7th opposition Pluto. Muddles and mayhem, with the Fire Grand Trine in his hidden houses, so boxed in and stressed.
3 Aug to 30 – directionless, hostile relationships, energy strain.
30 Aug to 26 Sept – gritty, explosive, disruptive, but still going for the jugular in his approach.
November 20 for a month looks v logjammed with a Mars square Pluto; 17 Dec – trapped and lacking support; 13 Jan 2018 – attention-seeking but under-supportive helpers; 9 March -indecisive, drifting and blocked-in; 5 April – bad tempered, depressed, low energy; 3 May – complete road-block career-wise.